Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 263: Malfoy Who Loves Trouble

Under the gaze of the spectators either worried or excited, the eagle-headed horse with winged beast suddenly knelt.


‘What the hell! ’

The little wizards were stunned. Is it possible that these big guys who look ugly are actually embroidered pillows?

Compared to the little wizards who didn't know much about the eagle-headed horse-winged beasts, Hagrid was even more shocked.

"Bell, what did you do!?"

Hagrid looked at the unthinkable scene before him incredulously.

"Nothing. Just like I said before, The Weak are Prey to the Strong."

Bell stretched out his hand and stroked the feathers on the head of the eagle-headed horse, the silky touch felt very comfortable.

Although it is still a bit worse than his own Fina.

"Being good, I won't stew you at night."

He patted Xiao Hei's head, Bell praised.

By the way, Xiao Hei is the name that Bell just gave this eagle-headed horse-winged beast.

After receiving Bell's signal, Xiao Hei stood up and took Bell to fly around in the sky.

Overall, it doesn't feel very good.

Too bumpy and too windy, far less comfortable than a speeding car.

Although Bell did not play a good role model, but it can barely be regarded as a good start?

After seeing Bell riding back on the eagle-headed horse and winged beast, the other little wizards also showed an eager look, wishing to experience the feeling of a ‘knight’ right away.

And Hermione is no exception.

"Want to try?"

Seeing the anticipation in his girlfriend's eyes, Bell asked with some amusement.


Hermione nodded hurriedly.

For her from a Muggle family, flying is not an ordinary thing.

So far, except for one flight, Hermione flew for a short while in flight lessons.

To be honest, those broken broomsticks at Hogwarts that should have been eliminated long ago, the flying experience is really not very good. But even so, it left a deep impression on Hermione.

Unfortunately, flying lessons are only available for the first and second grades.

Hermione was very sad about this when she just got the third grade timetable. But she didn't expect that she could experience the thrill of flying again so quickly?

Regardless of the busy Hagrid over there, Bell took Hermione's hand and came to a brown-red eagle-headed horse with winged beast.

Bell knows that his girlfriend likes brownish red.

Although Hermione usually dislikes her unkempt hair, in fact, privately, she is very precious to her own hair.

"what should I do?"

Hermione looked nervously at the eagle-headed horse-winged beast that was more than a head taller than her.

"Relax, there will be nothing wrong with me by your side."

Bell comforted Hermione.

After Hermione took a few deep breaths and relaxed a little, Bell continued:

"The method I used before is not suitable for you at the moment. You should still follow the steps taught by Hagrid.

Do you remember what Hagrid said before? "

Bell confirmed.

Hermione nodded. Then, at Bell's sign, she took a few steps forward, staring at the eagle-headed horse-winged beast without blinking, and then bowed slowly.

The brown-red eagle-headed horse-winged beast glanced quietly at Bell, who was standing by, and quickly bowed to Hermione.

Seeing Hermione stroking the feathers of the eagle-headed horse-winged beast with excitement on her face, Bell smiled and suggested:

"Would you like to sit up and fly around?"

"But, is it really okay?"

When things came to an end, Hermione flinched again. She was scared.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I will look at you below, and I won't let you have any trouble."

With Bell's repeated assurances, Hermione finally failed to resist Feitian's temptation and rode on a eagle with a winged beast.

"Remember, you must hold on to its feathers, but don't pull it hard, it will hurt it."

After completing the last instructions, Bell stood there, staring attentively at Hermione who flew into the air.

If Hermione accidentally falls, Bell will catch her immediately.

Things didn't go in a bad direction. After flying a few laps, Hermione returned to the ground without incident.

Although her legs were a little weak and she had to lean on Bell to stand firm, Hermione was still very excited. She very much hopes to have such an opportunity next time.

Just as Bell was about to help Hermione and go to sit and rest for a while, another exclamation broke through the sky.

It's just different from the previous two times. This time he exclaimed with a heart-piercing sadness.

‘Are there many exclamations recently? Do little wizards these days like to make fuss so much? ’

With such doubts, Bell looked curiously at the location of the incident.

I saw Malfoy lying on the ground awkwardly and rolling, and the gray eagle-headed horse-winged beast named Buckbeak was chasing after Malfoy and scratching frantically.

A thin layer of iron-clad curse shield envelops Malfoy, blocking Buckbeak's attacks from time to time.

After the initial panic, looking at the shield emerging from his body, Malfoy finally remembered what his father had said when he gave him a gift.

After confirming his safety, the panic in Malfoy's heart dissipated. Instead, there is endless shame.

he! Draco Malfoy! Heir to the dignified Malfoy family! It was actually rubbed on the ground by a beast! ?

Anger came from his heart and evil grew to the guts, Malfoy took out his own wand.

"Bone to pieces!"

"Do not--!"

Hagrid, who was striding to the location of the incident, let out a helpless wailing after seeing Malfoy actually used the Shattering Charm on Buckbeak.

The light of the spell flashed, and then...


The painful cry that was even more heartbreaking than before came from Malfoy's mouth again. It turned out that his curse was bounced back by the iron armor curse on his body and hit his own shoulder.

Blood quickly soaked Malfoy's upper body, tears and snot all over his cheeks. Malfoy had no idea what was going on. Now he doesn't have the energy to think about it.

Hagrid finally arrived. He reached out and hugged Buckbeak's neck and dragged it away from Malfoy on the ground.

After tying Buckbeak's chains, Hagrid looked at Malfoy lying in a pool of blood at a loss. He wanted to take Malfoy to the school hospital, but the iron curse on Malfoy's body was preventing him from approaching.

Passing through the screaming crowd in horror, Bell walked to Hagrid's side.

He first observed Malfoy's condition.

At this time, Malfoy had passed out due to pain. Coupled with blood stains all over his body, it gives the illusion that he is dead.

But in fact, Malfoy's injury is not serious. After all, Malfoy couldn't put out a strong spell.

However, if the time is prolonged, excessive bleeding may also threaten Malfoy's life.

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