Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 237 Five Good Young People Bell

Of course, Bell does not know that 100 million is the bottom line of Beicun.

But as simple as him, he really feels that it is very cheap to buy these precious ancient books for 100 million. So he himself was embarrassed to continue bargaining.

"Well, 100 million is 100 million. However, I need your memory as a gift."

Bell said.

"my memory!?"

Hearing Bell's request, Kitamura was shocked.

He retreated two steps quickly, tightly all over, and looked at Bell warily.

Could it be that he met those legendary Yin & Yang masters who are associated with evil spirits today?

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not malicious."

Seeing Beicun who was frightened by himself, Bell quickly explained.

"In fact, it is like this. I don't know ancient Japanese, so I hope you can sell me the related memories as gifts. Please rest assured, it won't cause any harm to you."

For these precious ancient books, Bell had to give up a little momentum.

Hearing Bell's explanation, Kitamura relaxed a little.

However, he does not intend to let the other party retrieve his own memory. Who knows if the other party will do anything to his memory? It's not impossible to even take the opportunity to kill people and make money!

"Sorry, I don't plan to sell my own memory. 100 million yen, if you agree, you can trade with the money. If you don't agree, then forget it. There are no gifts."

Kitamura said categorically.

"Okay. I'm not the kind of person who can make others difficult. Since you don't plan to give away memories, then..."

‘Fainted! ’

A stupor curse shot from Bell's toe, along the ground, and vaguely hit Beicun.

Beicun didn't even react, and collapsed to the ground.

"I'll pick it up by myself."

The wand slipped from the cuff and Bell wandered to Beicun's side.

He raised his wand.

‘Fainted! ’

Another coma spell hit Beicun.

In order to ensure the concealment of the spell, the power of the coma spell was not strong. In addition, Bell still casts spells without a rod. So to be on the safe side, Bell first gave Beicun another coma spell.

After ensuring that it was absolutely impossible for Beicun to wake up in a short time, Bell squatted down and put his wand on Beicun’s temple.

Using the idea of ​​dementia, Bell found the relevant memories of Yin & Yang in Beicun, and copied all of them.

The search of memory is not simple. In order to ensure that there is no omission, Bell has traced the memory of Kitamura back to his infancy. This took him nearly an hour.

Because it took too long, Bell had to pick up a communication from his mother halfway, so that they didn't have to wait for their own meals.

As a young man of the top five in the 20th century (although Bell himself doesn't know which five is good), Bell is very self-disciplined and does not take away other irrelevant memories.

Then, Bell used the Forgetting Curse to modify some incongruous memories for the other party.

Standing up, moving his legs that were a little numb because of squatting for too long, Bell gently raised his wand and controlled Kitamura's body to stand up.

‘Recover quickly! ’

After casting the resurrection spell, Bell quickly put away his wand before Kitamura opened his eyes.

"Mr. Kitamura, are you okay?"

Bell asked pretending to be worried.

Beicun staggered and almost fell to the ground.

After controlling his body and standing firmly, Kitamura rubbed his forehead a little strangely.

What happened to him just now? Why does he feel that he has forgotten something important?

"Uh, no, it's okay, maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

After shaking his head, Kitamura, who could not figure out what he had forgotten, put this trivial matter behind.

There is still a big deal waiting for him.

"How about? 100 million, if you agree, you will pay the money and deliver the goods in the same way."

"Well, 100 million yen, deal."

With that, Bell took out a box from his pocket and threw it to Kitamura.

"There is 80 million yen in it, you can count it."

Kitamura couldn't wait to open the box.

Seeing the neat stacks of Japanese yen stacked in the box, Kitamura trembled with excitement.

"Well, still 20 million short of it?"

After scanning it roughly and confirming that there should be no problem with the number, Kitamura tried to restrain his excitement and asked Bell for the remaining 20 million.

Taking off the bracelet on his right wrist, the light of magic power disappeared in a flash, Bell eliminated the setting on the bracelet and returned it to a state of no ownership.

Throwing the bracelet to Kitamura, Bell said, "I don't have any cash on my body anymore. Let's use this to replace the remaining 20 million."

Taking the bracelet, Kitamura looked at it curiously.

What bracelet is worth 20 million?

Kitamura suspected Bell was shaking him.

"What is this for?"

From the bracelet in his hand, Kitamura really felt the wave of curse power that was not weak. But he hadn't seen a few curse implements, and he couldn't tell the function of the bracelet based on this.

Faced with Beicun’s question, Bell did not speak. He lifted his right foot and stomped gently towards the ground.

Four ground thorns stab from four directions in Beicun.

'Oops! Was started first! ’

Kitamura thought in horror.

Then, just as Kitamura was waiting for his death in despair, the bracelet in his hand suddenly burst into a powerful wave of curse power.

A translucent shield envelops Kitamura. After the ground thorn hit the shield, it was smashed to pieces.

"How about it? Can you use this to offset the price difference?"

Bell asked.

Kitamura nodded in shock. Whether he wanted to belittle the bracelet before, or the even more unspeakable idea, it all disappeared in an instant.

"Since it's okay, then let's just leave it alone."

With a wave of his hand, Bell put away the boxes full of books on the floor.

"By the way, this is for you. If you have any good things in the future, you can use it to contact me. You are satisfied with the price wallet."

Taking out a personal terminal, Bell threw it to Kitamura. By the way, I wrote the simple instructions on a piece of paper and handed it to the other party.

In fact, the iron curse bracelet that Bell gave to Kitamura must be worth more than 20 million. Although Bell doesn't know how much Yen it can sell.

After all, it is a boutique magic item that Bell wears with him. Under normal circumstances, you can't buy it with money.

It was given to Kitamura in this way, but Bell still felt a little distressed.

But Bell is not a person who relies on power to do whatever he wants. So even if he felt a little distressed, he never thought about escaping orders.

What? You asked him about his previous behavior?

That was just a small punishment for Beicun's unruly plot. Bell had seen it all in Beicun's mind.

Although it is a bit suspected of getting on the bus first and then making up the ticket...

Seeing Bell disappeared in front of him in an instant, Kitamura sat down on the ground. The cold sweat that he realized in hindsight quickly soaked his clothes all over.

Kitamura vowed that he would never do business with these dangerous foreigners again!

...Unless you add money!

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