Cheers and laughter filled the Hogwarts castle.

Children can always find fun in trivial things that adults can't understand.

Some people call this innocence, and some people regard it as naive.

I don’t know if it’s the illusion of own, Bell always feels that recently Harry seems to always like to get around his girlfriend?

Knocked on Bell's side...well, it was actually Hermione who came to him on the initiative.

It turned out that Harry was a fifth-grade senior sister named Qiu Zhang who fell in love with Ravenclaw.

Since Hermione would often go to Ravenclaw to look for Bell, Harry thought about it again and again, finally mustering up the courage to ask Hermione if she knew about Cho Chang.

Of course Hermione... don't understand.

Except for Bell, Hermione only knew Sister Penello and Luna at Ravenclaw College.

Oh, yes, Senior Sister Penello has already graduated, which means that she now has only Luna an acquaintance.

As for the others?

But not everyone has the guts to approach the girlfriend of "Devil".

Therefore, at Harry's plea, Hermione asked Bell about the information of the senior sister named Qiu Zhang when she came to see Bell.

By the way, try Bell's attitude!

Ahem, Hermione wouldn't tell anyone, the latter is her main purpose.

No way, the girl who can fascinate the legendary "Savior" Harry must be very beautiful and outstanding.

Coupled with the fact that the other party is still in the same college as his boyfriend, it is a good time and place.

This makes Hermione not alert!

"Autumn Zhang?"

A question mark on Bell's forehead. Is there such a person in their college?

Why didn't he know.

Well, for the students in his college, Bell can basically recognize their faces. After all, as long as there has been a face-to-face encounter, Bell can use the mind to search for the opponent from his own mind.

But this name... ashamed, he hasn't even remembered the names of his roommates yet.

Taking a look at her boyfriend, Hermione seriously suspected that Bell was pretending to be stupid.

So she looked at Luna across the table.

"Luna, do you know Senior Sister Qiu Zhang? She should be a fifth-year student at Ravenclaw College."

"I know, it's over there."


Bell looked curiously.

Although he is a male, this does not prevent him from having a soul that likes Eight Trigrams.

It's just the Eight Trigrams of ordinary people, he is not interested in learning about it.

But Harry is no ordinary person. You know, he still has an agreement with Sirius to protect Harry's safety in Hogwarts.

Then, as an outstanding young man with great promise, Bell, of course, has to check for Harry.

Otherwise, what if that Qiu Zhang was actually sent by the Death Eaters to seduce Harry?


"It's the one with black hair...hahaha, black hair, haha..."

Seeing Luna, who suddenly started to raise her head and laugh when she was guilty of everyday troubles, Bell couldn't even raise her desire to complain.

I don't know if it is affected by her own talent, Luna's laugh is always peculiar, and she is especially fond of cold jokes.

"Oh, it's her."

Posing his lips, Bell, who was satisfied with Eight Trigrams, felt dull for a while.

Speaking of it, although he didn't remember the other party's name, Bell was really impressed by Qiu Zhang.

Of course, it wasn't like Hermione thought he coveted the other person's beauty or something. But because the other party is a rare Chinese.

As the only ‘hometown’ in the British Witchcraft School at Hogwarts, when he met him for the first time, Bell looked at him curiously.

The deepest impression that the other party left on Bell was... quite an ordinary girl.

Looks, figure, talents, grades, all aspects are quite ordinary.

"Hey!? Well, isn't that Ravenclaw's Seeker?"

Hermione covered her mouth in surprise.

Before Harry was too nervous and shy, so he didn't explain even the most basic information to Hermione.

Secretly glanced at Bell. Given Hermione’s knowledge of Bell, maybe the other party would like this kind of sports girl?

After all, Bell does super high-intensity exercise every day, and Bell kind of likes Quidditch.

Bell, who didn't know that his girlfriend was suffering from gains and losses, had no interest in caring about these things at this time.

He slumped in a chair, enjoying the dessert after dinner leisurely.

Seeker, what's all the fuss about?

If it weren’t for Ravenclaw’s traditional yin and decay, coupled with the fact that the Kitty Hawks prefer to study quietly compared to Quidditch sports, if they were replaced by the other three academies, the autumn Zhang's level can't be a seeker.

"Bell, what do you think of Senior Sister Qiu Zhang?"

He looked suspiciously at the tired look of his boyfriend. Although it was no different from usual, it seemed suspicious in Hermione's eyes at this moment.

She seriously suspected that Bell was deliberately hiding something.

"How do you look? How else to look, stand, sit, and lie down."

"Lie, lie down and watch!?"

Taking a strange look at his girlfriend, Bell touched the other's forehead with his hand.

Didn't have a fever either.

So what happened to Hermione today? Why does it always give people a weird feeling?

She slapped Bell's hand away, and Hermione glared at Bell fiercely and asked:

"Say! You, how did you lie down and watch!?"


Bell was speechless.

He just said casually, where he lay and watched it.

Seeing Hermione's unreasonable appearance, Bell felt... so cute!

Hugging Hermione in his arms, Bell put his cheek on Hermione's head and nudged it hard.

"Let go, let go!"

Pulling free from Bell's embrace, Hermione straightened her hair and clothes with a flushed face.

Really! Bell this guy didn't know how to look at the occasion, so he did it!

Bathed in the gazes of everyone around him as if eating people, Hermione was ashamed to find a place to sew in.

And after Hermione fell into a shy state, and had no time to trouble him anymore, Bell finally had time to spare and looked at the Gryffindor table.

There, Harry was staring at this side.

‘By the way, the so-called liking for Qiu Zhang, isn’t it just a smoke bomb thrown by Harry Na boy? The real purpose is to get close to Hermione? ’

Rubbing his chin, Bell felt that he could not figure out the truth.

It seems that apart from Ron and Neville, Harry must also be vigilant in the future.

What the hell is going on with these three brats! No matter how hard the relationship is, there must be a limit, OK!


‘I don’t know how Hermione’s news is going on? Why is she still making out with Bell? Shouldn't she forget the business? ’

Staring at Hermione's back, Harry thought anxiously.

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