Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 348 Bell: ‘I’m so prodigal! ? ’

"Yes! Shanna's answer is absolutely correct!"

Bell happily rubbed the little head of his Little Sister and pressed it down by the way.

Don't stretch your neck.

It was only after Bell came back yesterday that he suddenly remembered that all three of them were wearing an inferior version of the Philosopher's Stone!

Thinking about it carefully, in the current period when this kind of magic stone is extremely in short supply, each of the three of them carried one.

And the most important thing is that they have never used it!

Thinking about it this way, Bell suddenly felt that he seemed to be a bit of a prodigal?

However, it is impossible for Bell to give the inferior Philosopher's Stone from his Little Sister to his father.

Nothing is more important than Shanna's safety!

Bell didn't dare to ask for the one on Hermione. Otherwise, he was 100% sure that Hermione would never talk to him again in her life.

As for his own possession, Bell doesn't mind taking it out and giving it to his father to use it first. But if it's just one, it always feels like it doesn't matter if there is more or less?

So forget it, it's troublesome...

Taking Shanna and Hermione to climb on top of Wan Snake's head, the three of them sat down in Lotus Position.

Then, Bell waved his hand and said vigorously:

"Pippi shrimp, let's go!"

(Hermione: ‘!? Isn’t it Pikachu’s? Do you really have Pippi shrimp?’)


The barren land of Mars, under the dim sunlight in the morning, not only does not have the vigorous vigor of the rising sun, but gives people a kind of gloomy and dim feeling of loneliness.

If you are alone for a long time, no, maybe it only takes a week. If you live alone in this environment, you will probably have mental problems, right?

At least Bell doesn't like this feeling at all, it can even be said to be a bit annoying.

Fortunately, he is not alone now. Not only was Little Sister with him all the time, but Hermione was cuddling next to him.

This made him feel happy from the heart while having a sense of unreality like a dream and fantasy. It's quite a good feeling to keep going like this.

"Big Brother! Big Brother! Let's go over there and have a look!"

Shanna's shout interrupted Bell's emotions. He looked in the direction of Little Sister's fingers, and found a large crack extending to the end of his vision, appearing on the sides of the three of them.

Controlling Wan Snake to climb to the edge of the crack, the three people looked down at the same time.

The pitch-black and deep cracks were like an abyss without a bottom, as if to swallow the souls of all three people together.

"Bei, Bell, or forget it? Let's go shopping elsewhere."

Seeing the big rift that exuded a strong horror in front of her, Hermione felt a little guilty. She always had the illusion that once they got down, they would never get up again.

"Don't be afraid, Hermione, there will be no danger. And even in case of danger, I can apparate you directly back."

When there are ten thousand snakes supporting the micro-enchantment, Bell can directly apparate and return to the base, without worrying that the barrier will be damaged at the moment of entering a different space, which will cause him to be harmed by the Universe rays.

But in that case, Wan She could not go back with him.

But life matters. If it's a critical juncture, those things won't matter.

In fact, looking at the chasm that looked like an abyss before him, Bell, like Hermione, had the illusion that he would be swallowed.

Unlike Shanna, who was so excited and just wanted to go on an adventure, he also had a guilty conscience.

But because of this, Bell wants to go in even more!

As the saying goes, the biggest enemy in life is not others, but oneself. Isn't it very interesting to overcome your fear of being unknown?

Seeing Bell, who was suddenly inexplicably angry all over, Hermione knew that she could not stop the siblings.

She can only pray silently in her heart now, hoping that they will not be in danger.


Accompanied by Hermione's faint scream, the snake that jumped down gradually disappeared into the abyss.



Sitting on top of Wanshe's head, the Bell 3 climbed out of a big rift.

They had been strolling down there for several hours before, but in the end, except for the stone, it was still a stone, and none of the other hairs had been seen.

This is not right! It’s not like that in the movie!

Generally, a deadly protagonist like him, he who wants to drill wherever he looks dangerous, shouldn't he bump into a ghost when he should go out?

But why didn't he meet anything?

Said the alien monster! ?

Fortunately, he still has a little look forward to it!

"Okay, Hermione, I really know I was wrong, can you forgive me?"

Bell turned his head to look at Hermione who was sitting next to him, pouting his mouth and not saying a word. Even the sitting position was about 5 centimeters farther away from him than before.

From now on, Hermione ignored him, and it had been several hours now. The record is about to be broken!


With a grunt, Hermione turned her head away, not wanting to look at Bell.

It's fine if Bell wants to explore the Rift. Although a little panic, Hermione is not unacceptable to have Bell with her.

But the question is, how is it not good for Bell to go down, so he has to choose to jump down?

Although they can all fly, there seems to be no problem jumping down?

But as a human, Hermione was more accustomed to standing on the ground.

Bell didn't even have a reminder in advance, it was a leap of faith, and the jump was still that kind of place, but she was terribly frightened!

Of course, this little thing is actually ~ no big deal.

Hermione has become accustomed to her boyfriend's off-line behavior from time to time.

What made Hermione unacceptable the most was that after going down, Bell didn't comfort the frightened her for the first time, but went on an exciting adventure with Shanna?

This is really outrageous!


Just as Bell was about to continue coaxing his girlfriend, the personal terminal in his arms suddenly rang.

"Will? What's the matter?"

After taking out the personal terminal to connect, Bell looked at Will appearing on the screen with a puzzled face.

Seeing that the Bell three were okay, Will was relieved at first, and then asked with a slight complaint:

"Young Master, where did you go?"

For the whereabouts of the Bell 3, Will has always been concerned.

Therefore, when he learned that it had been several hours since the three people had left the base, he really wanted to kick the wizard who came to report to death.

It has been several hours before I came to report to him, have you eaten shit early! ?

You know, Bell and Shanna are the only offspring of the Menethil family!

If something happened to the two on Mars, he couldn't afford it!

"Oh, we are exploring outside. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Bell also saw Will's concerns. At this point, he really did not think about it. You should inform the other party in advance before you come out.

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