Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 252 Destiny

With a ‘bang’, Professor McGonagall closed the book in his hand firmly.

"Sorry, it seems that there are some problems in the sorting of the data. Give me a little more time to find them. Please believe me, as long as you use the time converter carefully, you will not encounter danger."

Professor McGonagall stood up while muttering, trying to search for past information in the cabinet behind him.

And the words in her mouth did not know whether they were meant for Bell and Hermione, or for herself?

"Professor McGonagall, maybe you would like to take a moment to listen to me?"

Bell said suddenly.

Although he used interrogative sentences, Bell didn't mean to wait for Professor McGonagall to answer. He went on talking on his own.

"As for the time converter that can control the power of time, I think as long as it is a wizard who is keen to explore the mystery of magic, they will not be uninterested in it, right?

And I happen to be a wizard who is keen to explore the mysteries of magic. "

Hearing Bell began to talk, Professor McGonagall temporarily suppressed the anxiety in his heart and sat back in his chair. The old professor is curious, what exactly is Bell going to say?

"I investigated all the information I could find about the time converter. I thought about the rules for using the time converter for a long time. In the end, I came to a conclusion that made me desperate."

"What is it?"

Hermione asked curiously.

It is hard for her to imagine, besides not seeing Little Sister, what else can make her boyfriend feel desperate?

Bell smiled at Hermione, but didn't answer the question immediately.

"For example, let’s say that I’m in danger and passed out in a coma. After waking up, I found that I didn’t know who saved me. I want to know who saved me, so in 1 hour Later, I used the time converter to return to the present. It turned out that there was no one else at the scene. Only then did I realize that it was'me' who had saved myself.

Professor McGonagall, can the situation I mentioned just now work according to the rules for using the time converter? "

Bell looked at the old professor who was listening attentively.

"Yes, you haven't changed the past. The future you are also part of the past."

Professor McGonagall nodded, affirming Bell's example.

"So there is no problem with this example? No! It seems that there is no problem, but in fact there is a big problem!"

Bell leaned forward and glanced at Professor McGonagall and Hermione, his expressions becoming serious.

"The scenes described in the example just now are all based on the perspective of the future ‘I’. So, what if you change to the perspective of the past me, and then re-examine the whole process on one side?

I will come back to the present in 1 hour and save myself! "

"Is there any problem with this?"

Hermione asked suspiciously.

Professor McGonagall nodded as well, and she didn't think there was any problem with this.

"What's the problem? The problem is big!"

Bell looked at the two seriously, and said every word:

"My future is fixed!

There should be infinite possibilities in the future, there is only one possibility left!

Although I don't know it now, neither does anyone know it now. However, one hour later, I will definitely return to the present. This is something that has been determined.

If we extend this time, what will happen?

From the moment I was born, to Death, everything I experienced during this period was destined!

Even, everything that happens from the moment of birth to the end of mankind is already doomed! "

"...Perhaps, I mean, maybe, the rules of this world are like this? Everything is under the control of fate."

After digesting what Bell said, Professor McGonagall said with difficulty.

"Yes, Professor, you are right. Although you don't want to admit it, it seems that only this kind of statement is the most reasonable."

Bell leaned back in his chair again and said in a low voice.

"However, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled to become a puppet of fate!

So I searched all the information about the time converter afterwards.

Finally, I found the doubt!

First of all, just like the question I asked you before.

Who invented the hour conversion spell? Who made the time converter? How many people use time converters? who are they? what is it call? What's the ending?

The answer is: ‘don’t know’.

No one knows, and there is no record left.

Secondly, according to the records on the number of time converters in the Ministry of Magic, we can infer that the production of time converters should not be difficult.

So why is its production method lost?

Finally, it is the Ministry of Magic's attitude towards time converters.

A kind of magic item that has lost its production method and is so powerful that it can be called terrifying. How can it be handed over to us so easily for use by two 13-year-old little wizards?

And the Ministry of Magic has not taken any regulatory measures.

Are they not afraid of the time converter being damaged? Are they not afraid that we take the time converter to do other things? "

"Mr. Menethil, interrupt."

Professor McGonagall interrupted suddenly.

"The application for the time converter must be guaranteed by a professor and go through a strict application process before finally obtaining a license. So..."

"Of course, Professor. Of course I know those."

Bell took the ‘microphone’ back again.

"Allow me to ask a rather rude question. Professor, do you really think you have such a big face?

Is it possible for the Ministry of Magic to safely hand over such precious magic items to a few underage students with your guarantee alone? "


Professor McGonagall fell silent.

Facing the gazes of Bell and Hermione, the old professor wanted to answer simply, ‘Yes! ’.

But she couldn't deceive herself.

Many years of coaching career has indeed allowed her to accumulate a wealth of personal connections. But in fact, after the little wizards graduate, very few people will continue to keep in touch with her.

If it was something trivial, she believed that with her old face, someone would give her a face.

But if something important happens, Albus's face may not work well, let alone hers.

Seeing Professor McGonagall's silence, Bell already knew the old professor's answer.

"According to the Ministry of Magic's records, most of the time converters were damaged for one reason or another.

So Professor McGonagall, has the time converter applied for by Hogwarts ever been damaged? "


Professor McGonagall said uncertainly.

She doesn't even dare to believe her own memories now. She even wondered if someone had modified her related memories?

"Then who damaged those time converters?

Didn't the Ministry of Magic impose corresponding punishments?

And why is there no stricter supervision?

Where is the broken time converter?

Does anyone want to conduct research and analyze its production methods? "

(If you want to know the answer, listen to the next breakdown.)

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