Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 275 Dating (Part 1)


Today is the day to go to Hogsmeade Village.

Hermione hummed a song, and jumped on the grass.

She is in a good mood now!

On the one hand, today is her first date with Bell.

On the other hand, yesterday, after she tried to persuade her with affection and reason, she finally succeeded in preventing Sanna's attempt to act as an electric light bulb.

"Bell, hurry up!"

Hermione urged her boyfriend who was walking slowly behind her.

Although Bell couldn't understand the unusual excitement of his girlfriend, he showed respect. He quickened his pace and walked side by side with Hermione.

The two quickly reached Hogsmeade Village.

Because the speed of the two is relatively fast, most of the little wizards are still behind them at this time. So the streets of Hogsmeade Village are slightly deserted.

However, in order to welcome the students at Hogwarts, the shops are fully prepared.

Bats transformed by magic are flying happily above the village. The trees beside the street are covered with colorful magic lights. Occasionally, there will be a few chubby magic puppets passing by holding billboards.

In short, all the plants and trees here inform the visitors that this is the world of magic!

Since the two didn't know enough about Hogsmeade (in fact, Bell had learned about his Little Sister last night, but he didn't dare to tell Hermione), so they decided to stroll around leisurely from start to finish.

Anyway, they have a whole day to play. Compared to the small village of Hogsmeade, one day is already very abundant.

The first stop for the two was the Screaming Shed.

As the most terrifying and only haunted place in the UK, even Hermione has long been familiar with it.

Looking at the dilapidated house in front of her, Hermione felt her hairs stand upright. She hugged Bell's arm and whispered nervously:

"Bell, what did you say in it?"

"I don't know. Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Bell is not afraid of a haunted house.

Ever since he mastered magic, he was no longer afraid of bumping into ghosts!

come! Just the front!


And who is he? He is a student of Hogwarts! Are there more ‘ghost’ places around here than Hogwarts?

"But don't you mean that you can't enter the screaming shed?"

Hermione had heard that many people wanted to enter the screaming shed to find out. However, in the end no one was able to get in successfully.

And it is precisely because of this that Screaming Shed will become the most terrifying haunted house in the UK.

"How can I know if I don't try?"

The wand slipped from Bell's cuff.

It's just a defensive enchantment that no one controls, he doesn't believe that it can't be exploded.

However, without waiting for Bell to make a move, Hermione hugged his right hand tightly.

"Forget it, Bell. I actually don't want to go in."

Hermione was not very demanding for her first date. It doesn’t need to be ‘vigorous’, plain and warm is enough.

Leaving the Screaming Shed, the next stop is the Three Broomsticks Bar. It is said that the drinks here taste good? But because it's still early, the two of them skipped this place.

After that, the two went to the Honey Duke candy store.

As soon as many little wizards came to Hogsmeade Village, they came straight here. Therefore, when Bell and Hermione, who had been delayed for a while at the screaming shed, came here, a lot of people had already gathered in the shop.

"Bell, what kind of sweets do you like?"

Seeing the dazzling array of candies in front of her, Hermione's saliva flowed out uncontrollably.

Of course, she has automatically ignored the strange sweets such as the pile of cockroaches.

"You know, I don't like to eat things that are too sweet. So I rarely eat sweets."

Bell shrugged and said.

Compared to candy, he still prefers sticking skewers.

Bell's saliva couldn't be controlled at the thought of making strings.

Just do it if you think about it, this is Bell's sorcerer way!

He took out a kebab from his pocket, stood among a group of little wizards who were tasting sweets, and ate it without anyone else.

In the candy store filled with sweet milk scent, a strong smell of meat suddenly squeezed in, which is not too obvious.

The little wizards around all looked at Bell in surprise. Don’t know this guy, ran to the candy store for Mao to eat skewers? Is this here to smash the shop?

But having said that, the skewers are too fragrant!

The little wizards swallowed, and suddenly felt that the candy in their mouth was not sweet.

"Hurry up!"

Hermione's teeth tickled with anger at her boyfriend's incomprehension.

"By the way, why do you carry skewers with you!"

And it's not just finished breakfast! Why are you eating this again!

"If you don't take it with you, what should I do if I am hungry?"

Bell has an expression of ‘what are you saying stupid?’

If he remembers correctly, he should have taken food out of his pocket many times in front of Hermione. For example, during Quidditch matches and Quidditch matches.

So now, what's so surprising about this?

"Would you like to eat a bit? This is the Xinjiang lamb skewers specially prepared for me by Limu yesterday. It is super~ delicious."

When he learned that his Young Master was going to have lunch in Hogsmeade Village, Lim didn't mention how worried he was.

She has been to Hogsmeade Village! There are only two bars where you can eat.

Don’t mention the pig’s head bar, that dirty and disgusting bar is not a place for people to stay at all.

Just thinking that his Young Master might enter there, Lim felt terrified, let alone eating there!

And the remaining three broomsticks bar, although still clean and tidy, but the taste of the food is just like that. You can’t let your Young Master drink until you are full, right?

Therefore, in order to allow his Young Master to spend a pleasant holiday, Lim used 200% of his energy (usually one hundred and five)! Prepared all kinds of delicious food!

Seeing that Bell was planning to take out the kebabs, Hermione hurried over and held Bell's hand.

If this is to let Bell go down again, it will really become a smashing shop. Is there something wrong with the eyes of the owner of the store?

In the end, after buying a lot of all kinds of delicious or novel candies, the two people left the candy store.

And looking at the consumption of the two, for the sake of more than a dozen ordinary little wizards, Mrs. Froom didn't care about Bell's previous rudeness.

"Bell, you don't need to buy so many."

Holding a lot of candies, Hermione was both distressed and happy.

She originally wanted to buy a little bit of it and taste it, but with a big wave of her hand, Bell doubled the quantity of each candy 10 times.

"Not much. Go back and share some for Shanna, some for your parents, and some for my parents, and finally some for your roommates and friends."

"But even then, it's too much."

These candies alone cost nearly 20 gold gallons. Hermione didn't have so much pocket money in a year.

"Save the rest and eat slowly. If you like to eat, eat more. As long as you insist on using the magic enhancement method I gave you before, you don't have to worry about getting fat."

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