Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 311 Campus Recruitment Fair

Under the threat of Hermione, Bell finally gave in shamefully.

And, under Hermione's monitoring, Bell also dissuaded Shanna's plan to secretly cut two tentacles back at night.

This also made that for the next few days, Shanna didn't give Hermione a good face.

Fortunately, the coming of the Easter holiday successfully made the little girl forget her previous unhappiness.

For this Easter holiday, the little girl has been looking forward to it for a long time.

As mentioned before, Bell intends to hold a campus job fair in Hogwarts. The first job fair was scheduled for the Easter holiday.


Early on April 15th.

Two main interviewers: Bell and Shanna

Three deputy interviewers: Penello, Hermione, Fina o(=•ω•=)m

Two people watching the lively eating melons: Phyllis and Lena

Because it was the first time this campus job fair was held, William didn't know how effective it would be. Therefore, after Bell proposed that he would host this job fair, William agreed without hesitation.

Also, don't underestimate Fina. Although the little guy is in charge of being cute, he has already mastered the two natural abilities of "Dragon Flame" and "Flying". Most of the 7th grade graduates are not necessarily its opponents.

Therefore, at least when recruiting armed personnel, the little guy is completely enough to serve as an interviewer.

At least better than Hermione.

"Bell, can I really be an interviewer?"

Hermione asked nervously.

She is only in the third grade now. Although she has always been the first in the grade, compared with the seniors of the 7th grade, there should still be a big gap, right?

"Don't worry, I didn't expect you to do anything, you just need to ask a few useful or useless questions."

Bell waved his hand casually, indicating that Hermione didn't need to be nervous.


Hearing Bell's answer, Hermione did not feel nervous anymore. But why is she not happy at all?

As early as the beginning of this semester, Bell posted the recruitment information on the bulletin board at the entrance of the auditorium.

Coupled with this period of time, Penello's efforts to publicize, so that now, Bell and the others have not arrived, there are already many people waiting on the grass.

"Penello, where will the job fair be held?"

Several seventh-grade seniors who knew Penello acquainted with each other, as soon as they saw Bell and others, they couldn't wait to ask.

Hearing this, Penello turned to look at the owner of own.

To be honest, she had some doubts whether Bell was really planning to hire people. Because the holidays have passed for several days, she didn't see that Bell had made any preparations for this job fair.

Anyway, prepare a venue or something.

Bell waved his hand and motioned to Penello to stay calm.

"Sanna, remember what I told you last night?"

Bell looked at his Little Sister.

In non-necessary situations, Bell will now leave things to Shanna to do.

This is definitely not what Bell wants to be lazy, he just wants to give his Little Sister more opportunities to exercise.


Shanna remembered every sentence of what her Big Brother had said.

Even if you forget it, you only need to use Sensation and look for the memory, so it is not forgotten.

The magic wand slipped from the cuffs of the battle uniform. In order to be more solemn, the little girl put on the Christmas present given to her by the Big Brother.

In the same way, Bell also changed into the battle suit made of the eight-eyed giant spider silk at the request of his own Little Sister.

This morning, when Hermione first saw the costumes of the Bell brothers and sisters, her little eyes were so bitter. Seeing Bell almost thought he was a peerless scumbag.

Keke, get back to business.

After Shanna took out her wand, she lifted it up vigorously.

‘Boom! ’

The mountain shook for a while.

Under the shocking gaze of everyone nearby (except Bell), a series of dirt walls rose from the ground...

"Ahem, Shanna, don't make it so grand."

Bell awkwardly stopped his Little Sister's behavior.

My Little Sister is good everywhere, and will obediently do everything he confesses. But that is, occasionally I overstretched my head, and I did a great job.

"Hey? Big Brother, didn't you say that you want to make a meeting place?"

Shanna tilted her head in confusion.

You know, the few conference venues she has seen are much larger than this.

"I'm talking about an open-air venue, not a dance party venue."

Seeing Shanna's puzzlement, Bell realized that he hadn't made it clear.

Shanna hasn't seen any open-air job fairs. In the little girl's impression, the so-called conference hall was the luxurious conference hall she had seen when attending banquets with her mother on the few occasions.

Bell took out his own wand. After beckoning Shanna to stop, he gently waved his wand toward him, and the stone wall that Shanna had just deformed quickly disintegrated.

Then, the soil quickly deformed, forming a long table and a few chairs in front of a few people.

Four fences rose from all sides, enclosing an area 30 meters square. Some complicated magic texts appeared on the fence, forming a protective barrier.

Because when recruiting armed personnel for a while, it is inevitable that some battle tests will be carried out, so in order not to spread to the outside, Bell will set up this barrier.

Looking at the interview venue he had set up casually, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

"Big Brother, is this all right? Isn't it too crude?"

Shanna looked at her Big Brother puzzled. I always felt that these things in front of her seemed a little different from what she had imagined.

"Ahem, it's the first time after all, and it's justifiable to be simple.

And not everything is rudimentary. Look at this chair. Big Brother observed and studied various chairs, and after a long period of personal experience, it was finally finalized. It's comfortable to sit up. "

Bell wouldn't say that he didn't prepare in advance because he was too troublesome.

In addition, the chair is indeed made out of Bell's painstaking effort.


Shanna looked at the beautiful chairs in front of her with a seemingly understanding, but she didn't expect that a few simple-looking chairs would be so exquisite?

As expected of Big Brother!

Penello and Hermione stared silently at Bell, who was running the train. They now finally know how Shanna's off-line character was developed.

It's all Bell's pot!

Bell, who was a little uncomfortable by the eyes of the two women, hurriedly took out a wad of paper from his pocket.

‘The voice is loud! ’


Hello everyone, and welcome everyone to participate in this Menethil Family Business Recruitment Fair. On behalf of the Menethil Family, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all for your kindness.

Not much nonsense, next, the job fair is about to begin.

As stated in the previous announcement, the first thing that will be conducted is the interview for the Graduate School. Everyone who hears the name, please enter the venue.

In addition, please follow the order. If someone interferes with the job fair, we are sorry, we will cancel your qualification, above! "

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