Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 11 The Essence of Magic

After talking with William and Elena on Christmas night, Bell didn't care about these things anymore. He believed that his parents would do better than himself.

Bell is dedicated to accompany Little Sister at home. As for William's request to take Bell to the banquet later, they were basically rejected by Bell. Only some important banquets that can't be avoided, Bell will take Shanna to attend.

Before I knew it, more than half a year had passed since the Christmas party. Although Bell is busy playing with Little Sister every day, in his free time playing, he will work hard to learn magic knowledge and practice spell casting.

And after so long of studying and thinking, Bell also has his own understanding of magic and curse.

Bell has seen a question in many magic books: ‘what is the nature of magic? ’

Many powerful wizards have thought deeply about this question, but no one has ever come up with a clear answer.

Bell felt very puzzling about this. Obviously it is such a simple question, why are they thinking so complicated? What else can the nature of magic be?

Suppose someone asks you: ‘what is the nature of human beings? ’

Then, of course, the answer cannot be a ‘repeating machine’, let alone a ‘true fragrance’.

To answer this question, you just need to hand the other person a mirror, and look at it for yourself. What? can not read? Then give up treatment. The mind is actually not a good thing, as long as you give up it, you can become very happy.

Therefore, the essence of magic is of course ‘magic’! Or you can put it in a more detailed way: it's a kind of power called ‘magic’...power!

The wizard is the human being who controls this power.

In Bell's view, the so-called wizard is different from the wizard in the general sense introduced in the novels and cartoons he has read in his previous life. The magic power is also different from the magic power, mental energy, elemental power, or arcane power used by magicians in the general sense.

If one insists on finding a power of similar nature from Bell’s memory, perhaps it can be said that magic is closer to...the original force?

When Bell uses magic, he doesn't need to build any spell model, nor does he need to communicate with external elements and other energies, and even he doesn't even need to consciously mobilize the magic power in his body.

All he needs to do is to define his own ideas, strengthen his own beliefs, and pass them on to the magic in his body. Then the magic will respond to his request and achieve it.

This is also the reason why many spells require the wizard to have corresponding strong emotions when they are cast.

For example, transfiguration, it can be said that transfiguration is the simplest and most complex magic that wizards have come into contact with first. In the first chapter of the Hogwarts first-year transfiguration textbook, "The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration", the content is about how to turn a match into a needle.

It is obviously unrealistic to want a group of 11-year-old wizards to analyze the structure of wood, sulfur, metal, etc. and deform it. So how exactly is the deformation achieved?

Bell didn't know, anyway it just changed.

Casting Transfiguration is actually very simple. As long as you have the concept of "needle" in your mind, and you recall this concept while casting Transfiguration, you can transform the match.

But there is no guarantee of success. And even if the deformation is successful, the speed of the deformation will be very slow. As for the final needle, its material cannot be guaranteed, and even the needles deformed twice may have different shapes and materials.

In order to increase the success rate of deformation and accelerate the speed of deformation, it is necessary to have a more detailed understanding of the concept of ‘needles’.

Just find a needle, touch it, lick it, take a look, and poke yourself twice.

As long as the piercing is deep enough, the success rate and speed of the deformation are guaranteed to be large Ascension. This is because the ideas received by the magic power have become more accurate.

Of course, the best method of Ascension Transfiguration is to use magic to analyze the structure and nature of the "needle", and to imprint the results of the analysis firmly in your mind. In that case, it is guaranteed that an exactly the same needle can be deformed in an instant.

However, this is not simple. At least at Bell's current level, even if it's just a small ‘needle’, he can’t do a complete analysis, and further rigorous training is needed.

In Bell's superficial understanding: ‘the study of transfiguration is the analysis of the world; and the study of the spell is a reference to the experience and lessons summarized by the predecessors. So if a wizard wants to become powerful, he must constantly use magic.

At the same time, Bell also discovered the reason why a wizard must use a magic wand to cast spells: ‘Magic power can only receive the wizard’s ideas in the wizard’s body.’

In order for magic power to achieve the wizard's wishes, it must undergo a change in form and nature. For example, if a wizard wants to summon a flame, then the magic power must be changed in nature according to the wizard's understanding of the concept of ‘flame’. And this process must be carried out in the wizard's body.

The wizard is not a fire dragon, and the consequences of flames appearing in the body are obviously not wonderful. So the wizard needs a magic wand to help cast spells.

The wand can be seen as an extension of the wizard's body. The wizard can transfer the transformation process that should have been carried out in the body to the magic wand, so that a lot of magic can be successfully cast.

In order to cast without a rod, at least one of the following two conditions must be met.

First, powerful magical control.

Even if the magic power is transformed in the body, it can rely on the precise control of the magic power to avoid harm to the body.

Second, a strong body.

The powerful here does not refer to the power, agility, etc., but the inclusiveness and adaptability of magic.

As the wizard continues to use magic, it will draw the magic power to flow continuously in the body. The flowing magic power will passively strengthen the wizard's body. When this strengthening accumulates to a certain level, even if the magic power is transformed in the body, it will no longer cause harm to the body.

Due to the experience of the past few years, Bell has more control over magic power than most wizards, so he only needs to continue training every day. So Bell focused on strengthening the body. Passive strengthening is too slow and too passive. He decided to actively promote magic to strengthen the body, and this will also be his next main research direction.

"Big Brother... Big Brother..."

Little Shanna's call interrupted Bell's thoughts.

The siblings are staying in Shanna's room. Bell was sitting on the floor reading a book, and Shanna leaned quietly on Bell, playing with the doll obediently. This has become a daily routine for the two of them, and everything seems so warm.

"What's wrong? Shanna?"

Bell rubbed Shanna's head fondly, not at all interrupting her thoughts.

"Little Bear's head turned off."

Shanna pouted her mouth and handed the teddy bear in her hand to own Big Brother.

Bell took the teddy bear. The teddy bear's head seemed to be twisted off accidentally.

Picking up his own wand, Bell used the technique of silent casting to cast a repair spell, put the head of the teddy bear back, and handed it back to Shanna.

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