Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 17 I'm so happy driving a car!

After a while, William's eyes finally recovered. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, half-covered his eyes with his hands, and looked carefully into the garden.

William saw his own son Bell standing in the garden with Is that a Muggle car? Why is it so bright?

"Bell? What are you doing?"

"Dad, are you going to the banquet?" Bell asked with a thief smile.

"Yes, tonight is a grand banquet! Bell, do you finally want to attend the banquet?"

William always wanted to bring Bell to the banquet. Not to mention that as the heir of the Menethil family, Bell should attend more banquets to broaden his contacts. Compared to other little wizards, Bell is undoubtedly very good. Although even William, as Bell's father, didn't know exactly what Bell's magic level reached, but William can be sure that it must be far superior to the children of other families.

So every time at a banquet, when the patriarchs of other families boast about how good his own children are, William feels like being scratched by a cat's claws. But he can't play Bell, otherwise the other party will say, ‘How come your son is so good, why didn’t you bring it out for us to see? ’, William can’t answer at all! Even if Bell didn't like attending banquets, he would only be used as an excuse for rejection. William had been upset for a long time.

William looked at Bell eagerly, hoping that he would nod his head very much.

However, Bell was destined to disappoint William and saw him pat the car next to him.

"Then father, you can drive it tonight."

"What!? You let me drive a Muggle car to the party!? Impossible!"

William decisively refused. If he drives a Muggle car to attend the banquet, it is estimated that he will replace Arthur Weasley in the future and become the wizard who appears the most in jokes. And the prestige of Menethil's family is about to be wiped out.

"How is it possible? This is not a Muggle car, this is a wizard’s speeding car. Don’t rush to refuse. You can take a closer look at this speeding car. Don’t you think it’s handsome? And you can take it first. Go in and fly two laps to experience it, it's still early anyway."

When William heard Bell say this, he finally took a serious look at this so-called ‘flying car’ for the first time. I don't know, but I was really surprised at first sight, this car is a bit handsome!

Of course this car is handsome. This is a special advertising vehicle that Bell took a month to produce.

The shape of the car adopts the design of the ‘Batmobile’, which is a handsome one. Moreover, the body is made of pure gold. After being deformed by Bell Transfiguration, it turns from golden yellow to dark gold, which is a proper low-key luxury with connotation. The car is also inlaid with gems of various colors. If it is driven out at night, it will flash colorfully under the light of the moonlight. It is like the Universe light ball in the bar. It is definitely the brightest one under the stars. Son.

In short, when Bell made this speed car, his philosophy was: not for the best, but for the most handsome!

Bell intends to let William drive the car a few more laps, and then orders will roll in.

What? You said it violated the "Witcher Secrecy Act"? It's simple, just unload the four wheels.

‘Have anyone seen a Muggle car fly without wheels? no. So this is a speed car, not a car. Any similarity is purely coincidental. ’

Under Bell's guidance, William took the driving seat of this speed car, and Bell took the co-pilot seat.

Looking at the luxurious interior of the car and feeling the comfortable seats under him, William became more and more interested.

"what should I do?"

"It's very simple, it's like driving a flying broomstick. And this car also has an automatic driving system. If you don't worry about it, you can let it experience autonomous driving first."

Bell briefly explained a few precautions. Speed ​​driving is much simpler than a car. Even people who have never driven can get started quickly.

Moreover, there is no danger of a car accident at all by the speeding car. When the driver's operation will cause danger, the autopilot system will automatically fine-tune the direction and speed of the speeding car.

Of course, if a meteorite hits the top of the head suddenly, there is no way. However, the defense system of the speed car will ensure the safety of passengers to the greatest extent. As long as the upper limit of the defense is not exceeded, the passengers will not be in danger of life.

The safety system of the speed car is also the main reason that Bell believes that the speed car can sell well.

Although the flying broom has many advantages such as concealment, flexibility, and convenient carrying, it also has disadvantages such as poor safety and easy damage. A wizard with a bad flying talent is prone to danger if he flies quickly on a flying broomstick.

So don't look at the maximum acceleration of the flying broom, the fastest traveling speed and everything are very powerful, in fact, those are basically decorations. Even the best Quidditch seeker can't maintain the highest speed for a long time. Not to mention that it is easy to kill oneself, but the oncoming wind pressure is not something that ordinary wizards can withstand.

In addition to safety, the flying broom has a fatal weakness, that is, it is so ugly!

If you put a flying broom with the speeding car that Bell is currently riding in, I believe that as long as you are not blind, you will definitely not choose a broken broom. Therefore, Bell decided to carry forward the speeding car, and maybe even a speeding race or something could be held in the future.

William carefully controlled the speeding car to fly in the air, and I could see that William, who was in contact with the speeding car for the first time, was a little nervous.

"Drive faster, Dad. This is a speed car, not a bicycle."

"But, Bell, I can't see what's around me."

Many novices have this kind of worry when driving, just wait for the familiarity.

"Don't worry, Dad, we are in the air and there is nothing around us."


"Oh~" Bell sighed looking at his father's nervous appearance. He lifted his leg and kicked the speed car.

"Hurry up!"

After receiving Bell's order, the speeding car suddenly accelerated, soaring directly from 10 kilometers per hour to 100 kilometers per hour.

"Oh no! Bell, come on, let it stop, it's too fast!"

William exclaimed, he felt his own heart about to jump out.

"Dad, you haven't never rode a flying broomstick, have you?"

Even Shanna often rides a flying broomstick to play. How do you feel that your dad is worse than the 6-year-old Shanna? Bell cast a contemptuous look.

"How can it be!"

William could not tolerate this slander. He had to keep his little dignity as a father.

"I think I was Slytherin's seeker back then! I am also known as the best seeker of Slytherin's history!"


Bell believed his evil Yo.

"Then why are you so nervous now? The current speed is about the same as that of a flying broomstick."


William, who calmed down, realized that it was true. He was a little embarrassed. He didn't know why he was so nervous before? It must be a hungry pan, yes, that's it!

Seeing his father calm down, Bell nodded in satisfaction and kicked the speeding car again.

"Continue to accelerate and increase to the fastest."

The speed of the flying car suddenly accelerated, leaving a sound burst in place, and quickly disappeared to the horizon.

"Do not--!!!"

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