Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 318 Successfully Abducted a SSR Little Witch

Fina was shocked. The little guy looked at his owner in disbelief.

It obviously only ate two and a half tablets last night, and the owner gave it the remaining half.

And it’s all said and done, won’t you tell others about this?

Bell gave Little Fina a white look.

Damn, you have eaten half of it, and the remaining half, is it possible to save it for the next meal?

Even if Fina didn't mind, Bell didn't want to put away the half of the Chong Ling Pill that was covered with Fina's saliva.

What should I do if it is fermented?

Moreover, he didn't tell anyone that Luna knew this by her own ability.

A small white hand grabbed the back of Fina's neck and ended the stare between Fina and Bell.

Being carried in the air, looking at the ‘front’ master in front of him, the cold sweat instantly soaked Little Fina’s fur.

‘It’s over, I’m going to Black Lake to catch fish again tonight. ’

That's right! It is impossible to gnaw grass, it is impossible to gnaw grass in this life!

If it does not provide food, it will patrol the ‘territory’ and collect tributes from the ‘servants’.

If it goes further and does not allow it to enter the castle, then it will have to go to the Forbidden Forest or the Black Lake to hunt on its own.

Relatively speaking, Fina still prefers Black Lake.

Not only is there more food in the Black Lake, it is easier to obtain. Also, the taste of fish should be more delicious.

Especially the smell of murlocs.

"Wait, Shanna, don't throw it away."

Seeing the little guy's pitiful appearance, Bell felt softened. He stopped Shanna from trying to throw it out and said:

"Wait for the security officer's interview, I still need Fina's help, just let it go."

"……All right."

Hearing that Fina was still useful, Shanna reluctantly put it down.

"Listen, Fina, you have to behave well for a while. If you lose to any candidate, then you will eat the grass every day for the next month!"

After poking Fina's head twice, Shanna reprimanded.

Fina nodded her little head frantically when she heard that there was still a turning point. It is decided that for a while, God blocks the gods, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha!

Although the murloc is delicious, the bad guys are not willing to feed it honestly.

Coupled with the fact that there are too many opponents, those fish people have become more and more vigilant since they succeeded in sneak attacks a few times before. This makes it difficult to hunt, ascending in a straight line.

After solving the problems of the two children at home, Bell looked at Luna again.

With his full perception of full power, he did feel a very cryptic force just now, which invaded his mind and read his memory.

Bell has fully confirmed that Luna is a natural master of the goddess, and her level is unheard of!

Although he wanted to bring Luna into his command immediately, as a qualified person, Bell would not do things like kidnapping and kidnapping.

"Close to the subject, Luna, if you want to apply for a magic animal keeper, there is no problem. However, we don't have a horned snorer here."

With Luna's outrageous Innate talent, if you earnestly practice psychic reading the day after tomorrow, maybe, few people will be able to stop Luna's mind reading in the future.

So if conditions permit, Bell is very eager to train him into a confidant.

For his own people, Bell has always adhered to the principle of sincerity and willingness. He will never deceive or force the other party in order to gain the effectiveness of the other party.

"How is it possible!? Does the Menethil family have no horned snorers?"

Luna looked like she had been hit hard, her eyes protruding, and she stared as if she was about to fall out.

And seeing Luna like this, Bell was curious again.

"Luna, why do you think that there will be horned snorers in my house? From whom did you hear anything?"

"Because my father said that the Menethil family is secretly collecting all kinds of dangerous magical animals and brainwashing the animals.

When the time is right, they will release all the magical animals and completely overthrow the magic world. "

Luna said flatly.

However, the content of his words made Bell completely unable to calm down.

'what? My plan is exposed! ? ’

Cough! just kidding.

What Bell meant is that when you speak, you need to talk about evidence. If there is no evidence, you can't talk nonsense, otherwise it will cause serious consequences!

Haven't Shanna been staring at him with bright eyes? Little girl, this is serious!

"Luna, your father may have some terrible misunderstandings about our family.

Our Menethil family is a very peace-loving family. The reason why we collect magical animals is to protect them, and we have no intention of doing anything bad. "

Seeing Luna's extraordinary talent Face, Bell barely maintained the smile on her face, and explained patiently.

Luna's father should be thankful that he has a good daughter, otherwise Bell must be him!

Besides...Sanna, don't look disappointed!


Luna nodded indifferently. Obviously, she didn't care about the purpose of Bell's house or something.

"Also, in our place, although there are currently no horned snorers, we have many other magical animals! For example, unicorns and the like.

Do you want to think about it? "

Although Bell didn't know if the horned snoring beast really existed, it didn't prevent him from fighting for it.

What if it is done.

"I don't like unicorns very much. In contrast, I prefer Ye Qi."

Luna said flatly.

In just such a short time, Luna has already sorted out her own emotions, which is not an easy task for a 12-year-old witch.

"Yeqi also has it!"

Bell was speechless.

He felt something was wrong with Own Academy.

The former Ravenclaw senior had to keep unicorns alive and well. Now, Luna, the little witch, doesn't love unicorns and Yeqi?

The two of them reversed it!

"But I still want to keep snoring beasts."

Obviously, Luna's love for the horned snoring beast is unwavering.

‘I’m down! ’

Bell, who almost flashed to his waist, looked at the sky speechlessly, and stayed for 2 seconds.

"Luna, I don't know if I can find the Horned Snorer in the future, but I can assure you that as long as you join our Menethil family, I will take you to a broader and more magnificent world!"

Bell looked at Luna seriously. He doesn't like stalking, so this is his last effort and a promise he made to Luna.

Luna stood there without saying a word. After a while, Luna finally spoke when Bell thought she was asleep.

"Well, I'll join. What do I need to do?"

Luna asked.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and Bell looked at Luna very happily.

"Try to study the spell, especially the mind-shake mind. If you don't understand, you can ask me at any time."

Bell is looking forward to what heights Luna can achieve in the future?

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