Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 312 Magical Plant Breeder

After signaling everyone to take their seats, Bell handed a list to Penello.

As the big boss, Bell still has to keep a little bit more compelling.

After taking a glance at the list, Penello put his wand against his throat.

"The voice is loud!"

"Mr. Sean Horner of Hufflepuff!"

Following Penello's roll call, a medium-height, honest-faced wizard walked out of the crowd. Under everyone's gaze, he walked into the recruitment hall through the entrance left by Bell.

"Please sit down."

Bell placed his elbows on the table, interlaced his fingers with his hands, covering his mouth, making own voice appear a little deeper, a big boss.

Little Shanna, who was sitting next to her Big Brother, saw it and tried to pose in this pose. However, the chair is too short and the table is too high for her to reach.

The little girl kicked the chair under her angrily, and saw the chair rise a little bit, finally allowing her to assume the same pose as her own Big Brother.

Hermione glanced silently at the two off-line siblings beside her. Are you making a movie?

Horner looked nervously at Bell not far in front of him. Even though it has been a few months, Bell still has a strong deterrent effect under the name of the'Big Devil'.

In addition, now, with the imposing bonus brought by Bell's big boss sitting posture, if it weren't for the unsatisfactory results of the N.E.W.Ts exam, Horner wanted to turn around and escape.

Seeing the other person standing still, with a silly look, Bell was extremely satisfied with own posture. But at the same time, he also had to repeat what he said just now.

"Mr. Horner, don't be nervous, our interview is very simple. Please sit down."

"...Oh, good, good."

Horner heard what Bell was talking to him.

However, in the next second, Horner was at a loss again.

He looked around this simple job fair, but he could not find any vacant chair.

After scratching his head anxiously, Horner simply sat down on the grass.


Looking at the first candidate speechlessly, Bell found that the little badger's mind seemed a little silly.

"Ahem, then Mr. Horner, you want to apply for a magic plant breeder, right?"

Bell adjusted his mood to prevent himself from laughing. He looked down at the first resume in his hand, which was submitted by the other party before.

"Yes, it is."

Horner nodded and looked at Bell expectantly.

"Very good. So, do you know the characteristics of melting Spiritual herbs?"

For the interview, of course there are some questions to test the other party. For today’s interview, Bell spent an entire hour last night preparing questions.

"Melting Spiritual herbs is currently the only plant known to allow ghosts to experience taste. According to some ghosts, the taste of Melting Spiritual herbs is very bitter.

At the same time, Melting Spiritual herbs can absorb the power of nearby ghosts. Long-term contact with Melting Spiritual herbs will cause ghosts to die.

Because of this characteristic, the ghosts love and hate melting Spiritual herbs. "

As soon as he talked about Realm, which he was good at, Horner immediately no longer felt sore in his waist, no pain in his legs, and did not shake even when Bell watched.

Nodding, Bell said:

"Basically correct. But the point I want to correct is that melting Spiritual herbs is the only magical plant in Europe that can make ghosts tasteful. In fact, there are some such plants in the East, especially in Japan. "

After seeing Horner nodding to express his understanding, Bell went on to ask the next question.

"Do you know necromantic flowers?"

"Necropolis is said to be a flower that blooms after fusing Spiritual herbs to absorb a large number of souls. In ancient times, there were often necropolis flowers around the battlefield. But now it is becoming rarer."

Horner's forehead was a little sweaty. Different from Spiritual herbs, Necropolis is a more partial magical plant. And because it only grows in places where corpses are everywhere, necropolis flowers are also regarded as ominous flowers and are rejected by wizards.

According to Horner's years of examination experience, questions will become more and more difficult. Therefore, for the next question, he was not confident that he could answer it.

Fortunately, Bell did not intend to continue to ask. Originally, he had prepared for an hour, and he had to ask Horner, so what would the next person ask?

But the interview did not end here, Bell also prepared the last test. He took out a basin of melted Spiritual herbs from his pocket, controlled it with a floating spell, and sent it to Horner.

"This strain of Spiritual herbs has some problems. Please judge what caused it to grow badly, and give a solution."

Horner carefully looked at the melted Spiritual herbs in front of him. He first squeezed the leaves of Spiritual herbs with his hands, then grabbed a handful of the soil in the flowerpot and put it under his nose and smelled it.

"The soil of the flowerpot is mixed with the dung of the magical animal of the fire attribute. Melting Spiritual herbs are plants with the cold attribute, and they are opposed to the fire attribute, which leads to its poor growth.

To solve this problem is very simple, change it to a pot of soil, or bury some ice cubes in the current soil. "

With that, Horner took out his own wand. He first used the Clear Water Curse to conjure a small ball of water, and then used the Freezing Curse to freeze the water into ice.

After using the cutting spell to cut the ice ball into four petals, Horner carefully controlled the soil in the flower pot and evenly buried the ice in the soil.

"Well, tomorrow morning, it should be back to health."

Using the same floating spell, Horner controlled the melted Spiritual herbs to fly onto the table.

"Papa Papa~"

Bell applauded for the wonderful performance of the other party just now, and at the same time glanced at the little Fina lying on the table without a trace.

The excrement in the soil is what this little guy does.

The little guy didn't admit it yet, saying that the cub of the flaming dog did it. Where does the fire-tooth cub have such a strong fire attribute in the body?

Feeling the sight of her owner, Little Fina showed a pitiful expression.

It is not intentional either! Didn’t I wake up before, I was a little confused.

Fina only begged her owner not to tell the "Sana Devil" about this, otherwise she would be fined for two meals if she said nothing.

"Very well, Mr. Horner, congratulations, you have been accepted. Do you have any questions?"

"No, no. Thank you, thank you so much!"

Horner's cheeks flushed with excitement. If it were not for the fact that the interview was not over, he would have wanted to jump up and cheer loudly.

Bell smiled slightly. The appearance of the other person reminded him of himself in his previous life.

He had just graduated at that time, and the employment environment was far worse than those of the wizards.

After a period of job hunting activities, he was finally accepted by a company. At that time, he was like Horner now, happily from ear to ear.

Unfortunately, he quit his job after less than two months in that company.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would sit in a comfortable chair, and take a lot of time to look at applicants one after another.

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