Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 217 Five Elements Escape Technique

After learning about the strength of the Isayama family, Bell began to have a ‘crooked’ mind.

He asked sideways about Jianshan's inheritance and the status of the Yin & Yang books in his collection, and made a request to buy some books.

However, after Yellow Springs politely stated that he needed to consult his father, there was nothing to follow.

It seems that this road is nowhere to go.

Although Bell was a little disappointed, he didn't take it too seriously.

Judging from the fact that there is no Yin & Yang teacher school in the Japanese incantation circle so far, it still stays on the family inheritance. It is not difficult to know that the xenophobia of the major Yin & Yang teacher families is still relatively serious.

In addition, while caring about his own purpose, as a good son who loves his father, Bell did not forget to inquire about the news for his father.

Regarding the overall situation of the spell world, Yellow Springs said she didn't know much.

Because of the raging evil spirits, Yin & Yang teachers generally rely on the region to keep warm.

However, the grouping mentioned here does not refer to all Yin & Yang teachers. Everyone puts aside the barriers and loves each other without disputes.

Yin & Yang teachers are also humans, and as long as they are humans, they cannot get rid of the existence of discrimination and prejudice at any time.

Therefore, while holding groups to deal with evil spirits, the major families also did not forget the value of squeezing the wandering Yin & Yang teachers.

And the wandering Yin & Yang teachers, while holding groups to deal with the oppression of the big families, they also often take on the tasks issued by the big families to make some extra money.

As for the overt and secret battles between the major families, and the struggle for power between the wandering Yin & Yang divisions, it can be made into a series of 200+ episodes.

Fortunately, because of age, Yellow Springs has not been exposed to these things too much.

Just listening to Yellow Springs introduce what she knew about the tip of the iceberg, Bell felt dizzy and wanted something to refresh her.

In short, the Yin & Yang masters are exhausted just by dealing with the evil spirits on their own one-third of the land.

Therefore, there is no concept of contention between Yin and Yang teachers.

If someone wants to take the burden of removing spirits in this place instead of themselves and others, then those Yin & Yang masters whose nerves tortured by evil spirits are about to weaken, don't say that they are against it, I'm afraid it is not all We must beat the gongs and drums to send the pennants to welcome the arrival of the other party.

After all, these years, good people with this kind of internationalism are really... extinct.

In summary, this is why a large group of people pop up when William conducts business negotiations.

After telling his father what he had heard, Bell got busy again-‘play with my Little Sister’.


Today, because my parents notified Bell in advance, they will not come back for dinner at night. Therefore, Bell decided to take Shanna to the restaurant.

Of course, eating out is just incidental. Bell's main purpose is to take his Little Sister to visit Tokyo Tower.

Bell also forgot where he heard it. It is said that standing on the Tokyo Tower at night and looking down, the scenery will be very beautiful. Don't know if it is true or not?

"Sanna, what do you think?"

Standing on the spire, Bell examined the night scene in front of him.

"So-so. Big Brother, what do you think?"


Bell was silent and did not respond. He had realized at this time that he had done a very stupid thing.

Unlike the self who used to be an ordinary person, now he is a wizard!

Although his current ability to escape is not good enough, Feitian is already a basic operation. So standing on a high place to look at night scenes or something, you can look at it in any posture you don’t want to look at.

"Well... the evening breeze is very comfortable?"

Bell finally barely thought of a place to be praised. The weather is approaching the end of July and it is still quite hot. Especially in Tokyo, Japan, where the climate is humid, it is even more uncomfortable.

Although there is a constant temperature badge, Bell and Shanna will not feel uncomfortable because of the high or low temperature, but the cool night breeze is still very comfortable on the body.

Yellow Springs tried hard to close the hair that was blown away by the wind, and glanced at Bell who was telling lies with his eyes open.

This damn Bell, can't he expand the filter wind enchantment that he doesn't know what the principle is, and wrap her in?

If I knew it, I spent more time learning the spells!

The current Yellow Springs is no longer the one she used to be. If it were placed in the past, she would definitely try to stop Bell and Shanna's neurological behavior of running to the spire to look at the scenery.

But now she has almost become accustomed to the inconsistency of the Bell brothers and sisters, and won't complain about them one by one.

It can be said that as long as the two brothers and sisters do not plan to detonate Mount Fuji, she can face it calmly.

"Let's go back?"

Belso suggested nonchalantly.


Shanna nodded.

Bell grabbed Little Sister's hand, and the two fell on top of Tokyo Tower. Then, a surprising scene happened.

On the thick outer wall of Tokyo Tower, waves of ripples suddenly appeared, and the two Bell brothers and sisters, as if they were standing on the surface of the water, slowly sank.

This is Bell's new "earth escape technique".

For the various spells of Chinese cultivators, Bell most admires it as ‘Five Elements Escape’.

In his opinion, these five escape techniques can be said to be a combination of attack, defense, and movement. Although it is difficult to cultivate, once you master the advanced Realm, you can completely achieve invulnerability.

And now, although Bell's earth escape technique can't make it through the earth wantonly, there is still no problem with trivial things like piercing a wall.

By the way, a problem that beginners of cultivation soil escape technique often encounter is that they are easy to get stuck in the wall.

Regarding this issue, Bell, who has the true story of "Invincible Through the Wall", has never worried about it.

"Hey! You take me a ride too!"

Seeing Bell and Shanna whose lower body had sunk into the tower, Yellow Springs greeted them anxiously.

Although she was able to summon the chaotic red lotus, and jumped off on the back of chaotic red lotus. In fact, she jumped up like that before.

However, as I said before, summoning a top spirit beast such as Red Lotus is very cursive. And Yellow Springs, who had been tossing behind the two Bell brothers and sisters for a whole day, now the curse power left in the body is not much, so if you can save it, you will save it!

"However, men and women are incompatible with each other. Now I have no way to lead people to escape without physical contact."

Bell said that if he could, he would also like to take the other party a ride. However, the ability is limited, and I hope to understand.

"Which man and woman can't give or accept, you little kid, how can you do so many things?

And don’t think I don’t know, it’s the tradition of China to give or receive marriage between men and women, not from Britain! "

After so many days of getting along, the relationship between the three people is much closer than it was at first. So when we communicate, we lose a lot of politeness and become more casual.

Bell likes to feel casual.

To be honest, in the first few days, when communicating with Yellow Springs, Bell felt awkward and awkward every time.

"The age doesn't tell you anything. Don't look at my age a few years younger than you, but I already have a girl..."

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