Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 295-Forbidden Forest Tracking

"Ron, Neville, you guys..."

Harry looked at Own's two good brothers moved, but he was a little choked for a while.

As for the content of Ron's words, does it seem to be inconsistent with reality?

Don't care about the details.

Three people wearing invisible cloaks walked on the pitch-black grass.

"Ha, Harry, you said, what conspiracy is Black planning?"

Ron's voice sounded trembling.

Don't look at the impassionedness he said before, as if he was about to lay down his life to accompany the gentleman. But in fact, his heart was flustered, and even his calf was trembling.

As for Neville, who has remained silent, although he looks like a calm general, he is actually not as good as Ron.

He was so nervous that he couldn't even speak.

"I don't know. But no matter what his intentions, he can't think that we will have such powerful magic items as a live map in our hands!"

Unlike his two friends, Harry looked confident.

He believes that his three will be able to beat Black.

Do not! It must be defeated!

"Oops, Black is gone! Will he find us?"

Ron, who was in charge of stalking the live map, suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Impossible! We are still far from the Forbidden Forest, not to mention that we are still wearing invisibility cloaks. It is impossible for Black to find us!"

Harry denied Ron's guess.

Harry had blind confidence in the invisibility cloak his father left him.

As long as he was wearing this invisibility cloak, no one would ever find him.

"How did Black disappear?"

Harry asked.

"Blake just suddenly moved into the Forbidden Forest, and then disappeared!"

Ron explained.

"Black must have run out of the display range of the live spot map."

Harry gave his own judgment.

In fact, it is not hard to guess.

"Don't panic, it's impossible for Black to find us. We have to speed up, and maybe we can still find the traces of Black."

Regardless of the risk of exposure, the three accelerated toward the forbidden forest.

Standing out of the forbidden forest panting, including Harry, looking at the gloomy and dark forbidden forest in front of them, all three of them felt weak.

They have entered the forbidden forest twice. But these two times, they did not leave any good memories.

"We can't hesitate anymore! If this continues, Blake will run far!"

In the end, it was the anger and killing intent in Harry's heart that defeated his fear of the Forbidden Forest.

With firm steps forward, Kazakhstan interest rate entered the forbidden forest first.

"Hey! Look there!"

Going to the place where Black had stayed before, Neville soon found out.

"Speak down, Neville! Black might be nearby!"

Ron glared at Neville angrily.

Neville's voice just now made him almost kicked.

Neville hurriedly covered his mouth hard.

He looked around nervously, for fear that The next moment, Black would rush out of the shadow of the woods.

The three people walked to the trace that Neville found.

"This is the trace you found? Come on, Black is a human, he doesn't have sharp claws."

Looking at the claw marks at the root of the tree, Ron couldn't help complaining.

He suspected Neville was frightened and looked like Black in everything.

"No, Ron, this is probably a trace left by Black!"

Unexpectedly, Harry agreed with Neville's point of view.

"Huh? Harry, I know you want to find Black, but..."

"I'm sober, Ron. Do you remember? Hagrid once said that there are no dangerous animals outside the Forbidden Forest."

Touching the edge of the claw mark with his hand, Harry continued to analyze.

"An animal with such sharp claws is by no means safe.

Before Halloween, Blake tried to sneak into the Gryffindor lounge, but he failed.

The failure of that time also made the professors more vigilant.

Therefore, he found a dangerous magical animal, and wanted to make it attract the attention of professors, so that he could take the opportunity to kill me! "

Harry's analysis is well-founded.

However, Ron had a different opinion.

"Please, Harry. You should know that Hagrid's so-called harmless standards are completely different from ordinary people."

As he said, Ron also put his own right hand.

When he was in the first grade, his hand was once bitten severely by Hagrid's so-called cute and well-behaved baby, and it swelled to the size of his head.

Even now when he recalled it, Ron would still feel uncomfortable all over his body.

After having such a painful comprehension, Ron now listened in reverse to what Hagrid said.

"But there are no signs of fighting here, which means that this animal did not attack Black. Isn't it strange? And the most important thing is that we have no choice now!"

After speaking, Harry looked down and looked for it.

Soon, he found another shallow paw print on the ground not far away.

"Harry, even if your inference is correct. But in that way, doesn't it mean that Black has another dangerous magical animal as a helper?

We are struggling to deal with a black. If we add a magical animal, can we deal with it? "

Ron began to retreat.

Maybe if they return to Hogwarts now and go to the professor to report, they still have time?

"I won't go back, Ron!

And think about it in a good direction. Fantastic animals are not so easy to tame. Maybe after we sneak attack on Black, maybe we will have an extra helper in turn? "


A big black dog hobbled in the forbidden forest.

Suddenly, a tree root tripped it.

The big dog fell to the ground, and after a long period of effort, he couldn't get up.

After lying on the ground and panting for a while, the big dog's body suddenly began to stretch.

The hair faded, the fangs shrunk, and the big black dog soon became a tall and thin wizard.

The long and messy hair has been dangled to the elbow, and I don't know how long it has not been cut. The shabby robe was covered with stains, and it also exuded a choking smell.

The eye sockets are deep, the skin is waxy white, and the whole person is like a skeleton wrapped in human skin.

This wizard is now the most wanted criminal in the Ministry of Magic-Sirius Black.

With a trembling hand, Blake took out a few suspicious black objects from the pocket of his robe.

Chewing hard on the food turned over from the trash, Blake resisted not letting him vomit it out. This is his last bit of food.

Tonight, the reason why he would run into the forbidden forest was because he wanted to look at Harry from a distance. On the other hand, I hope to catch a few small animals to replenish physical strength.

Relying on some of the leftovers of good-hearted people's charity, as well as the rotten food turned out from the garbage dump, is really not enough to support his survival.

Not to mention, he has to save more physical strength to achieve his goal.

As long as he can kill that person, as long as he can complete his revenge, he can endure any suffering!

Suddenly, Black's ears moved, and he heard the rubbing of bushes.

He sniffed vigorously with his nose.

Because of the constant deformation of Af*ck Gus, his sense of smell is still very sensitive even in human form.

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