Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 221 Shanna Fights Evil Spirits

Listening to the roar echoing in the ears and the scream of the ‘train’, Yellow Springs inexplicably felt that this ‘train’ was a bit...pitiful?

Shaking her head and throwing away the strange thoughts that popped up in her mind, Yellow Springs had to admit that she had always looked down upon Bell. Didn't expect the other party to have the strength not inferior to her?

"Bell, evil spirits are very dangerous, you'd better destroy them immediately."

"An la, an la. I will pay attention. Then I will assume that you agree."

Bell waved his hand, without any intention to listen.

In fact, Yellow Springs would like to disagree. But now she is really at her limit, there is no way to take Bell, so she can only grit her teeth and recognize it.

"Big Brother! You sneaked away!"

With a ‘pop’, Shanna appeared beside Bell.

When Yellow Springs cut the knife just now, Shanna's heart was about to touch her throat. The little girl was very worried.

But don't get me wrong, Shanna is not worried about Yellow Springs Big sis. There is my own Big Brother, Yellow Springs Big sis is afraid that it will be hard to die, so what to worry about.

Shanna was worried about the poor little ‘train’. If it was hacked to death by Yellow Springs Big sis, wouldn't she have no fun?

As a result, when Shanna was so worried that she almost exclaimed, she suddenly discovered that her Big Brother was gone! ?

Seeing Big Brother rescued the poor little ‘train’, Shanna was relieved and a little unhappy.

How could Big Brother leave his cute Little Sister and sneak away by himself!

"Big Brother didn't sneak away. Big Brother knew that Shanna would catch up."

Bell rubbed the little head of his Little Sister. Shanna's hair is very good, and the silk is smooth, which makes people want to rub it.

"Hehe~! Of course it is!"

The little girl laughed embarrassedly by her Big Brother.

Yellow Springs, who was sitting on the ground leaning against the ruins wearily, watched silently the interaction between the Bell brothers and sisters.

By the way, can't they just look at the occasion? This is in the center of the battlefield! A large wave of low-level evil spirits is approaching, can't the two of them see it?


‘Sana, you are too good to deal with it! ’

Yellow Springs complained in his heart.

"Big Brother, let this little ‘train’ come out and let me play for a while!"

Shanna eagerly looked at the evil spirit under her feet.

"No, I have to take this ‘train’ back to study it, but it can’t be broken for you. Go and play with those evil spirits."

Bell rejected Shanna's proposal and pointed to the humanoid evil spirits surrounding him.

"Hey~! But those ugly guys are too weak, not fun at all!"

Shanna pouted dissatisfiedly.

The little girl couldn't raise any interest in those evil spirits that shivered at each step and looked like hemiplegia.

"If you can wipe out all the other evil spirits, I will give you this ‘train’ to play with."

"Really!? Big Brother, you can't speak without counting!"

Shanna felt that Big Brother looked down on her too much. You know, she is no longer the same... six months ago!

In the past six months, Shanna has not slackened a day. For these miscellaneous fish, she has 100% confidence and can be resolved with a wave of her hand.

"Of course, it doesn't count when Big Brother speaks."

After getting the affirmative answer from her Big Brother, Shanna cheered, stomped her feet and flew over the lower-level evil spirits, and then threw it down with an explosive spell.

"Bell, is this really good? It's too dangerous!"

Yellow Springs glanced worriedly at Shanna who was fighting the evil spirits. For Bell's decision, Yellow Springs found it very difficult to understand. How could he let Little Sister, who was just 11 years old, fight so many dangerous evil spirits! ?

"Don't worry, Shanna will be fine."

Just kidding, don’t say anything else, just rely on the butterfly hairpin that Bell gave to Shanna before. As long as Shanna activates it, then the little girl is standing still, and it won’t take long for these evil spirits to die. Two nets.

Not to mention the defensive accessories worn by Shanna.

Plus, isn't it because he is standing by and watching.

He is not Yellow Springs. No matter how fast Yellow Springs is, it cannot be faster than the flying speed of the spell. Once Shanna really encountered any danger under his care, he would be able to handle it.

In summary, Bell really doesn't worry about Shanna's safety at all.

However, he was a little worried, could Shanna's heart be able to bear it?

Fortunately, after the death of these evil spirits, they will all disintegrate into magic power, and will not leave blood and blood corpses. Relatively speaking, they will be more harmonious.

"Sanna, don't waste magic power!"

Seeing that his Little Sister actually threw an explosive curse in order to eliminate two low-level evil spirits, Bell said aloud.


Shanna agreed and stopped her unscrupulous squandering of magic. She was also a little too excited, and she was playing with it accidentally.

Shanna pointed her wand at the ground, and thorns protruded one by one, piercing the evil spirits.

"Sanna, learn to use the environment reasonably. The deformation of the concrete floor is more difficult, and it consumes more magic power. The priority should be ranked behind. You can use the burning flames around, which will greatly reduce Your magic drain."

In fact, as soon as the evil spirit appeared, Bell had the idea of ​​guiding Shanna to fight through the evil spirit.

Although my Little Sister is training with the magic stone statue every day, the training is only training after all, and there is still some difference from the real battle. This is why Bell has to spend a lot of money to build the ‘practice training room version 2.0’.

Sure enough, not long after the battle started, Bell discovered some minor problems with Shanna.

"But Big Brother, my magic power is still sufficient?"

Shanna was puzzled. She felt that with such a small amount of magic, there was no need to care about it at all. There is a lot of magic in her body.

"There is never too much magic power. And in battle, you may encounter an accident at The next moment. Therefore, you have to develop a good habit of saving magic power so that you can deal with all kinds of unexpected situations at any time. Of course, the The magic used cannot be saved."

Before Bell's words fell, a few large rocks burning with flames were thrown from the crowd of evil spirits, and they were smashed into pieces by Shanna's iron armor curse.

The sudden attack shocked Shanna.

Although this level of attack is not enough to harm her. But the little girl who thought she was safe in the air and would not be attacked was still frightened.

Shanna subconsciously responded with an explosion curse and blasted the evil spirits to pieces.

"Look, didn't the accident happen? Also, underestimating the enemy in battle, but it's a big taboo."

"Sorry, Big Brother, I know I was wrong."

"Well, if you know your mistakes can be corrected, you are a good girl."

Bell nodded in relief.

Sure enough, my own Little Sister is well-behaved and sensible!

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