Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Dating (Part 2)

After finishing this hearty lunch, Hermione leaned in Bell's arms and rested for a while before she finally felt that she was not so supportive.

The two returned to the street, ready to continue their afternoon play.

By the way, after eating and drinking, Little Fina ran back to Bell's pocket again, completely forgetting the task Sanna had given her.

When passing the Wenrenju quill shop next to the Fengya brand wizard clothing store, Bell asked Hermione:

"Would you like to go in and buy a shorthand quill?"


Hermione looked at Bell puzzled.

In the first grade, because she often studied together in the library, under the influence of Bell, the clever Hermione was not distorted by other little wizards.

Not long after enrolling in school, she wrote a letter to own father, asking his father to buy a pen and send it to her.

Therefore, Hermione was a little confused about Bell's proposal to buy a quill.

Bell obviously saw his girlfriend's doubts, and he explained with a smile:

"I'm talking about a shorthand quill, a magic quill that can automatically record what the professor says. A good shorthand quill can save you a lot of effort."

"But, why have I never seen you use it?"

Hermione was a little repulsive of shorthand quill pens. She believes that only when she writes down the key points of what the professor said can she deepen her understanding and memory.

"Because I can read and read. I can directly store all the words the professor has said in my mind. So I don't need to use a shorthand quill pen."

"Then I also have to learn psychic minds. Can I learn now?"

Hermione had been envious of Bell's pantheon for a long time.

"It's okay, but it's okay. But it's not easy to cultivate the mind to the extent that you can retrieve your own memory at any time."

"That's why I have to give myself more spurs, right?"

"Well, after you have mastered the patron saint curse thoroughly, I will start to teach you the mind of deity."

When Bell mentioned the Patronus Charm, Hermione felt a little disappointed.

By now, she has spent more time learning the Patronus Mantra than Shanna had spent at the beginning. But she still couldn't ensure that she successfully summoned the patron saint every time. Probably only a 50% success rate.

Bell reached out and rubbed his girlfriend's hair.

In fact, he could use some means, such as catching a dementor, or using Bogut's transformation, to help Hermione speed up the mastery of the patron saint spell. But Bell did not do that.

The study and research of magic is undoubtedly difficult and boring. Not every kind of curse is like learning the patron saint curse, and there is a shortcut.

Therefore, Bell did not want Hermione to develop the habit of taking shortcuts. Have an in-depth understanding of the patron saint mantra, be familiar with the fusion of emotion and magic, and lay a solid foundation. This will greatly help Hermione's future development.

While chatting, Bell and Hermione were almost at the end of the street.

At the end of the street, there is a magnificent magic item shop. Hermione was surprised to find that the name of this shop was actually called ‘Menethil’s Magic Item Shop’?

Facing the curious gaze from Hermione, Bale wanted to cover his face.

He just said he didn't want to use this name, it was too blatant.

But his father said something, so that he could show the strength of the family, and then he ignored his opposition and resolutely used the name.

"Yes, this store is opened by my family."

Bell confirmed Hermione's guess.

This shop was originally a ‘Devis and Bans’ shop, and it also operated magic items. But after the Bell's sudden emergence and began selling all kinds of sophisticated magic items, the business situation of this store has gone from bad to worse.

After several years of persistence with the support of our regular customers, in the end, it was announced that the store was closed not long ago.

After learning that Devis and Bans planned to sell the shop, William spent 20% higher than the market price before taking the shop in the eyes of the two original owners hated and delighted.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go in and take a look!"

Hermione burst into unprecedented enthusiasm in an instant, and took Bell to run.

"Welcome, Young Master!"

As soon as he entered the store, a house elf saluted the two.

The house elf is named Toby. He knows his Young Master will come to Hogsmeade today, so he got up early today and cleaned every corner of the store from inside to outside carefully. , Just to welcome his Young Master.

"Hello, Toby. Are you alone?"

