Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 387: Bargaining

Sure enough, the little boy is a little boy, and no matter how mature he usually performs, the critical moment will still be revealed.

Although things are rare and expensive, no matter how expensive they are, there is a limit to them.

When you accidentally get a piece of magic metal on Mars, you think it is a rare treasure. Can the whole world find something better?

Not to mention, Snape was a researcher of the mysterious potions, he used a metal lump for hairy use!

"Of course, I certainly don't think that just such a small piece of Okin can exchange all of your knowledge of potions.

But you have to know, where does Okin come from?

It comes from Universe. The mysterious and vast universe.

Now that we can find this precious magic metal in the Universe, who can say that we will not find other precious magic materials in the Universe in the future?

And some of the materials that can be used to make potions are not uncommon, right?

So, what I want to trade with you is these materials that will appear in the future.

I promise you that as long as you teach all of your knowledge to Shanna. Then in the future, all magic materials obtained by the Menethil family will have your share. "

When Snape didn't mention it, Bell hadn't even realized it, and almost ignored it. There was such a big treasure in Hogwarts.

And after Snape mentioned it, of course Bell couldn't let go of this opportunity that could bring his own Little Sister's huge Ascension.

No matter what method is used, Bell is determined to gain Snape's knowledge of potions!

Snape's eyes shook, and he stared at Bell with widened eyes.

To be honest, his heart moved.

Although he did not know the specific details of the Menethil family’s universe exploration operations. But instinctively, he felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, as the so-called ridiculous asking prices and paying back the money on the ground, just slap the face of Damn it like Bell, and he has to raise the price again.

"Huh! If you want to use something fictitious, come and trade with me? What if you don't get anything in the future? Wouldn't I give you all my own knowledge in vain?"

"No, no, professor, it's just because it's a fictitious thing, that's why I used it to trade with you.

As a master of potions, I think you should be very clear, if we really get unprecedented magic materials from the Universe, how precious it will be.

Even if it completely subverts the existing magic concept, it is not impossible.

When that time comes, it's not something that can be bought at this price. "

Take the current Okin, if you use this kind of magic metal that has never been seen in the magic world to exchange some of their knowledge with some alchemist masters, I believe that many people will be willing to exchange it.

In fact, under Bell's suggestion, William reluctantly suppressed the idea of ​​using Okin to sell money, and was contacting well-known alchemy masters in various countries with the intention of exchanging precious knowledge of alchemy.

Although Bell's teacher, Nico, is the world's number one alchemist. But it is not to say that the alchemy of other people has no merit.

Some unique discoveries and some unique insights may not be eye-catching alone, but if they are put together, God knows what kind of chain reaction will happen.

It doesn't need much, as long as it can bring a little bit of inspiration to Bell, then those Aujin traded out can be said to be worth the money.

"... Can you be the master?"

Snape questioned.

If it is exactly what Bell said, then this transaction is simply not measurable by Garon.

No matter how proud Snape was, he was self-aware.

No matter how precious his knowledge of potions is, to be honest, as long as he is willing to spend time and money, he can get it.

"Of course. You know it too, don't you?"

Over the years, Snape and William have had a lot of private exchanges. Including but not limited to: asking for materials from the basilisk, asking for materials from the eight-eyed giant spider, asking for materials from the giant monster (big squid).

And every time, William will throw the pot to Bell.

No way, although the friendship is not deep, but there is still Face after all, so William is really not good at rejecting Snape.

And if it was sold to Snape, he was afraid that his son would blame him.

After all, these things were obtained by my son's hard work. If there is any important use, but he is traded to Snape, then how will he explain it later.

So, through these things, Snape has also realized that Bell has a huge right to speak.

To be honest, until now, Snape couldn't understand what Senior William thought.

Isn't it afraid that in a blink of an eye, Bell, this stinky boy, will ruin the Menethil family's property?

(William: ‘Fear! Why are you not afraid? The problem is, I can’t stop being afraid!’)

Just as Snape was silently weighing the pros and cons, the door of the classroom was pushed open, and several little wizards walked in one after another.

Seeing other people coming, the transaction could not continue for the time being, Bell lowered his voice and said in a low voice that only Snape could hear:

"You can go back and think about it slowly, but I hope to get a reply within this week."

And if you don’t get a positive response this week, then it’s hard to say. In order to make Little Sister's magical path smoother, Bell will have to think of something else.

Ahem, don't get me wrong, Bell is not thinking about anything bad.

As a good young man in the new era who abides by laws and regulations, Bell never does things that violate the law and discipline!

His so-called other methods are just looking for other bargaining chips.

After all, Snape, the number one licking dog in the British magical world, everyone knows.

So trying to find some bargaining chips that Snape couldn't refuse is easy and not easy, but hard, it's not that difficult.

It's like Harry, fucking Harry, Voldemort, or something, there will always be the same, which will make Snape's heart move.

If it doesn't work, Bell can still grit his teeth and sell Sirius Black to Snape.

He didn't believe that Snape could refuse the temptation to revenge himself!

What? You said Sirius is not the real culprit?

Hehe, tell Snape about this, and see if he believes it. In other words, would he care?

As for the agreement with Sirius?

For his own Little Sister, Bell can't take care of that much!

The big deal, he will go to Sirius' grave in the future to burn a few more paper money, and by the way, he will pay more attention to Harry as compensation.

Looking back at the little wizards who had just entered, Snape turned and walked back to the podium. Only the poor little guys were left, standing at the door looking at each other, neither daring to come in nor go out.

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