The troubled Hermione has even begun to think, should she use the spell to provide herself with a little help?

After all, as a wizard, if you encounter a problem, you should immediately think of seeking magical help.

This was taught to her by Bell, so if something goes wrong, it is Bell’s pot, not the fault of her gentle and kind little witch!

Fortunately, Mr. Granger didn't know what his daughter was thinking at this time, otherwise he would faint in the toilet.

Then on the next day, I cheered up and worked hard with my own wife to have another one.

After all, this boss can't count on it anymore.

Suddenly, the force coming from her shoulder interrupted Hermione's thoughts, and also pulled her out of the almost magical state.

"Okay, don't force it. Even if you can't live, you can always come to my house to play. I will pick you up."

In fact, Bell also knew that given their current age, it was almost impossible for Hermione to live in his house.

So although a little disappointed, he did not intend to force it.

"Then I want you to pick me up every day!"

"Good~ good~, I will pick you up every day."

Bell rubbed Hermione's long brown hair fondly.

"Okay, go in. Uncle Aunt is still waiting inside"


late at night.

Thanks to the efforts of the staff of the Ministry of Magic, the wizards who had been celebrating all night, finally calmed down their own passion, and returned to the tent to fall asleep exhaustedly.

At night, I finally regained the tranquility belonging to own.

Under the bright moonlight, there was occasionally a breeze blowing, blowing the leaves with a rustling sound. While adding vitality to the woods, it also sets off the tranquility of the woods.

Suddenly, a cloud drifted by, covering the bright moon in the sky, and plunged the ground into a deeper darkness.

The few bonfires became the only source of light. While illuminating the surroundings, they also gave people a sense of fear inexplicably, as if they were foreshadowing.


A raging flame rose up, instantly illuminating the originally dark woodland like daylight.

With the help of a fleeting fire, it can be seen that just below the flame, dozens of wizards wearing black robes, covering all their faces and figures, are gathering together in silence.

And above these wizards, the administrators of this woodland, the Roberts family, are floating in the air controlled by a spell.

Mr. Roberts's angry roar, Mrs. Roberts' horrified scream, and the scared cry of two young children did not make these wizards even the slightest mood swing.

No, not everyone is unresponsive. Several wizards were laughing wildly, with an unspeakable madness in their eyes.

"let's start."

I don't know who it is, and suddenly issued an order.

Upon hearing this, the group of wizards acted immediately.

They tortured the Roberts family above their heads, causing the four Muggles to groan even louder, while waving their wands and casting flames.

Some of the flames sprayed into the air, some ignited the bushes, and some ignited the tents in the woodland.

Soon, chaos flooded the camp.

Some timid wizards tried to stay away from the group of men in black in horror. While screaming and eager for Auror's help, they squirmed their heads thoughtlessly.

There are also some guys who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. They either joined the parade of men in black or chose to go it alone.

Either way, they all had the same effect. They succeeded in making this originally peaceful camp plunge into incomparable chaos.

As the day was really exhausted today, this caused the Aurors to react somewhat slowly. Even though there were many wizards who couldn't see the actions of the black-robed people spontaneously provided help, when the Aurors arrived, the situation was already chaotic beyond containment.

"Big Brother, what happened?"

Shanna rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked out of her own bedroom.

She was awakened by the noise outside.

"Put on the combat uniform and call Hermione by the way, let's go outside and have a look."

He was standing in the corridor window, looking at Bell outside in silence. After hearing his Little Sister's question, he said without looking back.

The three Bells, who simply washed their faces and cheered up, soon came outside the wooden house.

By the way, both William and Elena had received invitations before, and they didn't know where they went. And Hermione's parents and Shanna's two friends were asked by Bell to stay in the wooden house and not to go out.

A defensive enchantment is arranged around the wooden house, and they should not be harmed if they stay in it.

"In the end what happened?"

Seeing the chaotic scene before her, Hermione looked incredulous.

She now seriously suspects that she is actually dreaming?

"So Hermione, why are you pinching me again?"

Bell is really speechless.

He found that Hermione seemed to pinch him a little bit addicted?

"Do you hurt?"

"What do you say?"


Hermione nodded.

Sure, she didn't dream.

After taking a look at his girlfriend, Bell didn't bother with Hermione who was nervous. He poured magic power into his flying shoes and floated into the air.

After that, Shanna and Hermione also flew up.

"Look over there."

Bell stretched out his hand and pointed at a distance.

At the location he pointed to, the team of men in black, which had grown several times, was holding a grand ‘Fireworks Evening’.

"Gosh! How can they, they do that!?"

Seeing the culprit of the chaos, especially after seeing the Roberts family floating in mid-air, distorted like a doll, Hermione's mouth grew in shock.

With her current experience, it is really incomprehensible, why can anyone do such an evil thing?

Instead of taking care of his girlfriend's exclamation, Bell turned his head and looked at Little Sister on the other side.

"Sanna, what did you see?"

Bell pointed to the group of black-robed wizards and asked.

"Um... a group of dark wizards?"

Shanna tilted her head and thought for a while, then said uncertainly.

"No, it's a slave!"


Shanna looked at her Big Brother in confusion. She didn't see where there are slaves?

"Yes, slaves, slaves of power!"

As he said, Bell raised his right hand, and the blue magic light gleamed from the palm of his hand.

"Remember, Sanna. We are wizards and we have a powerful power called'magic power.' So use your powerful power carefully and become the master of magic power."

With a sharp fist with his right hand, Bell pinched out the magical light in his hand.

Then, he pointed at the black-robed wizards not far away again, pressed harder, and said:

"Don't become slaves dominated by power like those people!"

Power breeds desire, and if the accumulation of desire goes out of control, it will inevitably lead to destruction.

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