Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 391: The Murder Case Caused by a Little Spider

In the green and sweet daily life, time finally came to Thursday.

For this day, Hermione has been looking forward to it for a long time!

Well, in fact, Bell is also looking forward to it, just a little bit!

No way, every student who has taken the Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by Moody's, everyone has a look of wonder, and they will say how powerful they are when they see them.

The excitement of his expression was even worse than when he finished Professor Lupin's class for the first time last year.

Under this kind of atmosphere, Bell will inevitably be aroused by a loss of curiosity.

And the most annoying thing is that these guys can just say they are awesome. So where is it? You are talking about it! Isn't this a silly appetite!

There was the Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony before, after the Triwizard Tournament reopened, and now it is the teaching content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, so what's wrong with this gang of wizards? Why do you like selling Guanzi so much!

Under Hermione's eyes, Professor Moody finally walked into the classroom.

After scanning the classroom, under the strong aura of Professor Moody, the classroom that was just like a vegetable market, which was still lively just now, immediately became like a cemetery at midnight, dead silent.

"You, Bell?"

After looking at the little wizards in the classroom one by one, Professor Moody finally stopped his gaze on Bell.

"Yes, Professor, long time no see. I'm so glad to see you are still healthy."

After standing up and bowing, Bell greeted respectfully.

"That's because I have never let down my guard. You should also pay attention. Although the magic items in your house are really good, you can't be careless about it.

Remember, carelessness is the wizard's greatest enemy! "

Fucking his hoarse voice, Professor Moody repeated his own mantra cleverly.

"What I gave you back then, have you practiced hard in the past few years?"

Not knowing what was thinking of, Professor Moody asked suddenly.

"Of course, I practice every day. It's just the part of black magic. I don't dabble much at the moment, so I practice relatively little."

Bell said honestly.

"This can't work!"

Hearing this, Professor Moody paused hard on the crutches in his hand.

"If you want to deal with the dark wizard, you must understand the dark magic.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win in all battles.

I remember this sentence, you told me back then. "

Facing Professor Moody's reprimand, Bell looked like a quail, bowing his head silently.

What else can he do?

Is it possible for him to introduce his research results over the years to Professor Moody in the public, so as to prove that he is not be lazy, but really can't spare the time?

"It just so happens that today I intend to teach you about the three unforgivable curses. Bell, you can help me demonstrate the three unforgivable curses. Let me check your progress over the years."

With that said, Professor Moody took out a glass bottle that had been prepared long ago from the drawer of the podium. There are three black spiders in the bottle.

"I think I don't need to say it specifically about what an unforgivable curse is."

After glancing at the excited or surprised students, and seeing that no one raised objections, Professor Moody went on to say:

"Very good. Bell, come over and show everyone the Unforgivable Curse in turn."

"Professor, is it really okay?"

Bell asked hesitantly.

Although strictly speaking, with the exception of the Killing Curse, the Imperius Curse and the Heart Drilling Curse are not difficult spells.

But considering the current status of the British magical world and people's rejection of these three curses, Bell has always paid attention to avoid casting the Unforgivable Curse in front of other people as much as possible. Even Hermione and Bell haven't taught these three spells for a while.

"Originally, I thought it was a bit early. But Dumbledore said that the students at Hogwarts are very good. So I think that at least the students can have an intuitive understanding of the Unforgivable Curse and learn How to resist the Imperius Curse."

Hearing what Professor Moody said, Bell curled his lips secretly in his heart.

Dumbledore deserves to be a powerful wizard who has lived for more than 100 years. Such outrageous lies can come with his mouth open.

excellent? A group of graduates can't even release an iron armor curse. Old Deng called it excellent?

I'm afraid it's not evaluated based on the trolls.

But since there are two people, Deng and Professor Moody, there is no need for Bell to worry so much.

When he walked to the lecture table and drew out his wand with a light wave, the cork of the glass bottle fell off automatically, and a black spider floated out of it.

I looked at the little spider in front of me, and then looked down at the little wizards of own who were looking at own. After thinking about it, Bell, who was considerate, tapped the little spider with his magic wand.

"Zoom in quickly!"

This spider is so small that the students in the back will not be able to see it clearly.

Under the action of Bell's curse, a small spider the size of a fingernail expanded to the size of a human at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The hideous mouthparts, eight terrifying eyes, and dense bristles, all of these make the little wizards who are curiously staring at Bell's every move, fearfully retreated to two...


A high-decibel horrified scream suddenly sounded and echoed over the entire classroom. While making everyone agitated, they also subconsciously followed the trajectory of the sound and turned their heads curiously.

Bell, who was also startled by this scream, quickly waved his magic wand to control the ‘little’ spider who wanted to turn around and flee.

This ‘little’ guy was also taken aback by this scream.

After preventing the ‘little’ spider’s intention to escape from the classroom, Bell, who successfully stopped a teaching accident, finally had time to see the screaming owner.

Then Bell regretted it, he should control his own curiosity.

As the saying goes, ‘curiosity kills the cat’, the ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

It turned out that Ron and Neville were hugging closely behind Bell's seat, looking like they wanted to merge into one.

Is it really worthy of being a rotten country? Even elementary school students are so open.

The little girl over there, please put away your personal terminal. It is forbidden to use personal terminal during class time.

What? Are you taking pictures to witness the love of those two people?

Ahem... Could you please move faster. Also, the following is not an example.

Okay, just kidding.

Of course Ron and Neville didn't suddenly awaken the "real me", neither did they abandon poor Harry and decided to stay and fly together.

As everyone knows...maybe not so many?

In short, anyone who is familiar with Ron knows that the thing Ron is most afraid of is spiders.

If it were the little spider that could be crushed by one finger before, Ron would feel scared, but he could still control his own emotions.

And under the curse of Bell to "magnify" when he didn't agree with him, the little spider suddenly became not so small. So Ron couldn't bear it anymore.

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