Shanna is unhappy recently, very unhappy!

What? You ask why she is unhappy?

It goes without saying, of course it's because Big Brother is unhappy!

In fact, for Hermione's move away from her own Big Brother, Shanna raised her hands in favor at the beginning.

But it didn't take long for the little girl to discover that her Big Brother's emotions had fallen into the lowest point ever! ?

At this time, the little girl who was touched by Nilin could not sit still.

Shanna, who has inherited her mother's character perfectly, can't be as forbearing as her father.

Therefore, after struggling for a few days and failing to come up with an effective solution, the little girl gritted her teeth and stomped her feet... no more!

As the saying goes, since the problem can't be solved, then go to solve the person who caused the problem!

So, on a dark and windy night this month, Sanna avoided Phyllis and Lena, and sneaked out of the Slytherin lounge alone.

She is going to solve Hermione!


Ahem, don't get me wrong, Shanna didn't have any intention of killing.

What she calls solving Hermione means asking the other party to admit their mistakes and reconcile with their own Big Brother.

As for whether Hermione is willing or not?

That is not in Shanna's consideration at all!

She is just a 12-year-old girl, she doesn't understand the big things. So even if she pressed Hermione's head forcibly, she must ask the other party to apologize to her Big Brother!

Shan Irrational Na walked towards Gryffindor's lounge at a pace that her six relatives did not recognize.

Filch or something, Shanna said she was not afraid.

The relationship between his own Dean Snape and her is getting old, and if there is anything, Dean Snape can find a solution.

If Dean Snape doesn't care, then she runs to her Big Brother to complain!

'Humph! ’


Soon, Shanna appeared in front of the portrait of the fat lady.

Shanna didn't know the password for the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, and at this point, there was no Gryffindor student to let her read her thoughts.

Well, in fact, if you spend some time searching in the castle, you will definitely be able to find a few little lions who go out for a night tour. But Shanna didn't want to bother about it.

This little problem doesn't make her clever and smart at all difficult.

I saw Shanna standing motionless in front of the portrait of the fat lady, no matter what the fat lady said to her, she said nothing.

She is not in the mood to chat with a painting now.

About a minute later, the fat lady suddenly stepped away.

Someone opened the entrance from the inside.

It is not accurate to say that it is someone. Because it was not a certain little wizard who opened the entrance.

After stepping into the Gryffindor lounge, Shanna lowered her head and yelled dissatisfiedly:

"Fina, you are too slow! I have been waiting for a long time!"


Little Fina made a pitiful whimper.

It hasn't played for a long time. When it came out, it was immediately criticized, and it was still unreasonable. For this, Little Fina felt very wronged.

Before, it was lying on the sofa comfortably, enjoying the after-dinner time leisurely.

As a result, just when he yawned and was about to take a nap, the personal terminal next to him suddenly rang, and his whole body was shocked.

What? Do you ask where does the personal terminal come from?

Of course, it knew it with affection (acting like a baby) and moved with reason (sell cute), and finally successfully convinced its owner to come from the owner.

When it's okay, it likes to use personal terminals to go to Monet to chat, play games and so on.

Compared to the single-digit contact of the owner, there are hundreds of people in its friend list. In this regard, Little Fina has been proud of it for a long time.

Hearing the familiar but unfamiliar ringing in her ears, Little Fina didn't even bother to take care of her frightened hair. She swished to the front of the personal terminal. She agreed without looking at it. Up the call.

This kind of ringtone was specially set by Little Fina for her owner and Little Sister, and this was the first time it sounded.

If it's the owner's words, it's okay, but if it's Master Shanna, if it's a second or two late, then its good life may be over again.

"Fina, you immediately go to the Gryffindor lounge and open the entrance for me. Remember, don't let the Big Brother know!"

After speaking, Shanna, who was opposite, hung up the communication without waiting for the little Fina to respond.

Too late to hesitate!

Little Fina rushed out like an arrow from the string without saying a word.

For the Gryffindor lounge, it is already very familiar. After all, every time it took place, it was going to make a round of inspections of that site.

Therefore, without any delay, it flew in from an open window, and without any place to stay, opened the entrance to the lounge.

As a result, it was so hard-working and dedicated, but it was still reprimanded by the boss. How could it not make Fina feel wronged?

However, little Fina, who saw that Shanna's current mood was very unpleasant, did not dare to make any rebuttals, and could only be a beast, silently taking on everything.


I didn't care about Little Fina's pretending to be pitiful, and after reprimanding the other party, Shanna went past Little Fina and walked towards the girls' bedroom without looking back.

Hermione's position has already appeared in her perception domain, and now the other party can't escape with wings!

Walk quickly to the door of Hermione's bedroom, pour magic power into your feet, lift your legs, kick!

"Boom~! ’

The door flew out and was embedded in the opposite wall.

Speaking of which, when she was young, she always used her magic wand to knock through the gate. Until that time, after seeing her mother's heroic figure kicking the door, she felt that this would be more handsome, but she had never had a chance to try it again.

Looking at the door embedded in the opposite wall, Shanna nodded in satisfaction, and then stepped into Hermione's bedroom without any hesitation.

Little Fina, who followed Shanna without a word, looked around nervously, and found that the huge roar just now did not attract anyone's attention, and then wiped the oozing out of her forehead. Sweat, relieved.

At this time, the little guy was extremely lucky. Because of Shanna's power over the years, it hadn't dared to show even the slightest dissatisfaction before.

Otherwise, if it is now embedded in the wall, maybe there will be one more of it.

"What's wrong? What happened!?"

In the smoke and dust, Hermione's roommates yelled in panic.

They never imagined that one day they would be attacked in a safe dorm.

Only Hermione calmly looked at the entrance of the bedroom.

There, she felt a familiar breath. And she, who often watched Shanna's training, also noticed a full sense of sight from the events in front of her.

Sure enough, a figure lined up the flying dust and appeared in Hermione's field of vision.

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