Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 268: Eccentric Lupin

Today is the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class in Grade 3, and everyone is in the classroom looking forward to waiting for the arrival of the new professor.

According to some young wizards of other grades who have already taken Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, the content of the newcomer Professor Lupin's lectures is very interesting.

At least compared to Quirrell and Lockhart, it's very interesting.

Oh, by the way, Lockhart reportedly went to the hospital with a bad stomach at the end of the last school year.

All the little wizards speculated that Snape had poisoned Lockhart.

After all, as long as his eyes were not blind, Snape's disgust for Lockhart could be seen.

With regard to Lockhart's matter, Bell only learned a little bit, and then paid no attention.

As long as the other party can write novels that his mother likes, Bell doesn't care if Lockhart is dead or alive.

(Ghosts can also write novels, so it doesn't matter if Lockhart is dead.)

Bell didn't care much about Professor Lupin's Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

After all, the textbooks are there. All the content inside, Bell has already finished self-study.

So, as long as Lupin doesn't bring his own biochemical weapons like Quirrell, or provoke his girlfriend like Lockhart, Bell doesn't matter.

Under Lu Ping's leadership, everyone left the classroom and came to the spacious faculty lounge. Lupin prepared a Bogut here to assist in teaching.

Bogut is a dark magic creature. It can perceive the most feared things in people's hearts and transform them.

When I learned that the content of this class was learning how to deal with Bogut, to be honest, Bell was still a little surprised.

Although Bogut is not uncommon, he is one of Bell's rare dark magic creatures that he has never encountered before.

After all, Bell's identity is a bit special. He doesn't want to be known by others, what is his most fearful thing.

What if it gets sliced?

Later, after mastering the Occlumency, the dark magic creatures such as Bogut, who have special abilities, but are very weak, can no longer pose a threat to Bell at all.

Therefore, he will not deliberately engage only Bogut to play.

The course went smoothly. I have to say that Lupin really knows how to arouse the emotions of the little wizards.

However, looking at it, Bell noticed something was wrong.

How did Lupin get the name, it's all from Gryffindor College?

Well, it looks like it can be a real hammer. Lupin is from Gryffindor College.

After a glance at the silly Kitty Hawks, Bell couldn't help but once again worried about the education of the wizards.

Did no one realize that something was wrong? This is too lack of competitive consciousness, right?

"Neville, come forward and kill it!"

After several Gryffindor cubs experienced the pleasure of teasing Bogut one after another, Lupin unexpectedly named Neville again.


Now Bell can't be regarded as not paying attention to anything.

Forget these fellow students at Ravenclaw College. Although Bell and them all know each other, they are just nodding acquaintances. If they have no objection, of course Bell will not jump out to be nosy.

But you know, Hermione in his family hasn't played it yet!

Everyone is Gryffindor, so why should Lupin let Neville play twice, but not let Hermione play once?

Bell, who feels that his family has been targeted, can't stand this grievance!

"and many more!"

Bell yelled, attracting everyone's attention.

Just in case, Bell also gave Neville a full body restraint curse while drinking, to prevent this little Fatty from slipping and ran to Bogut.

Everyone looked at Bell standing in the corner curiously, wondering what he wanted to do?

At this time, Hermione suddenly discovered that when she was attracted by Professor Lupin's wonderful teaching content, Bell did not know when she sneaked into the corner to fish! ?

"What's the matter? Mr. Menethil?"

For Bell, Lupin is still very impressed.

By the way, Lupin suddenly noticed that Bell was in this class? Why didn't he find out before?

He always thought that Bell must be a 6th or 7th grade student.

"Professor, there are still so many people who haven't played... ahem, they have never faced Bogut. You just let Neville kill that Bogut, is this something wrong?"

With that, Bell also glanced at Neville, and the scared Fatty almost had a cardiac arrest.

Had it not been for Neville to be held in place by the restraint curse now, and could not move, he would definitely sit on the ground.

By the way, Bell has always been weird. Why is Neville so afraid of him? It's as evil as he is.

"This is indeed my negligence."

Lupin glanced apologetically at the students around him, especially the Ravenclaw students.

"I didn't expect everyone to be so good. Now this Bogut is very weak, and there is no way to bear any more comical spells."

‘I believe you a ghost! ’

Now that this Bogut is about to die, why doesn't Lupin let the little wizard who hasn't experienced it end it? For example, Hermione.

Instead, let Neville, who has already played it once, go?

Shouldn't it be said that they are all Lao Deng's students? This unconcerned style is simply the same.

Taking out his wand, Bell pressed it to his forehead.

After about 2 or 3 seconds, a wisp of milky white flocculent gas was extracted by Bell from his own brain.

This is a memory he forged, which is full of fear.

With a flick of the wand, Bell flung the gas into Bogut's body.

Bogut, who was in the form of a cockroach, let out a roar, and its figure expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a giant nearly 5 meters tall.


The troll roared in the direction of Bell.

The little wizards screamed away from the monster that Bogut had transformed into. At this moment, all the funny curses that Lupin had taught before were instantly forgotten by the little wizards. Instinctive fear dominates all their thoughts.

"To shut up!"

Rubbing his ears, Bell scolded angrily.

He regretted setting the target of fear as a troll. The main reason is that he didn't expect that Bogut's transformation could perfectly reproduce the stench of the giant monster!

This is really a disaster!

Under Bell's scolding, the roar of the ‘troll’ came to an abrupt end, like a rooster pinched around the neck, inexplicably, a little pitiful?

"How did you do it? I mean, how did you get Bogut to recover?"

More than just recovering, Lupin looked at the ‘troll’ in the field that made him feel oppressed, he had never seen such an energetic Bogut!

Lupin found out that perhaps he still underestimated this little devil called Menethil?

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