Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 395 Just Study Hard!

In the end, who came to the idea, and finally waited until the day she was thinking of her heart, she had only studied for less than an hour, and she was about to end there?

Then when will she have to wait before she can successfully master the Apparition!

"How come, you can still learn."

Seeing Hermione's loss, Bell hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

"How to learn?"

Hermione looked at Bell expectantly.

She knew that her own Bell had the most spooky ideas!

"Just learn!"


Hermione was speechless.

What the hell is hard learning?

"Although it is more difficult to Apparate here, it does not mean that Apparition is impossible."

As he said, Bell's figure twisted for a while and disappeared in place.

Then, in less than a second, Bell's figure reappeared on the spot again.

"Look, didn't I succeed in Apparition?"

Seeing that Hermione was still hesitating, Bell decided to use a tried-and-tested trick to attack Hermione---extreme tactics!

"If you are afraid of difficulties, you can only wait. Should we not wait for Christmas when we go to school outside of school?

Speaking of it, Shanna seemed to..."

"Who, who is afraid of difficulties!"

Just kidding, who is she? She is Hermione! That Hermione who got a perfect score in the exam and was the first in the year!

She has never been afraid of difficulties when she grows up so old!

No matter how difficult the paper is, she can get full marks... well, at least it's okay to get an O.

Therefore, this matter absolutely has nothing to do with Shanna.

This guy Bell is really! What is Tisanna doing when it's okay? It's not time to mention it.

What if everyone misunderstands!

"Learn! Just learn hard!"

As for the fear of being trapped in that colorful space before, Hermione, who was already overwhelmed with victory, was completely forgotten.

Gives Hermione a funny look, and before Hermione becomes angry, Bell speaks:

"All right. But don't worry, even if you can't come back, I will drag you back, just like before.

So, feel free to go on the ground! "

I don’t know if it was Bell’s comfort, or that the trick was too powerful for Hermione’s attack?

In short, only one morning, Hermione successfully broke through the reinforced space in the suitcase, and the Apparition returned.

"I'm...what the hell!?"

It was pitch black in front of her eyes, and a strong pressure bound Hermione's whole body, making her unable to move.


Hermione, who couldn't even breathe, exhausted the little air left in her chest and called out Bell's name laboriously.

However, even after exhausting all her strength, the final voice she made was nothing more than a whisper.

Fortunately, Bell, who had been following Hermione all the time, didn't need Hermione to ask for help at all, and found out the embarrassment of her girlfriend.

The pressure was relieved, and an upward lift was suddenly generated.

After a while, light reappeared in Hermione's eyes. She was breathing fresh air forcefully, and a feeling of rebirth appeared in her heart.

Bell, who used Transfiguration to control the mud and arched Hermione out, was funny again, and looked at Hermione who was gasping distressedly.

"So Hermione, you didn't feel it, did it take a lot of effort to come out?"

Generally, Apparition fails, and at most it appears in objects such as walls, such as Hermione, who ran directly into the ground. I really haven't heard of it.

Because you want to appear in the underground Apparition, you must line up all the dirt around your body.

This is not an easy task.

Apparition is only a moving spell used in conjunction with Apparition, not a space spell used to attack.

Using the power of space to attack or something, this is not within the scope of other people's business, it is too superb.

Therefore, even if the wizard makes a mistake during the Apparition and chooses the location of the manifestation below the ground, the wizard can realize that something is wrong through the pressure feedback from the body and re-select the location of the manifestation in time.

It turned out that Hermione was really good. He asked Hermione to study hard, but there was no such hard way.

"Hey!? No, isn't it supposed to be very laborious?"

Sitting on the ground, Hermione said breathlessly.

Throughout the morning, she had been casting spells, and she occasionally drank two sips of water in the middle of the morning and took a break, but she was exhausted.


Well, strictly speaking, this place was chosen incorrectly.

In other words, is it Bell's pot?

In short, since Hermione has successfully taken the first step and the Apparition is back, then all you need to do is to be proficient and control the location of the appearance.

With Bell's persuasion, Hermione reluctantly put away the wand, decided to rest for a while, have lunch, and continue in the afternoon.

Originally, she wanted to make an effort to directly control the Apparition.

This is not Hermione's arrogance. It was Bell who said that after having experienced many spatial movements in person, she could easily master the spell of Apparition.

As a result, she did not expect that she was pitted by Bell again!


Although her mouth is strong, Hermione's body is still very honest.

After enjoying a good lunch, she fell asleep as soon as she lay down on the bed.

After a morning of study, she is now exhausted physically and mentally.


Opening her eyes in a daze, Hermione glanced around blankly, and after a while she remembered that she had fallen asleep before.

Sniffing the light sandalwood from the tip of her nose, she knew that it was the Ning Shenxiang that Bell had specially ignited in order for her to have a better rest.

"Really, it's said that it should not be wasted like this."

Hermione groaned quietly.

It's just that the smile at the corner of her mouth can't be restrained.

Once before, she woke up after studying selflessly, her head felt like a burst of pain.

Since then, every time a similar situation happened again, Bell would light a soothing fragrance in the bedroom after she was asleep.

In this way, she won't feel headaches after she wakes up, and she will even feel refreshed.

Doesn't it sound great?

But Hermione was not happy at all... well, she was still very happy, so happy that she wanted to jump up.

However, she knew that this magical thing called Ning Shenxiang was said to have been transported from faraway China and was very precious.

When she was in class with the little wizard of Slytherin, she listened to each other more than once, and even the pure-blooded wizards were reluctant to use Ning Shenxiang at will.

Actually is not they can't afford anything. The main reason is that the quantity is limited and cannot be bought with money.

Therefore, using such a precious thing to make her sleep more comfortable or something, Hermione always feels abusive.

Unfortunately, even if Bell has said about her many times, she will still fall into selflessness involuntarily when she is learning the spell.

And even though she had said Bell many times, Bell would still light a peaceful incense in her room every time.

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