Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 301 ‘Minister, the big thing is not good! Black was rescued! ’

After giving Black to the Dementor, Fudge was in a wonderful mood and decided to give Dumbledore more Face.

He ordered the dementor to take Blake to the woods not far away to be executed.

In fact, the main thing is that what the Dementor draws from the soul is really beautiful. After seeing it once, Fudge doesn't want to see it again in his life. Otherwise, for the next week, he is afraid that he will have nightmares every night again.

Looking at the backs of the dementors away, Fudge began to think, how should he celebrate later?

However, as the saying goes, it's easy to be sad and happy.

Not long after the dementors entered the forest, Fudge was surprised to see that the dementors had actually flew over the forest, searching for something while roaring hoarsely.

A bad premonition came to Fudge's heart.

"Quick! Go and ask what's going on!"

Fudge commanded to the Auror beside him.

Soon, an Auror brought back a not-so-good news.

"Minister, something bad happened! Black was rescued!"

This sentence was like a bolt from a blue sky, and Fudge was dizzy.

"Impossible! How could someone hide the dementor's perception!"

Holding the Auror by the collar, Fudge roared angrily.

He didn't believe that the duck that reached the mouth just flew like this?

"According to the dementors, it was a werewolf who rescued Black. You know, dementors can only absorb human emotions, so they are not so sensitive to creatures other than humans."

The Auror explained helplessly.

Had it not been for guessing and losing, he would not come back as this punching bag.

So why did he take out the scissors just now?

"Werewolf? How come there are werewolves here!?"

Fudge, furious, looked back at Hogwarts Castle behind him abruptly.

Although there is no evidence, the sixth sense of the middle-aged man told him that this must be the ghost of Dumbledore's old immortal!

"Go! Go mobilize more Aurors and Dementors, even if you dig three feet, you must find Black and that damn werewolf for me!"

Fudge returned to Hogwarts angrily after finishing his orders in a desperate manner. He is going to Dumbledore, he is going to question each other!

"Bang~! ’

Fudge, who was angry at his heart, couldn't take care of it anymore. He kicked the door of the principal's office and walked in without saying hello.

Watching sitting behind his desk and looking at Own's old face for a while, Fudge really wanted to punch him!

But dare not...

"What's wrong, Connelly? Is something wrong?"

Dumbledore asked knowingly.

That's right! All of this is Dumbledore's handwriting.

He first arranged for Lupin to transform into a werewolf and lurking outside Hogwarts. Then, he asked Fudge to take Black outside of Hogwarts for execution.

Originally, he planned to secretly help Lupin at a critical moment. Unexpectedly, Fudge was more cooperative than expected, so he saved trouble.

"Blake was rescued by a werewolf! Outside Hogwarts, why are there were werewolves!"

Seeing Dumbledore's appearance, he was only Fudge who was 100% sure, but now he is 200% sure that the werewolf was arranged by Dumbledore!


Dumbledore pretended to be surprised.

But I have to say, perhaps because of the fact that Dumbledore's acting skills are not up to the standard because he faces a group of little wizards who are fond of thieves all day.

At least for the middle-aged fox like Fudge, who has been in politics for more than 10 years, what do you think about Dumbledore's expression?

"Connelly, I see."

After thinking for a while, Dumbledore looked at Fudge with a serious face.

"It must have been sent by Voldemort. I told you earlier that Voldemort is still alive."

Dumbledore praised his own wit.

This time, he not only gained a tool man, but also strengthened the persuasiveness of the idea that'Voldemort is still alive'.

This is really killing two birds with one stone!

As for Fudge, believe it or not?

Does that matter?

As long as what happened today appears on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow, someone will always believe it.

Fudge's lips trembled at the sight of Dumbledore's unrestrained look.

"I, I will definitely catch them!"

With a cruel word, Fudge turned around and slammed the door and walked out.

In fact, everyone knows that he can no longer catch Black. At least not in a short time.

Today is not the full moon, the werewolf obviously has a sober consciousness. In other words, the opponent can turn back into a wizard at any time.

It is not easy to catch a wizard who is out of sight. Otherwise, there won't be so many dark wizards in the magic world.


In an abandoned wooden house, the space suddenly twisted.


Two figures appeared in the wooden house and fell to the ground.

Lupin lifted his wand with difficulty and freed Black from his body.

"Lupin! How are you? Why are you risking such a big risk to rescue me?"

Seeing the scary wound on Lupin's back that almost split it in two, Blake's heart was filled with indescribable touch and self-blame.

"What silly thing are you talking about. Now that I know you are innocent, how could I just watch you get killed."

Lupin said weakly.

"I have a pre-prepared therapeutic medicine in my pocket, you can help me take it out."

Lupin, who was lying on the ground and losing too much blood, couldn't even complete the simple action of taking out the medicine from his pocket.

Hearing this, Black quickly took out two bottles of healing potions from Lupin's pocket. One bottle was fed to Lupin and the other was poured on the wound on Lupin's back.

The effect of the potion is very good, at first glance it is the work of a certain potion master.

(Actually, Lupin stole it from Snape's office. I don't know how Snape would look if he learned that the healing potions he worked so hard had saved his two enemies.)

Seeing that the bleeding from the wound stopped, Black carefully helped Lupin up and let him lean on the wall.

"Where is this place?"

Looking at the woods outside the window, Black asked curiously.

"An abandoned wooden house. I used to live here for a while. Don't worry, no one will come here."

Lupin's plain words made Black feel anxious.

It seems that Lupin's passing these years has not been easy. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, who would live in such a place where birds do not shit!

Seeing Black fell into silence, Lupin mistakenly thought that the other party was at a loss for the future, so he spoke to persuade him:

"Sirius, I understand your desire to atone for your sins with death. But you can't die yet."


Black looked at Lupin suspiciously.

"Because Harry! If I remember correctly, you should be Harry's godfather? Harry now has no parents, and he is the only godfather to rely on."

"But, will Harry believe me and forgive me?"

As soon as he heard Harry's name, Black felt a heartbreaking pain.

If possible, he certainly hopes to take good care of Harry instead of his own good brother. But……

"I have no idea."

Lupin knew what Black was worried about, but he really couldn't help it.

"But you can protect Harry in secret, just like you have done in the past few months, can't you? Or, you can't stand that kind of life?"

Lupin knew Blake very well, even better than Blake himself.

So he knew that there was no way to deal with Black, it was more effective than the radical method.

"Of course I can! I know what to do, thank you, Lupin."

Unsurprisingly, in Black's eyes, fighting spirit ignited, sweeping away the lifelessness before.

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