Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 289 Christmas Dinner, Coming Soon

December 24, morning

Bell took Hermione, Shanna, and Shanna's two good friends on the Hogwarts Express.

Because they are going to Bell's house to attend a dinner party in the evening, Phyllis and Lena will go directly to Bell's house with Shanna.

Talking all the way, the train soon arrived in London.

"Bell, didn't your parents come to pick you up?"

Hermione glanced around the platform and asked nervously.

For today, she has been mentally prepared for a long time.

Although still not able to do it well.

"No. Because I was preparing for the evening dinner, I didn't let them pick it up. Anyway, if you use Floo powder, you will be home in an instant."

This Christmas banquet is not just a simple meal and drink, but also an important press conference for the Bells.

Since many days ago, William and Elena have been busy preparing. As caring as Bell, of course, he will not add unnecessary burdens to his parents.

"Hermione, I will pick you up and your parents at your house at 4 this afternoon. Don't be nervous, it's just an ordinary banquet."


Hermione nodded.

But even so, it could be seen from her slightly stiff body that Hermione was still somewhat nervous.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, Hermione was also the first time attending such a banquet held by a wizard. The unknown is always tense.

After watching Hermione disappear at the exit, Bell walked to the fireplace with three small cubs, and returned home with Floo powder.

The Bell’s fireplace is located in the large dining room on the first floor.

Walking out of the fireplace, it should have been a familiar restaurant that could no longer be familiar, but now it presents a completely different scene from the past.

In order to be able to accommodate more guests, the restaurant was temporarily expanded with a non-marking stretch curse.

On the side facing the castle gate, there is a huge stage.

On both sides of the stage, there are two rows of tables neatly arranged. The table is full of exquisite cutlery.

There are also many sofas in the restaurant near the wall, which are used for people to rest or chat.

A large number of house elves are busy decorating the restaurant. After hearing the noise from the fireplace, they all looked over curiously.

After seeing Bell and others walking out of the fireplace, all the house elves immediately stopped their work and bowed to several people.

Waving his hand casually, Bell signaled the house elves to continue working, and then took the lead and walked upstairs.

As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, a familiar figure walked towards him.

"My dear, you are finally back. Did you miss your mother?"

Elena rushed over and gave Bell a hug.

She estimated that her children should be coming home soon, so she ran over deliberately.

"Of course, Mom. We all want you to die."

Bell also smiled and hugged his own mother, and then signaled that there were outsiders present.

Elena released Bell and smiled apologetically at the two little girls behind Bell.

"You two are Phyllis and Lena? Welcome!"

"Hello, Mrs. Menethil, this is Phyllis McMillan."

Phyllis greeted generously.

"You, hello, I, I am, Lena Catalana."

Lena blushed and stammered.

Elena smiled and rubbed Lena's little head. She liked this shy little girl.

"What's your name, madam, you know more. It's just Big sis."


Bell was almost choked to death by saliva.

Why didn't he realize that his mother still has such an unreliable side?

After being reminded by her son, Elena also realized that it seemed inappropriate for her daughter's friends to call her Big sis.

"No, I mean, just call it Aunt. Let Shanna take you around and treat it like your own home. Don't be restrained."

Elena hurriedly changed her words.

"Mom, where's Dad?"

Bell asked curiously.

It stands to reason that when Shanna comes back, it is impossible for her father to come out to greet her.

"He. I'm familiar with the banquet process above. If I say it, I've been familiar with it more than a dozen times. What else is there to be familiar with? It's almost enough."

Elena curled her lips, obviously disapproving of her husband's old problem of being overly cautious.

After exchanging a few words with her mother, Shanna took her two little friends and ran out to the garden outside to look for the magical animals to play.

Bell went back to his own room, planning to give himself a half-day vacation.

There is too much content to study during this period, and he needs to relax a bit.


"Dad, mom, are you ready? 4 o'clock soon!"

Hermione's voice echoed throughout the house.

She was fidgeting around in the living room, looking at her watch for a while, then tidying up her own clothes and hairstyle.

"Baby, you should really sit down and rest for a while. You started urging at 1:00 in the afternoon."

Mrs. Granger reluctantly pressed her daughter to the sofa.

At this time, Mrs. Granger had already put on a gorgeous burgundy evening dress.

Although she was talking about own daughter, it was not difficult to tell from her expression that Mrs. Granger was also looking forward to the upcoming dinner.

"Huh! I want to see, what kind of abilities the little devil named Bell has so much that he can get the love of my family's Hermione."

Mr. Granger walked down the stairs slowly wearing a decent tuxedo.

Although he is also very much looking forward to the next wizarding party. But what he is more concerned about now is that his own cabbage has been smashed!

As early as the previous summer vacation, Mr. Granger had already discovered that something was wrong. Don't mention how surprised he was at the time.

No one knows how good his daughter is better than Mr. Granger.

And now, there is someone who can fascinate their arrogant daughter?

If he didn't know where Hogwarts was, Mr. Granger would have planned to kill him, and take a good look at how this Bell is different.

"Ding Dong~"

Five minutes before 4 o'clock, the doorbell rang, making all three people in the house refreshed.

"Come on!"

Hermione, who had long been eager to see through, jumped up and ran to the door to open it.

Not disappointing Hermione, it was Bell who had been apparated in advance, standing outside the door.

"Hermione, you are so beautiful today."

Seeing his glamorous girlfriend in front of him, Bell said with heartfelt emotion.

Hermione covered her face shyly. She gave Bell a soft punch with some embarrassment.

‘Really, what the truth is! ’

Bell smiled. He hadn't forgotten that this was the door of Hermione's house. Therefore, instead of continuing to flirt with his girlfriend, he looked behind Hermione.

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