At that moment, Hermione blamed herself very much.

Although strictly speaking, she did nothing wrong. But it is undeniable that it was indeed because of her, that Krum, who was incomprehensible, came to Bell’s trouble and was ‘anti-killed’.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that she was the culprit in the incident last night.

Fortunately, before Hermione's heart popped out of her throat, she realized that Ravenclaw had not been deducted a lot of college points. It seems to be only 30 points?

Hermione never thought that one day she would add the word ‘only’ before 30 points.

If this is replaced by her before, I'm afraid it's not a deduction of 3 points, it will feel like the sky is falling.

Don't know if this change is good or bad?

But it doesn't really matter whether it is good or bad. Hermione is only concerned about what kind of punishment Bell has been punished, and when will Bell be back?

At this moment, Hermione regretted not letting Bell be on her body before, and she also branded her magic mark. Otherwise, she should be able to feel Bell's condition just like Shanna next to her, right?

Although Shanna had clearly told her that Bell was not harmed at the moment, what she heard from others was always inferior to what she felt personally, and it was more reassuring.

Fortunately, not long after Ravenclaw's academy points were reduced, Shanna jumped up happily and ran towards the gate of the auditorium.

Although Shanna didn't say anything, Hermione, who knew enough about it, could still tell from Shanna's reaction that it must be Bell who is back.

According to Hermione's long-term observation and analysis, except when she saw Bell, Shanna's emotions were so high only when she wanted to do ‘bad things’.

And now, Sanna obviously wouldn't be in the mood to do anything ‘bad’.

Unsurprisingly, before the two of them walked out of the auditorium, they saw that the door of the auditorium was opened, and Bell walked in slowly from the outside.

Excited, Hermione, who wanted to jump into Bell's arms regardless, was unfortunately taken the lead by Shanna.

Hermione pouted jealously as she watched Shanna who was hanging around Bell's neck and refused to come down. It wasn't until Bell gave her an apologetic look that he could barely forgive the other person.

"The specific confinement punishment is unclear, Professor McGonagall will tell me later. But don't worry, it's not a big deal."

Bell's voice sounded, and the content of his words made Hermione finally relieved.

"Bell Big Brother, did you defeat that Krum? That Durmstrang warrior, that super famous Krum?"

Phyllis asked excitedly with a flushed face.

After seeing Shanna and Hermione relieved, Phyllis and Lena, who also ran behind them, finally had the opportunity to ask own questions.

Last night, Phyllis and Lena ran with Shanna to explore Busbarton's carriage, and the little girls hurried back to the bedroom until the prom was over.

The two little girls who were nervous and excited all night fell asleep immediately after washing, and didn't even know what happened last night.

After Bell was taken away by Professor McGonagall, they learned the details of the matter from Hermione's mouth.

Then Phyllis and Lena were stunned.

They had known that Sanna was strong, beyond imagination. So according to Shanna, Bell Big Brother, who is much stronger than her, must be even more ridiculously strong.

But the problem is that due to the lack of intuitive feelings, they don't know how strong Bell is.

At least in their opinion, as Durmstrang’s Warriors, Bulgaria’s Seeker, Krum, who has a huge reputation all over the world, should be better than Bell Big Brother. ?

This is the conclusion that the two little girls have tried their best to overestimate Bell's strength because of the bonus of being close to Shanna.

As a result, now Hermione Big sis actually told them that the hot Krum was beaten by Bell Big Brother in twos or twos?

This is incredible! .

"It's just a Krum, that's not a piece of cake, hahaha~!"

Facing the adoring eyes of the two little girls, Bey could not help laughing out loud.

As we all know, happiness can easily lead to sadness.

Before Bell's laughter fell, a familiar little hand appeared on his waist, pinching and twisting it skillfully, making Bell's laughter stop abruptly.

Hidden behind Bell, Hermione gritted her teeth and stared at her boyfriend.

To be honest, after talking to Phyllis and Lena about what happened last night, seeing the surprise, excitement, admiration, etc. in the eyes of the two little girls, Hermione regretted it at the time.

So why should she be so honest?

She should say that Bell was first rubbed on the ground by Krum, and finally, with her help, he barely defeated the opponent, that's right!

Hermione, who once again sounded the alarm on the ‘Derailment Radar’, really wanted to cross back a few minutes before and slap her young and ignorant herself severely.

"Ahem, what? It's too early, let's go out and play quickly."

Realizing that he had just accidentally killed Bell, he adjusted his emotions, and said hurriedly.

He felt that the reason why he had committed the same kind of death was because his father William's genes were at work in his body.

He can still remember that when he was in Japan before, his father was crazy and couldn't stop him.

"Okay! Snowball fight~! Snowball fight~!"

When she heard that she was going out to play, Shanna, who couldn't wait a long time, immediately took her own Big Brother's hand and ran quickly outside the castle.


Scattered snowflakes were still floating in the sky, and a thick layer of snow covered the ground, turning Hogwarts Castle into an endless snowfield.

"Okay, right here."

After walking on the snow for a while, Bell looked around the deserted area and stopped.

Today is Christmas. At this time, most of the little wizards are still sleeping in their dormitories.

And some people who are accustomed to going to bed early and getting up early, because they consumed too much energy at the exciting dance party last night, they chose to nest in the lounge to recharge their energy.

Therefore, outside the castle at this time, only one or two people passing by can be seen occasionally.

"You wait for me for a while."

With that, Bell flashed away and appeared in the distance.

He took out an awl-like metal object covered with runes from his arms and nailed it into the ground forcefully.

Then, he repeated the old trick again, using the position of the 4 women as the center of the circle, and nailed 10 awls one after another.

The air twisted slightly, then returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

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