Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 296'Fierce' Fight in the Forest

It's the taste of humans! There is also a very light taste, but Black will never forget it forever!

Driven by hatred, Black stood up abruptly.

After a while, he turned into the big black dog again and dived into the shadow of the woods.


"Guys, how long have we been away?"

After pulling the robe hooked by the branches, Ron asked breathlessly after pulling the branches off.

Neville took out his personal terminal and took a look, and said:

"Less than 20 minutes."

"Oh! Gosh! I thought we had been walking for two hours!"

In the dense forbidden forest, there is no road for three people to walk on. Not to mention, because they didn't know when they would catch up with Black, they didn't dare to take off the invisibility cloak, and only 3 people were walking together.

"No! Get out of the way!"

Harry suddenly yelled, pulled the Invisibility Cloak hard, and rushed to the side.

However, his reminder was one step too late.

Ron and Neville tried hard to escape, but because of the shackles of the invisibility cloak, the two ran into each other instead.

"Do not--!"

In Harry's angry roar, a big black dog quickly pounced on Ron and Neville.

"you again!"

Harry recognized the big black dog.

During the summer vacation, he had seen this big black dog in previous Quidditch games.

He had suspected before that this big black dog was a symbol of disaster. Because every time he sees each other, he will encounter danger.

But what Harry didn't expect was that this black dog turned out to be Black's helper! It not only helped Black see through the disguise of the invisibility cloak, but also launched a surprise attack on them!

Although Blake hadn't been seen yet, Harry didn't care about it now. He now only hopes that Ron's previous judgment is correct. This dog is an animal that originally lived outside the Forbidden Forest.


Harry yelled and attacked the big black dog. But for fear of accidentally hurting Ron and Neville, Harry's curse was a little bit more powerful, and eventually fell on the clearing.

I saw the big black dog biting Ron's right leg firmly and dragging it hard into the darkness.

Harry, whose attack route was blocked by Ron, only felt helpless. At this moment, he resented himself very much, why didn't he learn Transfiguration well before.

If his transfiguration can reach the level of Hermione who is the number one in his academy, maybe he can control the ground deformation now and save Ron.

"Let go Ron!"

And when Harry was helpless, Neville, who was ignored by everyone, rushed to the big black dog, and with his own tonnage, he successfully pressed him under him.

"Good job, Neville!"

Ron has experienced more than once or twice about Neville's Mount Tai trick. He is well aware of the power of this trick.

Ron touched his hand to his waist. He wanted to pull out his own wand and give this Damn it dead dog a cruel one.

However, he felt empty.

It turned out that when he was struggling violently, his wand was accidentally knocked off.

Ron failed to achieve his own purpose, but his actions reminded Blake, who was crushed by Neville.

Black lifted his own f*ck Gus's transformation, and used the force generated during the transformation to push Neville away from his body.

Then, in the shocking gaze of the three Harry, he leaped at Ron's wand on the ground.

"No! Stop him!"

Ron exclaimed.

He decided that if he could go back alive this time, he must find a rope and tie the wand tightly to his body. The wand is there and no one is dead!

"Except for your weapons!"

As soon as Blake's hand touched Ron's wand, Harry, who was reminded by Ron, recovered from the sudden ‘surprise’.

At this moment, Harry was very grateful to Guidro Lockhart, their Defence Against the Dark Arts professor last year.

Although Lockhart is a big parallel seller, at least the disarming spell he taught is really easy to use.

The light of the curse flashed, and before a smile appeared on Blake's face, he was hit by Harry's curse and rolled on the ground several times.

The magic wand that I just got, I don't know where it flew.

Neville pounced once again, so he tried his best to put Black under him. And this time, he also learned the lesson from before, with all his limbs, he hugged Black's body firmly like a koala.

As the well-deserved MVP of this battle, Neville was proud of his own weight for the first time.

The most wanted criminal of the Ministry of Magic, Sirius Black, who has shaken the entire British magical world, is now under his weight, unable to move!

Had it not been for the wrong occasion, Neville would have wanted Harry and Ron to help him take a few more photos. If you go back to show it to grandma, grandma will definitely be proud of him.

It's just that the smell is a bit on the top...

Neville tilted his head to minimize his breathing rate.

"Good job, Neville!"

Ron limped over.

He looked at Black lying miserably on the ground and snorted disdainfully.

"What am I talking about, as long as the three of us work together, and there is only one Black, it will not be a problem at all!"

Ron shook his hand handsomely, but he didn't get any response.

Putting down his hands awkwardly, Ron looked at Harry.

At this moment, Harry was staring at Black with hatred. He didn't hear Ron at all.

"I finally caught you, Blake! I knew that I would be able to catch you!"

Harry walked quickly to Blake, looked down at him, and pointed his wand at Blake's brow.

"Now, it's time to pay the debt! Use your life to pay for the sins you once committed!"

"Wait, Harry! Are you going to kill him!?"

Ron looked at Harry in disbelief.

He thought Harry was just trying to catch Black.

Killing, for Ron, who was only in his 10s, was too hard to imagine.

"Of course! He killed my parents, and now he wants to kill me, shouldn't I kill him?"

Facing Harry's questioning, Ron was speechless.

To be honest, Ron, with his parents still alive and a lot of his family, couldn't understand how Harry felt at this time.

Although he always felt that this was wrong, he didn't know how to dissuade Harry.

"I never thought about killing you, Harry."

Blake, who was a little breathless under the pressure of Neville, said with difficulty.

"Shut up, you traitor! You are not qualified to call my name!"

Harry felt nauseous when he heard the name of own being spoken out of the other person's mouth.

"You are right, Harry. I am indeed not qualified."

A miserable smile appeared on Blake's face.

"But I really never thought about killing you. What I want to kill is Pettigrew Peter."

"Huh!? Don't you think that we are children, so we are very easy to lie? Dwarf Peter was killed by you more than 10 years ago! Please be a little bit more skillful when you lie, OK? ?"

Harry snorted.

If Blake wanted to disarm his wand by making fun of him, then Harry had to say that the other party almost succeeded just now.

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