Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 304 Bell's Conspiracy Theory Again

Feeling the hesitation that Lupin exudes behind him, the corners of Bell's mouth slowly cocked.

During the Christmas holidays, he asked people to investigate information about Lupin and Black. On the basis of having a full understanding of the two, Bell also reviewed the experience of Voldemort's defeat that year.

Therefore, Bell knew that Lupin's character had an indecisive side.

Since Lupin can't make a decision now, the only person left who can make a decision is Black.

As for whether Black will seek his help, Bell is still very confident.

Although everyone thought Blake was a loyal Death Eater under Voldemort, even Bell thought so before.

But after learning that Lupin had rescued Black, Bell stopped thinking that way.

First of all, it is impossible for Dumbledore to not know the identity of Lupin's werewolf.

Secondly, Black was rescued outside the school gate at Hogwarts.

Finally, according to intelligence, Dumbledore was in Hogwarts when Black was rescued.

In summary, it is not difficult to guess that Dumbledore deliberately let Black be rescued.

Even Black, whom Dumbledore ordered Lupin to save.

No matter how unreliable Lao Deng was, he would not let any of Voldemort's diehards leave his own sight.

Therefore, there is only one truth, Blake is not a Death Eater!

This is really... great!

Bell didn't care what happened in it. He only knew that Black was not a Death Eater, which meant that the other party could not get the assistance of other Death Eaters who were hiding in the dark.

In other words, only Lupin and Dumbledore can help Black now.

So here comes the problem.

Lupin is still struggling to feed himself, how can he spare any energy to help Black?

As for Dumbledore?

Bell believes that Old Deng is willing to help Black.


Will Black accept it... this is not necessarily true.

Wizards across the UK knew that the only person Voldemort feared was Dumbledore.

Then the problem comes again.

Harry's father, James Potter, didn't ask Dumbledore to become the secret of the Curse of Fidelity, but chose his most trusted brother, Sirius Black?

There is only one answer, and that is, James does not trust Dumbledore!

This is very intriguing.

In addition, Professor Trelawney's prophecy said that a little wizard who was born at the end of July and was born in a family that had defeated the Dark Lord three times would completely kill Voldemort.

Then the problem comes again.

In addition to Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom also meets this condition.

Even Voldemort had investigated this, and Dumbledore could not have known it.

Why, then, did Dumbledore not take any protective measures against the Longbottoms?

In addition, no one knows how Voldemort learned of Professor Trelawney's prediction.

In summary, Bell made a bold guess:

‘The prophecy was deliberately leaked to Voldemort by Dumbledore. He also let Voldemort's attack on Potter and Longbottom! ’

As we all know, even the greatest prophet in history cannot guarantee that every prediction he makes will be 100% fulfilled.

Not to mention that it was Professor Trelawney's half-hearted.

Go to the street and ask a few wizards. Out of 10 people, at least 9 will say Trelawney is a liar.

Therefore, Dumbledore's unusual behavior, in Bell's view, was to verify the authenticity of the prophecy.

If the prophecy is true, then by the way, Voldemort's hand can be used to screen out the true ‘child of prophecy’.

It can be called a coup with two birds with one stone!

Although there will be some ‘trivial’ sacrifices.

Keke, I digressed again.

In short, if Bell's speculation is not wrong, then Black's current life should be very difficult.

Then, using some worthless knowledge (at least for the current Black is worthless) in exchange for some urgently needed materials, it is simply not too cost-effective!

"Bell! Why are you here? I have been looking for you for a long time!"

Bell turned to look, and Hermione was running towards him panting.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? So anxious."

Bell looked at his girlfriend curiously.

Hermione looked around cautiously and made sure that there was no one else nearby before reaching for Bell's ear.

"Bell, I have been thinking about something for several days. I think I should tell you."

Seeing Hermione's serious face, Bell immediately cheered up.

Could it be that during the previous banquet, what did your mother say to Hermione?

No, in that case, his mother should tell him.

Without letting Bell think about it for too long, she only heard Hermione continue to say:

"I read in the Daily Prophet that it was a werewolf who rescued Black. You said, could it be Professor Lupin?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hermione felt a moment of relaxation.

In the past few days, she hasn't been able to sleep well, and it's the thought that has been turning over and over in her mind.

She knew that it was bad behavior to doubt the professors in the school for no reason.

However, when she thought of the word "werewolf" in the newspaper, the first thing that came to her mind was Professor Lu Ping.

The main reason is that she only knows such a werewolf.

So, after struggling again and again, Hermione decided to tell Bell about own inference.

Hermione looked at Bell cautiously, for fear that her boyfriend The next moment would blame her.

After all, it's really too unreasonable to suspect a professor or something!

Professor Lupin is not Snape...

If Bell knew what his girlfriend was thinking at the moment, he would definitely be tempted to roll on the ground holding his belly.

Poor Snape is about to become Hogwarts' "King of the Pot".

"Yes, it's Professor Lupin."

Bell calmly said...not very calm words.

"Sure enough, I said how could Professor Lupin... wait! What did you say!?"

Hermione's eyes were wide, she seemed to have heard something incredible from her boyfriend's mouth just now?

"I said, Professor Lupin was the werewolf, he was the one who saved Sirius Black."

Bell repeated.

This is the latest information he just verified, and it's still warm.

"Bell! You, how can you be suspicious of professors like this? I know you don't like Professor Lupin. In fact, I don't think all of your Defence Against the Dark Arts professors, including Professor Lockhart from last year. ..."

Bell looked at Hermione who had turned on the preaching mode with a dumbfounded expression.

So, didn’t Hermione just come to ask him if he rescued the werewolf Black, was it Professor Lupin’s?

He just answered Hermione’s question honestly, right? Why is he wrong again?

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