
Hermione stared at Bell, and after a while, she realized what Bell had said.

‘Boom~! ’

A mushroom cloud rose above Hermione's head.

‘I want to die! ’

Hermione pressed her flushed face tightly.

Finding a seam to drill in or something, that kind of low-end operation, is no longer enough to calm her heart.

Of course, killing people before death is a routine operation.

Hermione secretly looked at Bell and Shanna who were sitting across from each other.

She wanted to strangle Bell to death!

But even ‘cruel’ like Hermione, she couldn’t bear to kill a cute girl younger than her age.

Similarly, even ‘cruel’ like Hermione would not kill the Big Brother of the other little Sister in front of a young Little Sister.

So, unfortunately, Hermione had to temporarily suppress the idea of ​​strangling Bell.

'Humph! Lucky for you! ’

With the blessing of his own Little Sister, Bell, who was able to recover his life, had no idea what happened to his life just now.

"Then what... the weather today is really good."

Bell tried to ease the embarrassment of his girlfriend.

However, looking at the gloomy sky outside the window, the thought that had just been suppressed by Hermione, like the temptation of the devil, came to mind.


Soon, the train started again.

Because of the shock they received before, even the voices of the little wizards on the train were two degrees lower than usual.

There were no twists and turns on the next journey, and Hermione also gradually let go of the previous embarrassment, and discussed with Bell and Shanna about the Dementors, Harry and the holidays, and so on.

"The train has 5 minutes to reach the Hogwarts platform..."

As the voice of the flight attendant echoed in the train, the little wizards made the final preparations. After the train stopped, a group of people got off the train one after another nervously, expectantly, or excitedly.

What puzzled the old students was that after getting off the train, they didn't hear Hagrid's familiar loud voice.

In the past every time when school started, Hagrid would wait here, shouting for the freshmen to gather around him.

Could it be that Hagrid is ill?

Recalling Hagrid's body shape, the little wizards who thought Hagrid would probably never get sick in his life, looked around curiously through the dim light.

Thanks to Hagrid's height, the little wizards easily spotted Hagrid not far away.

At this time, Hagrid was standing beside a few adult wizards with a nervous expression on his face. On the other side of the wizards, there were a few terrifying dementors floating in the air.

The little wizards who were still puzzled just now immediately understood Hagrid's posture like a frightened deer.

Even Neville, who was judged by Snape as ‘stupid than a troll’, would not forget his bad experience on the train so quickly.

Even the most arrogant and arrogant little wizards have to admit that this group of monsters called dementors is indeed very terrifying. Even worse than what the adults describe!

There was a sudden commotion among the dementors. One of the dementors approached the group of wizards, seemingly saying something to the wizard in charge.

I saw the leading wizard, after looking in the direction of the train for a while, he turned his head and gave a few words to the others, and then walked towards the train alone.

Like a wave across the reef, the noisy crowd just now quieted down immediately, and separated to the sides, allowing the wizard, who was not easy to provoke, to pass without any hindrance.

At the end of the road divided by the crowd, there stood three little wizards who had just gotten out of the car.


Hermione pulled Labelle's sleeve nervously.

"Let's get out of the way."

Hermione was a little scared. The other party's aura brought a lot of pressure to her and made her feel a little panic.

Although from the opponent's line of sight, Hermione was basically certain that the other party was looking for them. To be more precise, it was to find Bell.

However, Hermione still had a chance.

What if she made a mistake? In fact, the other party wants to enter the train for inspection?

Bell patted the back of Hermione's hand and motioned her not to worry.

Standing quietly and watching the other person approach, Bell neither spoke nor moved a step.

Finally, under everyone's gaze, the wizard walked up to Bell.

Just when everyone was nervously guessing whether Bell would be killed or captured, an unexpected scene appeared. The wizard, he actually bowed respectfully to Bell! ?

"Hello, Young Master. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, and I hope you can understand."

Snelli said respectfully.

At this moment, he strangled the hearts of Fudge and the damn dementors. Before coming here, no one told him that the goal of this mission would be his Young Master-Bell Menethil!

Snelli's full name is Snelli Vastod. He was one of the first wizards to join the Menethil family camp.

Snelli's dream since childhood was to become an Auror. It should be said that when he was young, in the era of mysterious people, the dream of little wizards was that besides becoming Death Eaters, it was basically only to be an Auror.

Unfortunately, his Muggle family background made him pass his own dream.

After spending many years in a muddle-headed manner, the olive branch the Menethil family extended to him made him once again see hope and the hope of becoming stronger!

Snelli didn't want to experience that kind of fear anymore, and had to worry about a Death Eater suddenly appearing next to him and killing him at all times!

Snelli, who cheered up, with his own talent and hard training without fear, finally, he was able to stand out from the many wizards attached to the Menethil family and became the most outstanding one.

Not long ago, Lord William found him, made him an Auror, and quickly pushed him to the position of Auror team captain through the Menethil family.

Based on the conversation with Lord William, Snelli judged that the purpose of the family might be to make him the director of the Auror office, in charge of the entire Auror team, so as to provide convenience for the family.

Therefore, Snelli has been actively accepting tasks and expressing himself, hoping to live up to Lord William's value.

Then, it becomes what it is now...

"I need an explanation!"

Bell glanced at the group of dementors not far away in disgust, and asked in a voiceless voice.

"Especially, why did those disgusting monsters appear in front of me again!"

Fortunately, because of the long distance, Shanna was not affected by the Dementor. Otherwise, Bell would have been ignoring the three seven twenty-one, and tore the clumps to pieces!

"That's it, Young Master. Before, Minister Fudge received a report from Dementors that they were attacked on the train and one of their companions was killed. Therefore, Minister Fudge sent us to investigate the situation, by the way... Capture the murderer by the way..."

Snelli bit his scalp and briefly explained the cause and effect.

Now he only hopes that his Young Master can be as steady and mature as the rumors said, and will not vent all his temper to his head.

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