Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 360 The Weasley Brothers of ‘Harmony and Love’

Like Bell, after having the previous experience of apparition from the Earth to Mars, Shanna's mastery of apparition has also made breakthrough progress.

After all, that kind of super-long-distance phantom shift, normally speaking, wizards can't experience it once in a lifetime. Therefore, it is normal to have this degree of Ascension.

I believe that after Hermione masters Apparition, she will definitely be able to surpass most wizards in a short time.

As a result, if it were before, Penello might still be able to track the magical fluctuations that remained after Shanna's Apparition. But now, obviously it can't be done.

But Bell did not explain to Penello. I believe that the two women will not be in the mood to listen to his explanation now.

"Follow me."

After Bell spoke to Penello, he took Hermione's hand and disappeared into the wooden house.

It may be difficult to hide traces of own, but if you want to leave traces of own, it is simply not too simple.


After a period of space distortion, Bell and Hermione appeared beside a big tree.

As soon as she appeared, Hermione leaned against Bell and took a few deep breaths.

Hermione no longer had much reaction to such a short-distance change of shadow. However, mild dizziness and nausea are still a little bit more likely.

"Hey! When is it all, do you still show affection? Where is Shanna?"

As soon as the Apparition appeared, Penello saw that Bell and Hermione were holding each other first, not knowing what they were doing.

"It's not there."

Releasing Hermione, whose face was flushed with Penello's ridicule, Bell raised his chin to the front.

Then, he listened to a soft drink, which came vaguely from the direction Bell indicated.

"Crazy bear, breathe fire!"

Under the horrified gaze of Hermione and Penello, a fluffy teddy bear quickly grew to a size of 10 meters, and then it was seen that its mouth grew, and turbulent flames spewed out of its mouth.

"Do not--!"

At this moment, Hermione and Penello's hearts collapsed.

Especially Penello, her intestines are going to be blue. I had known that now, she would never complain to Shanna before she died!

But what Penello didn't know was that even if she didn't say it, Shanna had a way to understand those things from her mind. It's nothing more than a question of Shanna's willingness to do that.

But you must know that Shanna is not Bell, a little girl who is still immature in her mind. Once she is pressed into a hurry, she can really do everything.

This is also the reason why Bell has always been inseparable by Shanna's side.

It's definitely not that he can't do without his Little Sister or something! That's all rumors! It's slander!

Keke, get back to business.

At this time, like the two Hermione girls, and even more collapsed in their hearts, there were several other people.

That's right, it's the Weasleys who are being rubbed on the ground by the mad bear!

Oh, yes, there are also the innocent melon-eaters-Harry and Neville who have been affected by the pond fish.

"Where did this little girl come from? And what the hell is that teddy bear? And Percy, where did you provoke the little girl? Isn't it such a small girl, you all Can you do it!?"

The eldest son of the Weasley family, Bill Weasley, looked at his third brother with a scumbag expression on his face.

It was he who was dereliction of duty when he was the Big Brother and failed to take care of his own Little Brother, which caused Percy to grow into a gentle scum. He is guilty, he repents.

But having said that, is it because the British magic world has become too fast? Or is he too old to keep up with the trend of the times? He has only been to Egypt for a few years now. Why has there been so many new and unheard-of things in the UK?

Although it is at this critical moment where life is hanging by a thread, Bill can't help but start thinking, or quit his job at Gringotts and return to the UK? I heard that the Menethil family has been hiring people.

"What is the look in your eyes! I didn't shoot that Damn it kid! I didn't provoke her either!"

If it weren't for the pressure that Percy is facing now, and Percy really can't get his hands out, he would definitely throw a curse on his own Dage.

I'm still not my brother!

"Not always!"

At this time, watching the excitement on the sidelines is not too big a problem, and the Weasley twins, who are happy as if they are celebrating the Chinese New Year, jumped out decisively and dismantled their Big Brother.

"That's right! You can find fault with Big Brother when you stay at school and have nothing to do."

"Now Little Sister can't bear it anymore. I'm here to trouble you."

"It's not too normal!" *2

The twins once again sang and worked together to reveal Percy's old bottom.

Although the twins did not guess correctly, they have to say that they are not far from the truth.

What happened to Penello was indeed the fuse for Shanna to teach Percy, but how much of it was because of Penello's injustice, and how much was for his own Big Brother. Then it was really only Shanna. I just found out.

Seeing the ‘harmony and love’ of his sons clamoring for each other, Arthur almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He just wanted to scold these stinky boys and let them sort out the priorities, when he felt the pressure disappeared, and the flames in front of him suddenly disappeared.

"not good!"

Arthur, who had experienced many battles, immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Hurry up!"

After screaming at his wife and sons, Arthur drew the sharp claws from the top of his head with a skillful tactical movement of falling to the ground.

Seeing his own tent, which was neatly divided into two in the middle, Arthur swallowed nervously and spit. He couldn't even care about the destruction of his only tent.

If it were caught by this big claw, Arthur suspected that the own iron armor curse would not even be able to stop it. So let's worry about whether we can survive today.

Just as Arthur was ready to respond to the opponent's next attack, the huge teddy bear didn't even look at him, then turned and chased in the direction where Percy was avoiding.

"Boom~! ’

The mad bear stepped on Percy.

After Percy waved his magic wand and barely slowed down the crazy bear's attack, he found that he couldn't stop him, but he had no choice but to learn from his father, and came up with a not-so-skilled tactical movement of falling to the ground.

Unfortunately, unlike the previous sweeping attack, this time the violent shaking of the ground interrupted Percy's roll and sent it into the air.


Seeing that he was about to die under the claws of the mad bear, Percy, who was anxious and wise, cast the Fuchsia Charm on own, and barely avoided another sweeping attack from the mad bear.

"Torn apart!"

Faced with the threat of life, even Percy, who has never experienced a real battle, was stimulated to all his potential. He shot a cutting spell accurately at the crazy bear's shoulder, trying to cut off the opponent's arm.

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