Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 26-Platform Nine and Three Quarters

Passing through the walls of Kings Cross Station, the Bells came to platform nine and three-quarters.

Soon it was time to depart, and the station was full of parents who came to send their children off.

Elena looked at the luggage of the other little wizards and asked Bell, "Baby, are you really not going to buy a pet? Maybe it can replace us and accompany you in Hogwarts."

"No, Mom, I don't really want to raise an ordinary owl or something." Bell refused.

Ordinary animals are stupid and weak, and Bell is not interested in raising them. He is no longer a kid now, should he be more comfortable with his own identity? Or should it be said that he is pursuing more power? In short, although he still likes cute little animals, he has no desire to raise them anymore.

"What kind of pet do you want? I will ask your father to help you find it."

Elena looked at Bell with some worry, even though she knew Bell's ability to take care of herself was very strong, she couldn't help but feel worried.

'Why am I always the one who's hurt? ’

William, who was listening to the conversation between mother and son, lay down innocently. He is really busy every day, don't always burden him, okay...

"I don't know. I'll talk about it later, maybe I'll bump into it when." Bell replied casually, and fell silent again after speaking.

Elena looked worriedly at her son and little daughter, who had been extremely quiet since the beginning of the morning, and she could only comfort and exhort them constantly, as a low pressure surrounded the three of them.

And Bell's father, William, looked around like an okay person, as if looking for something.

"Hey, look, is that kid Harry Potter the savior? I've heard that Potter will be enrolling this year, but I didn't expect to see it." William suddenly pointed to the distance excitedly. Said.

In that direction, you can see a thin little wizard with messy black hair, big glasses, and a fat coat, pushing a wheelbarrow while looking around while walking towards the train.

"Bell, go over and say hello to Potter, and by the way, you can sit in the same carriage with him!" William reached out and pushed Bell's back, eagerly said, wishing he would go to Hogwarts too. The way to go to school.

"Not interested in."

Bell glanced at his father silently. Why didn't he find that his eyes were so good before? Can you see a small scar on your forehead from such a distance?

When William was about to say something more, the train suddenly began to whistle, and the parents began to panic urging the little wizards to get on the train.

"Quickly, Bell, get in the car quickly." Elena also urged.


Since she got up in the morning, Little Shanna has been silent because she is afraid that if she opens her mouth, she will say something to save her.

She knew that once she asked to stay, Big Brother would definitely stay. Because since childhood, Big Brother has never refused to own request.

But she also knew that she couldn't do that. Big Brother should go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like other little wizards of the same age. In that case, maybe Big Brother could make some good friends.

Watching Big Brother get on the speeding car, watching his mother say goodbye to Big Brother, and watching Big Brother get on the train, Shanna hates herself so much that she can't even say a goodbye.

Seeing the door slowly closing and the train slowly leaving the platform, Shanna finally couldn't help crying. She was crying loudly, yelling ‘Big Brother’ loudly, trying to catch up with the going train, and then she was held tightly in her arms by her mother.


Since getting up in the morning, Bell has not dared to see Shanna, because he is afraid to see the dismay in Shanna's eyes, and fear that his own determination will be shaken.

He knew that once he saw that Shanna wanted to keep him, he could not continue to deceive himself, he would definitely stay desperately.

But he also knew that he could not be so capricious, that would only hurt the family who loved his own.

From getting on the speed car in the morning, to listening to his mother's instructions on the platform, to boarding the train, looking at the slowly closing door in front of him, watching Sanna gradually disappearing from his sight, Bell hated himself very much at this moment, hated own Weak, until the end, he couldn't say'goodbye' to Shanna with a smile.

The door was finally completely closed, Sanna disappeared from Bell's sight, and the train started to move.

He rushed into the car closest to the door at the fastest speed and watched out the window of Sanna crying loudly, shouting ‘Big Brother’ loudly, trying hard to catch up with the train.

At this moment, Bell felt that his own heart was torn apart, half stayed in his body, and half flew back to Shanna.

Bell opened the window abruptly, waving his hand in the direction of the platform. He really wanted to jump out of the car window and get back to Little Sister, but he couldn't do that. Shanna should not be the only one in her life, she should have her own life. She should get in touch with more people and see more landscapes, and she should learn to think independently.

So, it's definitely not because the window is too small, Bell can't get out! ! !



The train gradually disappeared from the field of vision, and Elena cried silently in her arms in her little daughter. The thought of not seeing Own's son in the next few months, she was also very sad, definitely not weaker than Own's youngest daughter.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Bell's family situation.

There is no doubt that Bell has a happy family, far exceeding the happy family of most people. However, this happiness is not perfect. In fact, under the appearance of happiness, the Bells still conceal two small cracks deeply.

First of all, William and Bell disliked each other, ‘this bad old man (smelly boy) dared to snatch Little Sister (daughter) with me’.

Secondly, Elena and Shanna often don't deal with each other, ‘Mom (Sanna) is really annoying, always robs Big Brother (Bell) with me’.

Of course, these two small rifts did not destroy the overall harmony, but made this happiness more real and more precious.

"Well, you two don't cry." William reluctantly persuaded, "Bell is not coming back. And today is not without good things, at least we have seen the'boy who survived catastrophe'-ha Lee Potter, be happy."

At least William is in a good mood now, not only because he saw Potter, but William also watched the excitement, really didn't think it was a big deal. The most important thing is that Bell left home to go to school, which makes William's position at home ascending! Although it is still the bottom, but this is the difference between the top three and the top four!

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