Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 340 Mars Base

Like an erupting volcano, a large number of indescribable objects were ejected by Hermione more than 1 meter away.

In fact, this is not to blame for Hermione's poor endurance, it is really such a super-long-distance space movement, the side effects are too strong!

See you, Bell is pale and his legs are weak. Shanna has stayed in the teleporter until now, and she hasn't been able to relax.

Ignoring that these indescribable things would stick to him, Bell hurriedly took two steps and hugged his girlfriend.

One second later, Hermione was about to fall to the ground.

With the help of Bell's healing spell, it took a while for Hermione to slow down.

Seeing Bell who was covered in filth, Hermione was a little embarrassed.


"Okay, don't say anything, take a good rest first."

Although the dizziness has been eliminated, but just vomiting so many things, it is not simply recoverable.

"Young Master, Miss, and Granger Miss, please go here, I will take you to the lounge."

At this moment, several wizards who had been waiting for a long time came over. Several of them walked straight to the Bell 3's side, while the others went busy moving the transfer cabinet away.

After waving their hands and refusing the support of a few people, Bell and Shanna supported Hermione one by one, and followed behind the lead wizard.

Considering that there may be errors in the azimuth of the Apparition, no buildings have been built around the teleportation site.

After walking about 500 meters, several people entered a building.

This is a place for the wizards who have just arrived on Mars to rest. You know, it's not an exception to a wizard like Hermione who spits out.

After all, other people can't enjoy Bell's full care.

Just like when Bell took Hermione's Apparition before, this time, he also used magic to help Hermione relieve the squeezing of the space.

However, this time the moving distance is too far, and the squeezing force of the space is also beyond the ordinary, Bell has really tried his best.

By the way, Bell didn't help Shanna resist the squeeze of space, he believed in his Little Sister. The current level of the little girl is no less than that of many elite wizards.

"Please sit down, these foods and potions can effectively relieve the symptoms of space movement, please enjoy."

Will pointed to the snacks that had been prepared on the coffee table.

While talking, Will gave Bell an admiring look.

As the general manager of the Mars base, Will Smith has seen too many wizards and house elves who have come to Mars.

Among all the people who have experienced the ultra-long-distance space movement from the Earth to Mars, Bell is the most calm person he has ever seen.

Even the Little Princess of the Menethil family, Shanna's performance, far exceeded his expectations.

Had it not been for Hermione to react normally, he would have thought that the quality of teaching at Hogwarts was too high.

It seems that the phrase Patriarch William once said, ‘he is the weakest one in the family’, is perhaps not just a ridicule?

After picking up two snacks and handing them to Shanna and Hermione, Bell looked at Will.

"Isn't the interior of the teleporter using the non-marking stretching spell to stabilize the space? Why is the squeezing force of the space so strong?"

According to the information he received and passed to him from the laboratory, shouldn't it be the case?

"It has been used, but the effect is not as good as expected."

Will responded respectfully.

Bell nodded.

In fact, this situation is also normal. After all, this is the first time wizards have walked out of the earth. Before that, the farthest space movement that wizards could make was from this end of the earth to the other end of the earth.

In fact, it is rare for a wizard to move so far in space at once.

Therefore, the research on the transfer cabinet is more based on imagination. If you can put it into use without any problems, you should really praise the high level of the researchers.

"What material is used in the transfer cabinet?"

Since there is no way on the curse, Bell is going to try it, can he find a breakthrough in the transfer cabinet itself?

"The transport cabinet is made of mithril as the main body, mixed with the bone powder of the deep sea giant shark and the ashes after the burning of the devil vine, and finally forged."

Nodded, and after thinking for a while, Bell said:

"Try to weave the silk of the eight-eyed giant spider into the compartment of the transfer cabinet."

Hearing this, Will glanced at Bell in a puzzled look, wondering how the spider silk was added to the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider?

However, these are not what he should be concerned about. He only needs to record Bell's order, and then pass it to the research department.

Regarding the space-blocking effect of the eight-eyed giant spider silk, it is still relatively confidential information, and only some researchers in the laboratory are qualified to inquire this part of the information.

By the way, Bell’s family currently has a lot of eight-eyed giant spider silk available for use, and Bell has successfully resolved the crisis of lack of spider leg meat.

Just kidding, leaving the Forbidden Forest, from Dumbledore's shelter, such a big group of eight-eyed giant spiders, still want to run?

If they can run away, there will be ghosts!

"By the way, how is the situation here? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Bell asked.

"The difficulty has not been encountered, but the manpower is too scarce, so the mining speed of the'Okin' is relatively slow."

Will looked awkward.

Okin is a kind of magic metal discovered on Mars by the ‘Explorer’ (formerly a surveillance mirror) launched by the Menethil family into the Universe not long ago.

After testing, this metal not only has the magic conductivity comparable to Mithril, but also has a hardness far exceeding that of Mithril. If Mithril and Arcanite are mixed forged, a magical alloy with very superior performance can be produced.

Therefore, after exploring a gold mine on Mars, the Menethil family immediately organized manpower to try to land on Mars and conduct gold mining work.

Fortunately, interstellar teleportation and how to survive in the universe have always been the main research projects of related laboratories. Otherwise, in just a few months, it is almost impossible to build a Mars base.

"Didn't you send a lot of house elves here before?"

The house elves that have been collected years ago have finally come in handy. The house elves accounted for at least half of the credit for the construction of this Mars base.

"The existence of house elves has really helped a lot. But even so, there is still a shortage of manpower.

The environment on Mars is worse than we previously expected. Since mining must leave the coverage of the base enchantment, the magic power of the mining personnel is consumed very quickly.

An ordinary adult wizard can only last for about an hour, the magic will bottom out, and he has to return to the base immediately. "

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