Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 427: Ceremony

In fact, Hermione knew very well that there was nothing between Bell and Fleur, and neither of them could even be called familiar.

And the jokes of little Gabriel’s'brother-in-law' are just that the little girl shaves her head and picks her head hot. Neither Bell nor Fleur had any thoughts in that regard.

But it doesn't make sense for a woman to become jealous. The same goes for girls!

Jealousy mixed with grievances, Hermione urgently needs to vent her negative emotions.

But it was impossible for her to trouble little Gabriel.

Gabriel is just an innocent and cute little girl, she can't do anything to bully that little guy.

Similarly, it is impossible for her to trouble Furong.

After all, Furong didn't do anything, and the most important thing was that she didn't know him well.

Therefore, after excluding these two options, the only option left is the optimal and also the last choice.

That's right! Only Bell is left!

As the cause of all things, the chief of all evil, she tossed Bell unwillingly, who else could toss! ?

"This... don't you know the reason?"

Bell looked at Hermione who was weeping with a puzzled expression.

With the other party's ingenuity, it is impossible to fail to see it. The reason why he hadn't immediately invited the other party to the prom before was because he was worried about Shanna's emotions.

"I don't know! All I know is that you bully me! Tell you to bully me! Tell you to bully me..."

Hermione gritted her teeth and stomped on Bell's foot, saying something in her mouth every time she stepped on it.

Fortunately, after entering the auditorium, Bell subconsciously pulled Hermione to find a remote corner. Otherwise, with Hermione's current appearance, he would really have jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it.

Although he does not wash it in vain.

Stepping on, big tears slid from the corner of Hermione’s eyes...

Bell reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of Hermione's eyes.

If this allowed her tears to slide down, and it took Hermione to spend an entire afternoon before carefully preparing her makeup, she might be overshadowed by her heart.

Today should be a happy day, and Bell didn't want to leave sad, painful memories for Hermione.

So he opened his arms and hugged Hermione tightly into his arms.

"Sorry, dear, I was wrong, stop crying, okay?"

Bell apologized.

"Then I want to punish you! I will punish you... punish you... hurry up, what can I punish you!"

Pressing her head firmly against Bell's chest, Hermione said in a tone that didn't know whether she was angry or she was acting like a baby.

She didn't know how to punish Bell.

Should Belle pay more attention to her in the future? Pay more attention to her than to Sana?

This kind of request does not need to be said, she knows that Bell is impossible to agree to.

But other than that, she doesn't seem to have any needs?

Therefore, this problem should be thrown to Bell to solve it.

If Bell can't think of a punishment plan that satisfies her today, then she...she just...seems like nothing can be done?

Thinking of this, Hermione kicked Bell hard in the calf.

‘This bad guy! ’


Having been forced to take over a big problem, Bell, who also got a kick inexplicably, scratched his head in sorrow at this time.

So how should he punish himself?

Is the punishment lighter?

He was afraid that Hermione would think he was insincere.

But the punishment is heavy, right?

Just kidding, he's not a masochist, even if he eats, he won't be okay to find himself having fun!

Looking down at the attractive look of Hermione in his arms, suddenly, something that he had long wanted to do, but had never dared to do, came to Bell's heart.

Think about it carefully, their current age, it seems that they are not too young, right?

You know, in Britain, Muggle laws stipulate that you can get married at 15 years old.

And it just so happened that both he and Hermione had passed their birthdays. In other words, they are all 15 years old!

Thinking of this, a strong annoyance suddenly struck Bell's heart.

So when he had his birthday before, why didn't he think of this!

If he had thought of it early, wouldn't he be able to leave the place more than a month in advance...cough cough cough!

"Hermione, I already thought of how to punish myself!"

The smile at the corner of his mouth was fleeting, and Bell forced a serious face.

"Oh? Come and listen."

Raising her head curiously, Hermione wanted to know what exactly Bell was going to do?

"Ahem, what...tonight, go to my suitcase."

After swallowing and spitting, that kind of thought took root in Bell's mind as soon as it appeared.

At this moment, he really wanted to drag Hermione to the suitcase immediately. Prom or something, what's so fun!

"Then what?"

Tilting her head, Hermione looked at Bell suspiciously.

So what after? After going to the suitcase, what exactly is Bell going to do?

Moreover, she didn't know if it was an illusion, she always felt that Bell looked at her at this time, as if it was a big bad wolf, looking at a little white rabbit, wanting to swallow her in one bite.

Facing the little white rabbit...cough cough, it was Hermione’s innocent and puzzled look that day. Menethil did not respond positively, but turned around holding Hermione with her. own body, blocking the sight of other people. At the same time, his hands slid down dishonestly and placed them on Hermione's hips.


Even the unmanned Hermione understood Bell's meaning after feeling the dishonest movements of Bell's hands.

Although she doesn't know the details, she still has a certain understanding of that kind of thing through some books in the library and the discussions of people around her.

Some fuzzy images that were not suitable for children could not help but appeared in her mind, and Hermione's cheeks were instantly red.

She felt her own strength, as if she had been taken away by Bell's hands, and her legs felt weak.

Taking a deep breath, after calming down the mood that was stirred up by the sudden fantasy in her mind, Hermione slapped Bell hard.

"Where are you punishment? The reward is almost the same!"

Don't think that if you haven't done it, Hermione won't know. She had heard of it, when she did that kind of thing, she was very, very comfortable, comfortable...

‘Boom~! ’

A plume of white smoke floated from the top of Hermione's head, and her brain began to heat up again.

"This is compensation for you, and it is also a ceremony."

Bell said with a smirk.


This was the first time Hermione had heard of this statement.

"Yes, a recognition ceremony.

After performing this ritual, everything about you is completely mine, and it is impossible to regret it in the future.

And as the price of the ceremony, everything that I have will belong to you completely, until you personally abandon it. "

As he spoke, Bell's expression gradually became solemn. He stared at Hermione without blinking, waiting for a reply.

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