Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 327 Fina vs. Bobo Bear

As the so-called Mao is weak and weak, even though most of the flames are blocked, the remaining part still makes Bobo Xiong feel very uncomfortable.

Hearing the sound of a ‘bang’, Bobo rushed to the ground as if pushing Jinshan and falling jade pillars, and quickly rolled over.

Fortunately, it is now almost entering June, the forest is very humid, and the green grass is difficult to be ignited.

Otherwise, setting the forest on fire might become the tradition of the Bell family.

After two simple rolls, Bobo Xiong extinguished the flames on his body.

It stood up and vowed to give that damn little thing a hard lesson!

It grows so big, it hasn't eaten this kind of deflation yet!

A black shadow crossed the dim night sky, and Bobo bear only had time to tilt his head, and three blood stains appeared on its cheeks.

Feeling the warm and tingling sensation coming from his cheeks, Bobo bears cold sweat.

Just now, if it hadn't tilted its head instinctively, its left eye would have gone blind!

Almost ‘evolved’ into a one-eyed bear’s encounter, which made Bobo bear put away his contempt. It slumped slightly, its limbs charged up, and looked at Fina floating in mid-air with alert.

Licking the blood on her paw, Fina felt a little regretful.

With such a good opportunity, if it can catch one of the other's eyes, then the next battle should be much simpler.

Looking at the little Fina and Popo Xiong who were caught in the confrontation, the jaws of Lena and Phyllis almost fell to the ground.

"Sanna, Fei, Fei, Fei Na, how can it fly? It can breathe fire!?"

Phyllis looked completely broken.

What is going on in this world? Little Fina, who they get along with each other day and night, is so amazing?

It's not... well, it's really magical.

"Hey? Didn't I tell you? Fina is a fierce, a very powerful magical animal. It's just that it was born not long ago, so it looks like such a small one."

‘You said a ghost! ’

Phyllis and Lena were speechless.

They found out that Shanna would just jump out if she had nothing to say if she shouldn't have said something. And what should be said, she didn't say a word!

Strictly speaking, Fina is no longer small. It has been three years since it was born.

If it were replaced by a fire dragon, it would take three years to grow into a giant beast with a body length of 10 meters.

Not to mention, since returning from summer vacation, Fina will eat a few spirit pet pills every day. The spirit pet pill has the effect of promoting the development of spirit beasts.

So, why Fina is still such a small one until now, Bell can't figure it out.

After all, there is too little information about Bibi, an extremely rare magical animal.

However, on the other hand, from the perspective of Fina's development time, it is not difficult to understand why the number of 犴犴 is so small.

Their infancy is too long!

Just as the three little girls were chatting, the confronting parties finally moved again.

Fina took the lead. The little guy who has awakened flying magic possesses an absolute agility advantage.

Like a sharp arrow from the string, Fina continued to fly around Bobo Xiong with the help of the dim night.

It knows that its size is very disadvantaged. So it is looking for opportunities to fight for a hit.

However, Fina did not understand the race of Popo Bear.

With the existence of a single horn on his head, the night light cannot stop Bobo Xiong's perception.

The cunning Bobo bear deliberately pretended to be panicked, but in fact its perception has always been firmly locked in Fina's position.

Finally, when Fina seized the "vulnerability" and attacked Bobo Xiong from behind, Bobo Xiong suddenly stood up.

While falling backwards, it twisted its body vigorously and placed a giant palm on Fina's flight trajectory.

Seeing that little Fina was too late to change direction and was about to die under Popo Xiong's bear paw, a pulling force was suddenly generated out of thin air, pulling Fina to avoid Popo Xiong's attack.

It was Shanna who made the shot.

Although in order to be more meticulous in the plan, the little girl ordered Fina to take action and solve the powerful enemy by herself.

However, it is impossible for her to watch her cute pet hurt and remain indifferent.

So, even though it looks like the scene, Bobo Xiong has a certain upper hand with his powerful body. But in fact, the outcome of this battle was destined from the beginning.

After two gasps in shock, Fina really thought she was going to die today.

Faced with the fear of Death, Fina's animality was completely aroused. In addition, knowing that Shanna will help it at a critical moment, the little guy has no worries at all.

‘Oh--! ’

Fina spit out flames that were more turbulent than before.

Only this time, instead of aiming at Bobo Xiong, it sprayed flames around Bobo Xiong and surrounded it in the sea of ​​fire.

Feeling the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, Bobo Xiong knew that these terrifying flames could not be allowed to continue to burn.

The bright white light once again shone from Bobo Bear's single horn, and under the powerful sonic magic, a large number of ripples appeared in the air.

Trees collapsed, shrubs shattered, and the surroundings of Bobo Bear instantly became a mess.

However, all this failed to extinguish Fina's flame. Even said, it failed to have much impact on the fire.

After all, if you want to put out a fire, the most reliable thing is to use water.

The vibrations and winds caused by sound waves have the effect of helping the fire.

So, under Bobo Xiong's dumbfounded gaze, the flames were getting closer and closer.

In desperation, it can only use its own claws to lift up the dirt on the ground to prevent the flame from approaching.

But what Bobo Xiong didn't notice was that when it was attracted by the flames and interfered with perception, Fina disappeared without knowing when.

‘Huh~! ’

A burning tree branch flew towards Bobo Xiong, and was slapped and flew out.

However, this is only the beginning.

Burning branches and tree trunks, as well as fire pillars and fireballs, in short, everything that touches the fire is flying out of the flames one after another and hitting Bobo Xiong.

Under the scorching of flames, he had to constantly block sudden attacks. After a while, the sweat soaked Bobo Xiong's fur.

Licking his chapped lips, Bobo Xiong knew that he couldn't do this anymore.

Its physical strength is rapidly losing, it can't guarantee that the opponent's magic power will be exhausted before its physical strength.

Without a word, Bobo Xiong rushed towards the location of the previous lair.

Half of its lair is underground, which can effectively prevent the spread of flames.

As for whether it will be blocked in the lair?

There is no need to worry about this. With the cooperation of sonic magic, it only needs to wave a few paws to easily dig new channels.

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