Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 399: Hermione Is Real This Time

I want to die with Bell

Several characters of ancient magic words flashed and disappeared on the cabinet door, and Bell sealed the cabinet door. Without his permission, other people can no longer take things out of that cabinet.

The previous sword embryo was actually a hand-practice work he did in his spare time after simply learning some Chinese craftsmanship.

Of course, even if it's just for training hands, he was full of confidence before starting production.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is panic.

The long sword is not a ring, just make a circle of iron bars. Bell, who has never learned to forge, can't even make a decent sword shape. He was so angry that he wanted to use Transfiguration.

But just think about it. What he wanted to make was Flying Sword, not an ordinary iron sword. At least at his current level, he couldn't apply the transformation technique to forging, otherwise it would destroy the magic circle inside the long sword.

It is said that only the real master forging can apply the transformation technique to the forging at will?

After staying in the alchemy laboratory for a while, the three of them returned to the corridor again and continued to walk forward.

As before, after walking for a while again in the deadly, invisible corridor, Bell stopped again.

Only this time, instead of opening the door of the laboratory next to him as before, he turned around and looked at Shanna and Hermione.

"The next thing I will visit is the blood fusion laboratory. Some of the scenes may cause some discomfort to you, so you must be prepared."

Bell reminded one last time.

Taking a deep breath, the two women nodded, indicating that they were ready.

Reaching out and pressing on the wall on one side, Bell opened the door of the laboratory.

The moment she walked into the door, the dark laboratory in Hermione's eyes immediately became brightly lit.

The sudden light turned on Hermione couldn't help covering her eyes with her hand.

After getting used to it for a while, she put down her hand, but the scene in her eyes made her take a breath.

Except for the much larger area, this laboratory is almost identical in layout to the previous alchemy laboratory.

In the center of the laboratory is a large table, surrounded by walls, filled with cabinets.

The only difference is that the style of the cabinet and the contents in it are different.

The cabinets in this laboratory are transparent glass cabinets one after another. The glass cabinet was filled with a light green transparent liquid.

In the liquid, specimens, organs and stumps of different organisms are soaked.

Although Hermione went to the insect museum with her parents when she was young, and saw many insect specimens in it. Even during the potions class, I occasionally saw some potion materials that Snape had collected.

However, those I have seen before are not as shocking and creepy as the scene before me.

Because, after Hermione resisted the discomfort in her heart and looked at the items in the cabinet carefully, she was surprised to find that these specimens and organs were all alive!

Rubbing the goose bumps on her arm, Hermione followed behind the Bell brothers and sisters and walked towards the inside of the laboratory.

Looking at the horrible, beautiful, and bloody ‘specimens’ around, Hermione felt like she walked into the laboratory of a certain Frankenstein in the movie.

"Bell!? Then, what is that!?"

Hermione screamed in surprise after seeing the glass cabinet placed in the innermost part of the laboratory.

She is very entangled now. So should she call the police...No, she found Auror and arrested Bell?

In the innermost glass cabinet of this laboratory, Hermione actually saw a human baby being immersed in the solution! ?

"This is the most successful work to date."

Bell said casually, not paying attention to the shock in Hermione's tone.

Although blood fusion experiments between different types of magical animals occasionally appear to be one or two successful individuals, the experiments to integrate the blood of magical animals into humans have been unsuccessful.

(Hagrid can spend a summer vacation to create this magical creature like snails. Whether it is magical level, or financial and material resources, Bell must be a higher level, and occasionally some new species will be created.

But like the fried tail snails, these artificially produced species, because they have not been screened by natural laws, most of them have defects of this kind and that are not of much practical significance. )

Compared with magical animals, human bodies are too fragile. Almost all the experimental subjects were unable to withstand the wild blood of the magical animals, and eventually their bodies collapsed.

The reason why we use ‘almost’ instead of ‘all’ is because of the emergence of this special case.

I don't know why, the individual in front of him has shown a strong tolerance to the magical power of a different species, and has successfully completed the fusion of blood.

Although because of this, there have been many abnormal changes in the subject's body. But in any case, this is a thing that makes Bell very happy.

"Work? How can you say that it is a work!? Isn't that a baby!"

It was very difficult for Hermione to see Bell appearing indifferent. She never thought that Bell was such a person! ?

"Say it! Where did you steal this kid from!?"

"Uh...I didn't steal this, I made it myself."

Seeing Hermione's disagreement and ready to draw her wand, Bell felt helpless.

That's why he didn't want Hermione to see this.

After all, strictly speaking, these things are really not very harmonious. Hermione couldn't accept it, which was normal.

"It was made? Who did you make it with!?"

Hermione looked at Bell in disbelief.

Even a wizard who can use magical magic, Hermione has never heard of a wizard who can give birth to her own children.

Therefore, Bell unexpectedly had a child with someone else! ? And he even treated his own child like this! ?

Thinking of this, Hermione took out her wand without saying a word. She held the wand tightly with her trembling right hand, tears filled her eyes.

She has decided that if Bell cannot give a reasonable statement, she will die with Bell today!

"Uh, no, Hermione, don't get excited, things are not what you think."

Reaching out and holding her Little Sister, stopped Shanna's attempt to stifle the danger in the bud, Bell explained hurriedly.

"I don't know if you have heard of cloning technology? This is made using a technology similar to cloning. I finally cultivated it after fusing human cells with magic animal cells."

In actual operation, of course, it is not as simple as Bell said.

However, Bell doesn't plan to explain the complicated procedures in detail with Hermione here. He didn't think Hermione would be interested in listening.

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