Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 241 Hermione's Mother Was Worried

Mrs. Granger is worried recently! Very very worried!

Because her daughter Hermione has always been in a very bad mood these days.

At the beginning of this month, my daughter didn't even know why. She hid in the room and cried for a long time, but it was useless to persuade anyone.

‘Oh~! ’

As my daughter is getting older, she has begun to have secrets and worries that belong to her own. Mrs. Granger was both gratified and worried about this.

Tomorrow is the day when my daughter starts school.

Tomorrow morning, my daughter will go to the magical platform nine and three-quarters again, take the train, to the magical and mysterious world of magic, to the magic school named Hogwarts.

Mrs. Granger is very curious, what is the station behind that wall? What is your daughter's school like?

Unfortunately, she doesn't have magical powers. So she couldn't go through the wall at Kings Cross Station, and even more couldn't get to her daughter's school.

Withdrawing her divergent thoughts, Mrs. Granger refocused her attention on the bacon that was frying in the pan.

She is making breakfast.

It's the last day, and Mrs. Granger intends to show her best condition to prepare the most delicious meal for her daughter!

Although I don't know why, after returning from Hogwarts, my daughter didn't like the food she cooked so much.

Could it be said that the meals of the wizards are so delicious?

Mrs. Granger felt a little unconvinced.

Just when Mrs. Granger cheered herself up and planned to make super delicious meals beyond the wizards, ‘pop! The sound, as if someone slapped her, came from the living room behind her.

Mrs. Granger turned her head curiously. She thought it was the sound of something that had not been placed and fell to the ground.

‘Pattern~! ’

The spatula in Mrs. Granger's hand fell to the ground.

What did she see! ?

She saw a little thing that looks... looks... hard to describe in words, appeared in her living room! ?

If you hadn’t seen the legendary fairies in the wizarding street called Diagon Alley (although the fairies looked completely different from the legends, and even subverted Mrs. Granger’s Three Views), they would barely be regarded as seeing. If you are more knowledgeable, Mrs. Granger will call the police.

"Please don't be nervous, madam."

Seeing Mrs. Granger, who was tense in front of her, she didn't even dare to breathe, Lim said to calm her down.

"My name is Lim, and I am here to give Hermione Granger Miss an item on the order of Bell Menethil, my Young Master.

In addition, please forgive me for appearing directly in the living room of your house, because of the confidentiality law, I cannot be seen by Muggles.

Excuse me, can I meet Hermione Granger Miss? My Young Master once told me that the items must be handed over to Miss Granger. "

After politely saluting, Lim briefly explained the causes and consequences of his sudden appearance here.

"Excuse me, can I see Hermione Granger Miss?"

Seeing the lady in front of her, still looking dumbfounded, Lim had to repeat own request again.

In the perception domain Lim had learned from her Young Master, she clearly perceives that Hermione's location is on the second floor.

"Oh! Oh, of course!"

Mrs. Granger finally recovered from the shock. She turned off the fire on the stove first, and then yelled in the direction of the stairs, "Hermione~! Someone is looking for~!"

"By the way, what do you mean by your Young Master?"

Mrs. Granger asked, turning around.

She was so surprised just now that she couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

"Bell Menethil, madam."


For this name, Mrs. Granger is very familiar.

As long as my daughter talks about magic, the name will appear in at least 2 sentences out of 3 sentences.

Looking at Lee standing upright in the middle of the living room, waiting for Hermione to come down... Lee what?

In short, Mrs. Granger temporarily suppressed the irrelevant thoughts and shouted at the upstairs again: "Hermione~! Bell is looking for you~!"

‘Boom! ’

‘Hey~! Da Da Da~! ’

Amid a rush of footsteps, Hermione rolled and ran down the stairs.

Behind her, Hermione's father, Mr. Granger, followed curiously.

He is also no stranger to the name ‘Bell’. He is very curious, where is the other party Sacred? Can his daughter, who has always been arrogant, praise him so much?

"Where is Bell?"

Before standing still, Hermione hurriedly scanned her living room. However, she didn't find Bell, instead, there was another existence she was no stranger to.

"Lim!? Why are you here? I mean, did Bell let you come?"

Hermione asked expectantly.

God knows how long she hasn't heard from Bell.

At least in her feelings, it must have been a few decades, right?

"Good morning, Granger Miss. Young Master asked me to hand this to you."

Lim bowed calmly first, then took out an exquisite box from his pocket, held it in both hands, and handed it to Hermione.

"What's inside?"

Taking the box, Hermione asked curiously.

"I don't know. Without Young Master's permission, I can't open the box Young Master gave me."

With that said, Lim used magic power to perceive again to make sure that there were no threatening individuals around.

For the tasks assigned to her by her Young Master, Lim always strives to be perfect.

"Then, the things are already in your hands, I will leave first."

After bowing again, Lim immediately apparated and left.

"and many more……"

Hermione, who wanted to inquire about Bell's condition with Lim, looked at the empty living room in front of her, and could only withdraw her hand helplessly.

"Hermione, quickly open it and see, what's in it?"

The Grangers approached curiously and urged their daughter.

The two are very curious, what is it that makes the other party choose to send it in such a unique way? Don’t wizards all use owls to give things?

Hermione, who was also very curious, placed the box in her hand on the coffee table under the close watch of her parents, and then opened it carefully.

The Grangers both got to the side of the coffee table, craned their necks, and looked into the box.


This is the screams of Mrs. Granger and Hermione's mother and daughter.

Mr. Granger was also scared to retreated two steps. Then he reacted, and immediately wanted to rush forward to protect his own wife and daughter.

Then, he was shocked to see that his daughter, who was screaming, stretched her hand into the box and held up the snake! ?

"Hermione!? You, what are you doing!? Hurry up! Put down the snake gently until Dad's is behind!"

At this moment, Mr. Granger had all his heart to strangle the fellow named'Bell'. The other party actually packed a snake in a box and gave it to his daughter?

How could someone be so vicious! ! !

"Dad, don't be nervous, Wan Snake is not a snake, it is actually a magic puppet."

Hermione had been thinking about the ten thousand snakes who had been sent back by Bell for a long time. Unexpectedly, Bell would suddenly send her over by Lim this morning.

‘Bell, this guy, don’t say anything in advance, really! ’

Hermione was ‘complaining’ sweetly in her heart.

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