"Huh! Big Boss Bell today is in a good mood too!"


Putting down the books in his hands, Bell looked at Penello, who was sitting opposite.

Is the other party taking gunpowder? He doesn't remember having provoked each other recently.

"Senior sister, who is this provoke you again?"

Looking around the Ravenclaw's lounge, the few people are also reading and studying.

‘So it’s not really me, is it? ’

Bell thought with some guilty conscience.

"Who else? It's that big idiot Percy!"

Penello said angrily.

‘It’s okay, it’s not me. ’

Bell breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he didn't accidentally provoke Penello, he can eat melons with peace of mind.

But to be honest, in view of some things that have happened, Bell really doesn't want to eat this melon from Penello and Percy.

Easy to get angry!

However, under Penello's threatening gaze, the books in Bell's hands were so heavy that they couldn't lift them up.

"This...Senior, how can you upset Senior Sister?"

In the end, Bell still compromised. He bit his head and asked the question Penello wanted him to ask.

‘I knew it, I went to play with my Little Sister. ’

Today is the weekend, Shanna was invited to go on a picnic by the Black Lake and enjoy the snow with her two friends.

Of course, Shanna found Bell and wanted her Big Brother to go with her.

Of course Bell also hopes to play with his Little Sister. However, thinking that a few of them are all young girls, he is a boy, it will inevitably spoil the atmosphere.

Therefore, after much deliberation, Bell still did not go, and recommended Hermione.

So there was a situation where he was staying alone in Ravenclaw's lounge and reading.

Hearing that Bell finally asked a question, Penello showed an expression of "I count you acquainted."

She leaned forward and snatched Fina from Bell's arms.

While expertly taking out food from his pocket and feeding it to Fina, Penello complained:

"Don't you know, I've been annoyed by Percy these days!"

Although Penello said so, Bell couldn't tell from her face that she was going to be annoyed to death.

This is clearly an expression that is going to be pissed off!

"In the Quidditch game the other day, didn’t Ravenclaw play against Gryffindor. I wondered, our school’s Quidditch team is also quite strong. So I bet with Percy. Winclaw wins."

Bell looked at Penello in disbelief. So who gave her the courage, wrong, it was the confidence that made her think Ravenclaw could win?

As we all know, Ravenclaw is an academy rich in academics. And Xueba, in the world, is often called ‘nerd’.

Therefore, Ravenclaw's Quidditch team dominates the top four colleges all the year round!

It's just a row from back to front.

Penello, who looked a little bit irritated by Bell's eyes as a fool, kicked Bell vigorously, and tried hard to defend:

"This year's seeker in our academy-Qiu Zhang, is very good! If Harry suddenly didn't know where he got a newest flying broom-Firebolt, Qiu Zhang would be able to catch it. Live the Snitch!

How could Mrs. Hooch allow Harry to use the foul-like flying broomstick like Firebolt? This is really unreasonable! Damn it too! "

Bell always felt that Penello's lines were a bit familiar. Did he hear something similar from Hermione's mouth last year?

"So, how much did you lose to Percy Senior?"

Bell asked curiously.

"10 Gallon."

"That's okay. Why? Senior sister, don't you want to fall back on the bill?"

To be fair, for the little wizards who are still going to school at Hogwarts, 10 Jin Jialong can indeed be regarded as a huge sum of money.

When Ron lost his favor, he was gritted his teeth under the grief and anger, and demanded 10 gallons of compensation from Bell.

But Penello is different. She can now get 50 Jin Jialong's salary every month. Therefore, for her, 10 gallons should still be within the tolerance range.

"I didn't want to go wrong!"

Penello glared at Bell dissatisfiedly.

This Damn it guy, can't speak, just shut up and listen honestly, can't you? Is she the kind of person who doesn't speak honesty?

"I just don't have any money in my hands now, so I told Percy to go slowly, and when I get this month's salary, it will be given to him immediately."

"No, senior sister. Is it possible that you are the "Moonlight Clan" in the legend? The kind that makes you feel uncomfortable if you don't spend all the money in your hands every month?"

If it is said that the income is low and it is not enough to spend, Bell can understand it. But now Penello can be counted as a middle-income group. Does it even have to spend it every month?

"You are so embarrassed to say!"

Penello looked at Bell with a grimace, and Bell felt a tingling scalp.

Fortunately, Hermione is not here now. Otherwise, if she heard Penello's speech and matched it with the right expression on Penello's face, it wouldn't be necessary to fight with Bell!

"No, why am I embarrassed? What am I embarrassing about? Senior sister, you are legally responsible for speaking, do you know? Be careful I sue you for libel!"

Hearing Bell's angrily speech, Penello realized that what she said just now was indeed a bit inappropriate?

Penello flushed, and hurriedly explained:

"I mean, the contents of the materials that I usually send over are too esoteric and too complicated. I can't understand most of them.

In desperation, I had to take out all my salary and buy those thick and expensive magic books.

Speaking of Bell, can you really understand the information? "

Penello looked at his boss suspiciously.

(As Bell's secretary, Penello's job is to sort out the magic materials sent from the research institute for Bell, and select the more important parts from them and mark them.)

Although he did not buy less cosmetics and clothes, Penello did, as he said, spending the bulk of the cost on buying magic books.

However, even so, she can only understand about one-third of the contents of those materials. As for the rest, we can only rely on Meng.

That's the result of her having spent the past six months forgetting to sleep and eat every day and supplementing her magical knowledge.

At the beginning, Penello really felt like he was reading a heavenly book. She knew every word, but after they were connected, she didn't understand what it meant at all.

Faced with Penello's doubts, Bell only smiled, without explaining. He knew that the other party was only complaining, and he was not really asking him.

"Oh! I didn't expect Senior Sister you to be so dedicated, which made me a little embarrassed."

Bell gags hippiely.

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