Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 406: Down with Capitalism

After a few days of buffering, the relationship between Hermione and Bell finally returned to its previous state of glue.

This makes Bell very happy.

But this is not what makes Bell the most happy. What makes Bell most happy is that after this emotional crisis, for some reason, the relationship between Shanna and Hermione has become much closer.

This may not be very accurate.

It should be said that Hermione's attitude towards Shanna has become much more intimate. And Shanna remained the same for Hermione, and her rejection was revealed in her acceptance.

But anyway, this is a great thing for Bell.

As the saying goes, everyone has a good spirit at happy events. With this good mood, he even made great progress in the study of magic.

At least the sword embryo he forged now can barely be seen by people. It is a sword, and will not be regarded as a stick.


Time flies, more than a month's time is fleeting.

Today is October 30th, and since the morning, an unusual agitation has flooded the entire Hogwarts Castle.

Every little wizard is looking forward to the evening.

Because at 6 o'clock this evening, students from two other wizarding schools in Europe, Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, will arrive at Hogwarts to participate in the upcoming Triwizard Tournament.

For most of the little wizards in Hogwarts, the other two magic schools are just legends.

Some little wizards who knew little about the magic world didn't even know that there were other magic schools besides Hogwarts.

Therefore, the little wizards are very curious, what will the students of the other two magic schools look like? Do they have two heads and four arms?

While curious, the little wizards also felt very proud and proud. Even the little lions of Gryffindor who were dishonest were rarely settled today.

After all, Hogwarts is the best school of magic, not what Boothbatten and Durmstrang can compare.

As for the ‘All England’ prefix, it was automatically ignored by the little wizards.

So, as students in this best magic school, they are undoubtedly the best.

When the students of the two magic schools arrive, they have to show off their proud style.

Of course, the necessary convergence is also necessary. Otherwise, after seeing them, the students at the other two magic schools felt too embarrassed and lost the courage to continue participating in the Triwizard Tournament, what should they do?

Only Hogwarts students participate in the competition, it is not called the Triwizard Tournament, it is called the Academy Cup.

In the evening, the little wizards who wanted to eat peaches put on clean and tidy school uniforms, arranged their hairstyles and sideburns, and arranged them neatly on the grass outside the castle gate under the command of the professors.

However, it didn't take long for the uniform queue to become crooked.

No way, it is now the end of October, and the temperature is already so low that it is not surprising that it snows at any time.

And tonight, the heavens were even more unpretentious, with heavy clouds pressing on top of Hogwarts, and a piercing cold wind passed through the crowd, taking away people's precious body temperature.

Of course, if only this is the case, it is actually not enough to disrupt the neat queue of the little wizards.

After all, the little wizards are students of Hogwarts, the best school of magic, and this little cold wind is simply not enough to extinguish the fire of pride in their hearts.

However, this matter is bad at the magic props invented by Bell.

That's right, it's Bell's pot again!

In other words, why use ‘again’?

As we all know, among the magic props invented by Bell, there is something called the ‘thermostat ring’.

Of course, "rings" are just a general term. Depending on the preferences and needs of customers, they can also be constant temperature necklaces, constant temperature earrings, and the like.

And this kind of magic props, which are warm in winter and cool in summer, were sought after by many wizards as soon as they were released.

Although there is a curse, a wizard with a little ability will not be troubled by cold or heat.

But under normal circumstances, spells have a duration, and the duration is generally not very long.

A flame that never extinguishes like the Gupulai fairy fire, and few wizards in the UK can cast it. Not to mention that the quaint Lai fairy fire is mainly used for lighting.

Therefore, compared to having to cast a spell every once in a while, the low-cost constant temperature ring that can last for several years or even more than ten years is very cost-effective.

But after all, the thermostat ring is also a magical item with mature technology. Even if the price is low, it is the result of horizontal comparison among many magic items.

For adult wizards, saving money for a month can also save money for a thermostatic ring.

But for the little wizards who are still going to school at Hogwarts, their poor pocket money, and they have to throw away the cost of daily snacks, even if they save for a year, they may not be able to afford one. A constant temperature ring.

In this case, it refers to the little wizards with good backgrounds, such as Ron's kind. Let's wait for graduation and earn money. His little pocket money is better than nothing, and it is more practical to use it to buy some snacks to relieve his gluttony.

Therefore, this has also led to the fact that not every little wizard wears thermostat accessories on his body.

Pure-blooded people and good family backgrounds, such as Malfoy and his ‘huh haha’, of course, they have several magic items hanging on their bodies, of course, they naturally include the cheap thermostatic ring.

Most of the little wizards from ordinary backgrounds, or from Muggle families, are mostly clean and shivering in the cold wind.

As the saying goes, ‘do not suffer from poverty, but suffer from inequality’, everyone is also a wizard. Some people can become winners in life, while others can only become single dogs.

But now, when they were frozen into dogs, there were some Damn it guys with ruddy cheeks wearing thin clothes and basking in front of them?

This is really outrageous!

That's right, the Damn it guys mentioned here refer to the pesky little snakes in Slytherin College.

A group of pure-blooded little snakes, at this moment, proudly despise the little wizards of the other three colleges who are about to be frozen into dogs, with haughty smiles on their mouths.

The most annoying thing is that there is even a small snake fanning the wind by hand. What are you talking about, so many people crowded together, causing poor air circulation, and it's too hot?

I love you ¥#¥……*%#%


In short, the little wizards with unbalanced hearts, after looking at each other, tacitly set off the action of ‘beating the local tyrant’.

They squeezed to the ‘local tyrants’ with thermostat accessories on their bodies, and while keeping up the heat, they also helped the ‘local tyrants’ by the way.

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