Behind Hermione, a middle-aged couple was walking towards each other.

Needless to say, these two must be Hermione's parents.

"Uncle is good, Aunt is good."

Bell bowed politely to say hello, trying to make a good impression on the future old man and mother-in-law.


Mr. Granger snorted uncomfortably.

He had seen the interaction between the other party and his daughter just now. Besides, there is nothing special about this kid, it's just a head on two shoulders.

Mrs. Granger secretly kicked her husband, and then looked at Bell with a smile on her face.

"Well, well, you are Bell, come in quickly."

As the so-called mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, the more she looks, the happier she becomes.

Mrs. Granger showed a completely different attitude from Mr. Granger.

The more she looked at Bell, the more satisfied she felt.

Big and tall, he looks good, and the young man looks energetic. And most importantly, my daughter likes it!

There is nothing more important than what my daughter likes!

Bell Yiyan walked into the room.

This was the first time Bell came to Hermione's house, and he watched curiously.

The size of the room is not large, but it is neatly organized. It does not feel crowded.

The furniture is elegantly decorated, giving people a sense of comfort and relaxation.

At this point, the Bells will be far behind.

Although the Bell’s castle is exquisite, beautiful and luxurious, it will inevitably cause some psychological pressure to those who come for the first time.

At the beginning, Bell also lived in the castle for nearly a year before finally adapting to that feeling.

"Bell, is it okay? Will it be too late?"

Watching her mother pouring tea enthusiastically to Bell, Hermione asked in a low voice with some worry.

She didn't want to be late the first time she saw Bell's parents, that would definitely leave a very bad impression on Bell's parents.

"Don't worry, I have enough time."

Bell smiled and soothed.

The banquet didn't take place until 6 o'clock. The reason why he came to pick up the Hermione family so early was to allow some time for communication.

"Can Aunt call you Bell too?"

Mrs. Granger put a cup of black tea on the coffee table in front of Bell, sat down and asked with a smile.

"Of course, I actually prefer people to call me by my first name instead of my last name."

Bell said respectfully.

"Bell, did you just'pop' it, and then you moved in an instant?"

Mrs. Granger still remembers clearly until now that during the previous summer vacation, the magical creature that was said to be a house elf appeared directly in the living room of her house with a ‘pop’.

And she looked outside specifically just now, and didn't see any means of transportation such as cars.

"Yes, I Apparated."

"Then why didn't you show up directly in the living room? Didn't the little butler in your house say that you can't be seen by outsiders?"

Please forgive Mrs. Granger for having forgotten Lim's name. She was so surprised that she didn't have the energy to remember other things.

"Because I think it's impolite to appear directly in the living room. And even if I appear outside, other people can't notice me..."

Bell explained briefly.

When performing the Apparition, the wizard's side will produce strong spatial distortion and magical fluctuations. This will cause other magic in the wizard's body, such as the Muggle expulsion spell, to be destroyed.

To avoid this situation, either the level of Apparition is high enough, and the resulting spatial distortion and magical fluctuations are relatively weak. Or, it must be the level of the Muggle expelling spell high enough so that the stability of the spell can resist the destruction of space and magic.

And Eliem's ​​current magical attainments could not achieve any of the above points.

After two or thirty minutes of small talk, Bell felt that the time was almost up, so he proposed to set off.

"Bell, how do we get to your house? Apparition? Or Floo fans?"

Hermione asked eagerly.

She has never used these two methods of movement. This made her curious and full of expectations for the next journey.

"Neither. We take a flying car."

"Hey!? Why?"

Hermione looked disappointed.

Although she has never done a speed car, she has ridden a flying broom and night qi. Therefore, Hermione still wanted to experience the feeling of instantaneous movement more than the speeding car.

"The taste of Apparition is not so wonderful. Although Floo fans are better, it will still be a bad experience for Uncle Aunt, who has no magic in the body.

Therefore, if you use these two methods to move, you will have to dress up again after you get to my house. "

Even William and Elena, when attending important banquets, would not use Floo powder.

That will make their hair and clothes dusty.

Not to mention, there is no magic in the Grangers. Even with Bell's protection, the distortion of the space would make the two of them vomit dimly.

"Let's take a speeding car!"

Mrs. Granger rushed to make a decision before her own daughter.

In order to prevent herself from losing face at the wizard's banquet, she dressed and dressed for more than 2 hours. She didn't want to do it again.

"Where is the speeding car? What is it? Is it a flying car?"

Mrs. Granger looked out curiously.

Could it be that she missed it before?

"Yes, there is no problem with your understanding. Please follow me."

After all, Bell took the lead to walk out.

After finding a fairly spacious place in the garden, Bell took out a miniature car model from his arms.

As the Grangers watched curiously, Bell took out his own wand. After tapping the car model lightly with his magic wand, he tossed it forward.

The model quickly grew larger and became the size of an ordinary car.

At Bell's sign, the Grangers with a surprised look, Yiyan entered the speeding car.

After coming in, they were even more surprised.

The space inside the car is much larger than it looks outside. I'm afraid it's more than enough for 10 people to sit down.

"Okay, we're going to set off. Please don't worry about Uncle Aunt. The speeding car is very safe and won't fall."

After speaking, Bell controlled the speed car and flew into the air.

After the initial panic, the Grangers quickly adapted.

After all, they are all people who have been in airplanes, not to mention that flying cars are much more secure than airplanes.

It was the first time for Hermione's parents to take a speeding car, so Bell didn't fly too fast. But even so, it only took less than an hour before a few people arrived at Bell's house.


Looking down at the exquisite castle standing on the plain, the Grangers grew their mouths in shock.

Speaking of this age, are there really people living in the castle?

Is there electricity?

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