Looking around the shop, Bell asked curiously.

"Yes, Mr. Jules has a temporary emergency and went out."

Jules is another clerk in this shop, a wizard.

In fact, Jules was fooled away by Toby's excuse. The reason why Toby did that was to have a few more words with his Young Master.

By the way, due to the serious shortage of manpower, at Bell's suggestion, William has agreed to distribute the house elves to work in the family's various industries.

Noting the curiosity that Hermione was about to overflow, Bell took Hermione's hand and introduced her to the various magic items in the store.

Toby walked to the door silently, and put up a sign that closed business. He didn't allow anyone to disturb his Young Master's interest.

As for turnover?

That's a question that Lord William needs to worry about. As a humble house elf, Toby is not qualified to consider such high-end things.

"This is the Frost Orb. After the magic power is injected, it will be scattered into dozens of ice cones and attack the enemy. You can use it to defend yourself."

With that, Bell put an ice blue bead into Hermione's hand.

It's all my own stuff, no money.

"This is the Flame Orb. Do you know the grenade? This is similar to the grenade, but the advantage is that it can be activated at any time, and it is more powerful."

With that, Bell put another fiery red bead into Hermione's hand.

"This is The Underworld Flint. It is a one-time magic puppet that can transform into a magic stone statue full of flames after activation.

This is a flame totem, which can continuously launch fireballs at the enemy, while also being able to deploy an all-out protective barrier. But the disadvantage is that it cannot be moved at will.

This is a mirror...

This is a cold mind...

This is an arcane explosion...

This is a lightning pistol, modified from a Muggle pistol, capable of firing lightning electronic bullets. It is said to be very popular with Yin & Yang masters from Japan.

This is the recovery of the dead. Of course, it cannot resurrect the dead, but can only manipulate the corpse. "

"Manipulating the corpse? Isn't that very evil?"

Hermione exclaimed.

"What you want is evil. How can you scare people if you are not evil? In fact, those corpses that are manipulated, with low combat effectiveness, will die. They don't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder, and they all rely on their appearance to scare people."

Bell curled his lips in disdain.

This thing was invented by a wizard recruited by the family. Bell himself would not have invented such a thing that is not used by birds.

"Let's play with this, too."

With that, Bell put the scroll with the resurrection curse of the dead into Hermione's arms.

Hermione drew back in shock. She didn't want this thing at all, let alone play with it. Such a perverted person would play with this kind of thing!

"And this... this... this... also take it all."

Since he happened to come to his store, of course Bell also has to give his girlfriend a full outfit.

"Enough, Bell, enough, don't take it anymore."

Holding a large number of magic items in her arms in both hands, Hermione dared not move.

She was afraid of accidentally dropping a dangerous magic item, causing it to be activated. It would be miserable in that case.

Hermione finally knew why the Bells were so rich. It turns out that his family sells arms!

With these "arms" in her arms, Hermione felt that it was enough for a small war.

"Hermione, these are all their own specialties, they don’t need money, so you don’t need to think too much. Moreover, this is not the same as the clothes before. These are all life-saving items, so you must get more talents. Row."

In order to prevent Hermione from rejecting as before, Bell deliberately put on a serious expression.

"Toby, go get a space bag that has a non-marking stretch curse applied. It needs a large space, a female model, and it's easy to carry."

Bell commanded Toby, who had been silently following behind them.

"Yes, Young Master."

Toby happily agreed, and then quickly ran to find the space package that met his Young Master's request. Toby feels very honored to be able to serve his Young Master.

Looking at Bell in front of her, Hermione was moved and helpless.

Where are these magic props used to save lives, they are clearly used to kill lives?

In the end, at Bell's insistence, Hermione left the Menethil Magic Item Shop with a small leather bag full of various dangerous ‘munitions’.

Most of the magic items in it, Hermione didn't know what it was for or how to use it.

It seems that after going back, she will have another problem that needs to be solved urgently.

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