Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 210 The Japanese Conjurer World

Bell smiled and rubbed his Little Sister's little head.

"This is my Little Sister, Shanna. She is young and ignorant, and I hope Miss Jianshan don't mind."

By the way, because the words Sanna used just now are relatively simple, Isayama Yellow Springs understands what Sanna means.

"Where. Your Little Sister is cute. It reminds me of my Little Sister Kagura."

When it comes to own Little Sister Kagura, the eyes of Yellow Springs shine, and the spirit of the whole person is different.

"Oh~? Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a fellow in the same way. Fortunately to meet you!"

Bell cupped fist with both hands and said to Kanshan Yellow Springs.

Although Yellow Springs treats a British wizard to the other party, it is a little strange that they are like a Chinese cultivator. But she didn't know much about wizards, so she didn't care.

"I don't know the Little Sister of Isayama Miss..."


Elena interrupted Bell aloud. She has a very good understanding of her son. If she doesn't interrupt, don't talk about lunch, maybe she won't have dinner!

Faced with his mother's stern eyes, Bell had to temporarily dismiss the plan to communicate and learn with the other party. This is really a shame.


Led by Isayama Yellow Springs, a few people entered a restaurant that looked pretty good.

After brief introductions to each other, Bell once again inquired about the situation in the Japanese incantation world.

"Sister Yellow Springs, you should still be in school right now?"

Bell asked.

By the way, because Bell's family has 4 Menethil, Bell asked Yellow Springs to call his family by name. Therefore, correspondingly, Yellow Springs asked Bell to call her by name.

"Yes, I'm currently attending Katagiri Middle School, third grade."

"Katagiri Middle School?"

No matter how you listen, Bell doesn't think that this name will be a Yin & Yang teacher's school.

"Yes, Katagiri Middle School is just an ordinary middle school. The students in it are ordinary people except me."

Obviously seeing Bell's doubts, Yellow Springs explained with a smile.

However, after listening to Yellow Springs' explanation, Bell became even more puzzled.

"Sister Yellow Springs, haven't you entered the Yin & Yang teacher's school to study?"

"In Japan, there is no school specifically for Yin & Yang teachers to study.

However, I heard that in order to cope with the increasing number of evil spirits and the shortage of Yin & Yang teachers, some families are discussing that they want to establish a Yin & Yang school in Tokyo to improve the underage Yin & Yang school. Teacher Yang's education quality. "

"How did the Yin & Yang teachers treat the children who appeared among ordinary people and possessed curse power?"

Bell asked curiously.

"If it is a highly gifted child, it will generally be adopted by major families.

And if the talents are average, they are usually accepted as disciples by the wandering Yin & Yang masters. Wandering Yin & Yang teachers refers to those Yin & Yang teachers who have no family heritage.

Finally, children with poor talents will be gathered by government departments for unified training.

By the way, my biological parents are ordinary people. In an attack by evil spirits, both of them unfortunately passed away. Then my current father, Naruto Kanyama, adopted me. "

Yellow Springs quietly talked about his uneasy experience.

"Feel sorry."

Bell did not expect the other party to have such a tortuous situation. What's more unexpected is that the inheritance of Yin & Yang teachers is so lacking in standardization.

By the way, it should be the 20th century now, right? He didn't suddenly cross 500 years ago, did he?

"It's okay. That was when I was very young. To be honest, I can't remember what happened then.

Moreover, my current father is very good to me and has a cute Little Sister, so I am very happy in my life now. "

Yellow Springs showed a hearty smile. It seems that she has indeed let go of her tragic past.

"Although it is cruel to say that, many children born in ordinary families with curse power will encounter similar things. The evil spirits like to attack most of these children with curse power."

Bell, who felt that the topic was a bit heavy, stopped inquiring about the news.

Anyway, there is still plenty of time, and then there will be opportunities to learn what interests me.

After lunch, the Bells unanimously decided to take a day off today and begin market research tomorrow.

So now, the Bells are standing on the side of the road with a blank face.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Yellow Springs explained with a flushing face and bowing continuously.

"Because there is only one car in the countermeasures room, it needs to deal with the evil spirit incidents that may occur in various parts of Tokyo, so I can't get it out. I'm really sorry!"

"Uh, it's okay. And it's not your fault, Sister Yellow Springs, you don't have to apologize."

Bell comforted Yellow Springs while slandering this organization called the Countermeasure Room.

By the way, they are already poor and can't even afford a car?

And what age is it, who still drives a car?

Menethil speed car, you deserve it!

Learn about?

While Yellow Springs was looking left and right looking for a taxi, Bell secretly communicated with his father using sensationalism.

"Dad, when you applied for it, which agency did you contact with?"

"do not know."



Bell was speechless. Can you not know this? Don't you dare to be more unreliable? ?

William, who was so uncomfortable by his son, said a little bit of anger and anger, "What can I do? I also contacted the Japanese side through the Ministry of Magic. And a total of 3 contacts, each time the opposite person is a different person, who belongs to The organization seems to be different too?

In addition, I can't remember the names of their Japanese people! So in the end, I was confused by them. "

I really can’t come out, I don’t know how big the world is!

Originally, Bell looked down on the British Ministry of Magic, and felt that there were not a few serious people in it.

As a result, after visiting China and Japan, Bell found out, maybe the Ministry of Magic is quite tall?

"By the way, Dad, does the British Ministry of Magic provide employees with flying cars?"

Bell suddenly realized this very serious problem. It seems that he usually lacks understanding of the relevant information of the Ministry of Magic.

"That fellow Arthur, as the director of the Muggle Abuse Division, has to run around on two legs every day. What do you think?"

William rolled his eyes in disdain.

He remembered the last time Arthur Weasley ran to the shop in Diagon Alley to find him.

At that time, the other party didn't know where the apparition had just moved from. In short, he was sweating profusely, and his magic power was consumed severely.

Of course, the reason why he remembered that time was not because he was gloating at Arthur's hardship. He is not that kind of person!

It's because that damn red hair suspected that there are black magic items hidden in his shop, so he came to search his shop! ?

joke! Is he that kind of person? Does he still need to sell black magic items to make money! ?

He is not!

He hasn't sold black magic items long ago!

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