Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 207 Goodbye, Hua Guo

"It is said that at that time, an extremely fierce battle broke out in Japan. A large number of Yin & Yang divisions and Shikigami who were envoys of Yin & Yang division died in battle.

The grievances that remained after their deaths, plus the grievances of a large number of ordinary people who died before, all gathered in the broken left arm of Master Wu Shijie, and merged with the remaining blood in it, and finally formed a number of aggregates. Lots of gems of Spirit Power and resentment.

Yin & Yang teachers call it the "killing stone".

The existence of the killing stone can not only induce the birth of a large number of evil spirits, but also has the ability to attract evil spirits to gather and strengthen the amount of evil spirit power.

The Yin & Yang masters tried many methods, but they couldn't destroy the killing stone. In the end, they had to choose to seal them all.

One of them was sealed in China at the request of Yin & Yang teachers.

Considering that the killing stone was formed by the blood of Master Wu Shijie, the senior leaders of the alliance finally agreed to the request of the Yin & Yang teachers.

Not long ago, a small road cautiously claimed that someone had unsealed a killing stone that was sealed overseas and brought it back to Japan.

Therefore, Japan is now very dangerous. No matter what you plan to do in Japan, I suggest you cancel it. "

After listening to Zhao Youde's explanation, Bell not only did not dispel the idea of ​​going to Japan, but even more eagerly wanted to go to Japan.

Whether it is the killing stone in Zhao Youde's mouth, or the Yin & Yang teacher and evil spirits of Japan, Bell is very interested.

As for the danger?

Bell felt that he still had the ability to protect himself.

Just kidding, he dared to even dare Dumbledore, would he still be afraid of a broken stone? No matter how strong the killing stone, can there be a magic stone?

Well, Bell doesn't know whether the killing stone or the magic stone is stronger. After all, according to what Zhao Youde said, the formation of the killing stone is indeed a bit evil, who knows if it has any weird ability.

However, no matter how strong the stone is, it is just a stone. The key is to see the person who uses the stone.

If the opponent is really too strong, he and his parents can't cope with it together, he still has the ultimate nirvana-‘lost you Shanna’!

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Bell intends to sell his sister for glory, he just can't bear it.

As long as Shanna ignores it and smashes the magic props in her small satchel with her eyes closed, not to mention sinking the whole of Japan, such a ‘small thing’ like razing Tokyo to the ground, Bell feels that there is still no problem.

Faced with Zhao Youde's persuasive eyes, Bell just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that Bell was completely unaware of the danger, and looking at the face of the personal terminal in his hand, Zhao Youde was ready to spit more and persuade the other party.

As a result, before Zhao Youde could speak, Bell's next words let him completely forget about the matter.

"Dage, there is one last thing I want to trouble you. I hope you can bring a message to your boss, saying that the British magic circle hopes to exchange study with the Chinese cultivator circle."

"What? Exchange study?"

Zhao Youde said that he seemed to have heard this word somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Yes, it is exchange study abroad. I am very yearning for the cultivation knowledge of the Chinese cultivators. This time I can only stay for just half a month, and I have not been able to successfully visit the Chinese academy before. This makes me feel Very sorry."

Yandu Academy, one of the four major academies in China, is located on the outskirts of Beijing. Originally, Bell wanted to visit. But according to Zhao Youde, outsiders are prohibited from entering the academy during the holidays. So Bell had no choice but to give up.

At the same time, Bell had the idea of ​​studying in China.

After discussing with my parents last night, the family agreed that something was going on! So today, Bell asked Zhao Youde to help bring a sentence.

After hearing the words behind Bell, Zhao Youde remembered what it was like to study abroad. This is what people without Spiritual Roots often say, "Stay abroad".

"But, for such a big thing, I can't do it!"

Zhao Youde said embarrassedly.

Bell rolled his eyes secretly.

Of course he knew that Zhao Youde could not be the master. Don't talk about Zhao Youde, even their family can't be the master in this matter.

However, the exchange study between Britain and China is a matter of mutual benefit.

On the side of the British Ministry of Magic, with his own father's control, the exchange of studying abroad is undoubtedly passable. Last night, my father had already made a promise.

On the Chinese side, from the usual conversations with Zhao Youde, Bell learned that most cultivators are very interested in foreign countries, especially Europe, the birthplace of the magic wand.

Coupled with the fact that the Chinese cultivator alliance has just reached a commercial cooperation with the Bell family, the two parties are barely able to be called in the "honeymoon period". So Bell speculated that the problem shouldn't be big.

"It's okay, you don't need to be the master."

Bell explained.

"Youde Dage, you only need to communicate this to your Minister Wang. Later, there will be staff from the British Ministry of Magic here to discuss specific exchange and study matters."

"Oh, that's good. Put it on me."

Zhao Youde was finally relieved to hear that he was not in charge. He has a few catties for himself, and he still has a number of ACs in his heart.

Zhao Youde quickly took out a notebook and wrote down the incident.

He just suddenly realized that this is the first close communication between cultivators and foreigners! If this is done, as a person who has played a huge role in it, he might be left in history!

You know, when he first went to school, he was extremely envious of those who could leave his own mark in history and were recorded in history books by later generations.

After talking about the business, the Bells and Zhao Youde chatted casually. At noon, after asking the other party to have a good meal, they watched the other party go back to report on work.

In the afternoon, William and Elena together, after bidding farewell to several cultivator alliance leaders that they had known in the past few days, the Bells even finished their preparations before leaving.


This will be Bell's last night in China.

Bell stood in front of the bedroom window again like the day he came, quietly looking at the city in the dark.

The city in front of me is still pitch black, there is no feasting, no people coming and going.

Take a sigh of relief again. After leaving this time, I don’t know when I will be able to return to China again.

Maybe next year, but more likely a few years later.

Bell suddenly felt stupid. Even with the memory of his previous life, he still can't change the fact that he is now a foreigner.

Even if he wants to bring his family to join the cultivator alliance, it is estimated that they will not be welcome.

So, instead of thinking about so many and nothing, it is better to spend more time and accompany your own family...

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