Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 389 Hermione Wants to Learn Apparition

The moment the bell rang after class, Hermione immediately took her boyfriend's hand and ran away in the direction of the castle.

No way, it won't work if you don't run!

If this is for Professor Hagrid to find out that Bell is abusing small animals, what if he punches Bell angrily?

No matter who has an accident in the end, there will be no good things anyway.

"Okay, Hermione, it's already a long way out."

Tugging Hermione, who was blushing and panting, Bell said casually without blushing or panting.

Without talking about the snails, there is no way to tell Hagrid.

Even if the snails really ran to find Hagrid to complain, Bell would still not persuade him.

Cruelty to small animals?


This is called training! understand?

Those cats, dogs, and so on, all through this generation of training, and finally succeeded in becoming good friends of mankind.

"Bell, you, you really didn't, didn't kill that one, did you?"

Hermione asked breathlessly.

When the get out of class was about to end, the belly of that deep-fried snail was almost torn apart by the lettuce leaves. It takes a few stabs to forcefully move (or convulsions?). In short, it is not full of vitality at the beginning.

"Don't worry, how could I kill it?

I promise that when we go to class next time, you will surely see that snail leaping alive. "

Of course, this requires Hermione to be able to tell from the group of slimy and disgusting snails which one is the one that was ‘trained’ by Bell today.

"That's good, that's good."

She patted her chest, and Hermione was finally relieved.

Then, she looked at Bell angrily again and complained:

"Don't do this again next time, do you hear me!"

Mainly at the beginning, when Hermione saw the snail attacking Bell, she was also very angry.

Although many other classmates have been injured by snails, how can those people compare with their own Belby?

So at the beginning, the angry Hermione didn't stop Bell from teaching the snail a little bit.

As a result, by the time she wanted to stop it, it was already completely late. The deep-fried snail was already ‘laying down’ with frothy mouth.

"Well, it's up to you."

Bell smiled and tidyed Hermione's hair tossed by the wind, put her arms around Hermione's shoulders, and walked towards the castle not far away.

"By the way, Bell, what I told you before, you want to learn about Apparition, can you?"

Sniffing the fragrance of the grass on the tip of her nose, Hermione said suddenly.

When she had breakfast, she wanted to talk to Bell about it. As a result, most of Gryffindor had been taking courses with Hufflepuff because of the discovery of the courses this semester, and he forgot about it unhappily.

When going to Mars during the summer vacation, she couldn't withstand the violent space squeezing because she couldn't use Apparition, and as a result, she vomited Bell all over.

Hermione was very embarrassed about this.

Especially when compared with Shanna who was only slightly pale at the time, on the basis of embarrassment, Hermione felt even more embarrassed.

Therefore, as soon as she returned from Mars, she made a request to Bell to learn Apparition.

But it was rejected by Bell...

Because she was learning the mind-consciousness at the time. Therefore, at Bell's request, she had to temporarily let go of her obsession with phantom shifting in her heart, and devoted all her energy to the study of psychic mind.

Finally, after studying for a whole summer vacation, she thought she was able to skillfully use panthera. So today, she made another request to learn Apparition.

"You try to use the psychic mind on me."

Loosing his arms around Hermione, Bell decided to be right here and simply conduct a ‘final exam’ on Hermione.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione pointed her wand at Bell's head.

"Patient mind!"

The white light flashed and disappeared, and then a lot of pictures appeared in Hermione's mind.

There are scenes when she and Bell meet for the first time, there are scenes when she and Bell face a giant monster, there are scenes when she interacts with Bell, there are scenes when Bell fights a basilisk, there are...

"Wait! Bell, will the basilisk turn into a little Loli!?"

Seeing in his mind, when Bell was fighting with the basilisk, that hideous and terrifying basilisk turned into a cute little Loli?

Hermione felt the Three Views of Own teetering again.

‘It’s not magic at all...’

Okay, this looks really magical.

"Puff~! Haha~ahhahaha~!"

Seeing Hermione's stunned and cute look, Bell couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You, you lied to me! I killed you!"

Realizing that Bell had been playing tricks, Hermione's small face instantly flushed with shame. She clenched Xiu's fist and hammered Bell's chest hard.

Although in Bell's feeling, Hermione seemed to be massaging him.

"You still laugh! Don't laugh! Don't laugh anymore!"

Seeing that Bell smiled happily as she hit her, Hermione could hardly wait for a curse to be thrown on Bell so that he would never laugh.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I don't laugh anymore."

Bell, who took it as soon as he saw it, stopped laughing before Hermione became anxious.

Rubbing his aching stomach with a smile, Bell stood up straight again.

"The reason I did this is actually to let you know that the memories obtained through the mind-trapping mind are not necessarily true.

Especially in the case of a low level, if you encounter the goal of proficiency in Occlumency, it is easy to be misled by the other party.

Therefore, you have to be vigilant at all times. "

Bell said earnestly.

So he really wasn't playing Hermione... at least not for the main purpose.

He stared at Bell suspiciously for a while, until the serious expression on Bell's face was about to be stretched, and Hermione barely let him go.

While remembering Bell's words in her heart, Hermione looked at Bell expectantly and asked:

"Then can I start learning Apparition?"


After a sigh of relief, Bell gave an affirmative answer.

In fact, after the super long-distance phantom shift to and from Mars, and the phantom accompany with Bell many times during the summer vacation, for the current Hermione, it is just a step away from mastering this spell. .

As long as Hermione started to formally learn this spell, she believed that within a week, she would be able to move in space alone.

"Great! Then let's start studying in the evening!"

Hermione almost jumped up happily.

After she has learned the Apparition and Apparition, next time she goes to Bell's house, she won't need Bell to pick her up again.

That way, she can conduct surprise inspections!

"Not tonight. I've been tired during the day, and it's not suitable to learn that dangerous magic at night. Wait for the weekend."

Although in theory, Hermione's mastery of Apparition should be a matter of course.

But everything is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In the unlikely event that Hermione was exhausted, she accidentally split when she was learning Apparition for the first time, it might be a shadow of Hermione's heart.

In that case, it might take a lot of time for Hermione to overcome the fear in her heart and master the apparition.

As the saying goes, haste is not enough, so let's wait until the weekend to talk, it's not bad for two days.


Although somewhat reluctant, Hermione had always followed Bell's arrangements in the study of magic.

Therefore, she can only work hard to suppress the eagerness in her heart, hoping that the weekend will come sooner.

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