Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 50: Sad Hermione

Woke up this morning, Bell found that the little wizards were a little unusually restless.

However, Bell has always been slow and doesn't care much about things that have nothing to do with him, so he still does his own things in his own way. He didn't know what he had missed until he entered the auditorium at night to prepare for dinner.

"What!? You said today is the Halloween party!?" Bell asked in surprise.

"Yeah, don't you know that tomorrow is Halloween?"

Bell's roommate Terry Bout looked at Bell curiously, how could anyone not know about such an important moment? Still not British?

‘I know a hammer. ’

As a Chinese in his previous life, Bell, how could he know the day of these messy festivals in the West?

What? You said that you have lived for more than 10 years in this life, why can't you remember it? A joke, he lived for more than 30 years in his previous life, and he didn't even remember the day of Tomb Sweeping Festival and Double Ninth Festival.

So this is commonly known as a ‘terminally ill’. Those who are unsaved, give up and say goodbye.

Bell scanned Gryffindor's long table, but she couldn't find Hermione.

He walked over to find a few little witches that seemed to be relatively young, and after asking where Hermione was, he was told that Hermione was in the girls' bathroom on the second floor before, but it was not clear if she was still there.

After getting the answer he wanted, Bell decisively left the auditorium.


Girl's bathroom on the second floor

Hermione was alone in the innermost compartment, and she had been here alone all afternoon. She had been crying for a long time, her eyes were swollen from crying, and now she was thirsty, hungry and cold.

Everyone hates her, and not only speaks ill of her secretly. And now she has been here alone for so long, not to mention a college classmate, even her roommates do not really care about her.

She feels like a failure, maybe she will spend all her life alone by herself.

When she thought of this, she didn't want to go out. When she thought about everyone enjoying a great dinner happily in the auditorium, she became thirsty, hungry and colder, and then she wanted to cry again.

Hermione has always played the role of other people's children since she was a child. Although she and her parents are very proud of this, she has never had any friends because of this. But every morning after she gets up, she looks at herself in the mirror and tells herself not to care about it.

There is no doubt that I am right, studying hard, observing discipline, and helping teachers, no matter what it is, it is the right thing. And correct, should not be condemned! So although she has always been lonely, Hermione never thought of changing herself. She believes that one day she will meet like-minded people, she will become good friends with each other, and work hard to become better!

When receiving the admission letter from Hogwarts this summer, Hermione was very excited.

When she was a child, she did happen several bizarre things around her, but neither she nor her parents cared. She had never thought that magic or something actually existed! And she turned out to be a witch!

She is looking forward to the world of magic very much. On the one hand, she is curious about mysterious magic. On the other hand, she feels that the day she has been waiting for is coming! The wizards must be very good people. If she is with them, she must have a lot of common languages, and she must be able to make a lot of friends.

On the train to Hogwarts, Hermione met a little wizard named ‘Bell Menethil’. The other party is from a wizarding family, and he is also a freshman at Hogwarts this year. Although when she first met her, Hermione almost thought that she was a senior in grades 6 and 7.

Bell's ability to cast spells surprised Hermione who had just arrived. Although she was predicted, the first time she saw a little wizard of the same age who came from the magic world cast magic, she was still a little frightened.

Hermione felt joy and yearning from her heart at that moment. But in the next instant, her heart was filled with anxiety. Bell's excellence surpassed her imagination. When she thought that her classmates were of this level, Hermione, who had been looked up to by her peers since she was a child, started to worry for the first time whether she would be rejected by her classmates as too stupid. In that case, wouldn't I still be unable to make friends?

Later, under Bell's persuasion and Neville's appearance, Hermione learned that not all little wizards have Bell's level. But Hermione didn't believe Bell's claim that she was excellent. How can I be better than the little wizards who have been exposed to magic for two months? Then their IQ is not as good as that of chimpanzees? So Hermione felt that Bell must be comforting herself.

However, the reality is always so outrageous, what Bell said turned out to be true! He is actually better than the little wizard from the magical world!

Little wizards are no different from Muggle kids. They are naughty all day long, hate class, hate homework, violate school rules, and don't like learning.

But Hermione didn't feel happy because she was better than others. Rather, on the contrary, she still didn't make friends!

And the most excessive thing is that she is clearly helping her classmates, helping them abide by the school rules, helping them master the main points of the curse, and helping Gryffindor get more college points. She worked so hard to help them, but instead of receiving a word of thanks, she was hated by everyone!

People jokingly refer to her as "Miss".

She hates this nickname, hates people laughing at her secretly, saying bad things about her. She hates Harry Potter, she is so famous, but she knows to play with Ron all day long; she hates Ron, she is too stupid not to say anything, and she is on the spot when she speaks ill of her secretly. I heard it; she hates her own roommate, she is obviously jealous of herself, but she still looks great all day long.

Among all the people, the person she hates most is... that herself who can't make friends.

Obviously know that you should not hold your head high when speaking. Obviously know that everyone does not like to discuss the knowledge in class. She is a girl but she doesn't understand how to make up and dress up. Obviously, as long as you lend your homework to others to copy, you will be able to hand it in. friend's. Obviously you know it, but why can't it be done?

She has read a lot of books, at least compared with her classmates in the same grade, much more. So she also knows a lot of knowledge that others don't. She has always believed that only by mastering more knowledge can she become excellent and find a solution when encountering difficulties.

However, why no matter how hard she tried to recall the books she had read and the knowledge she had learned, she couldn't find even a little useful content that could help her solve her current predicament? Could it be that you have been wrong all the time? Is it wrong to study hard? Is it wrong to follow school rules? Is it not allowed to like reading?

Hermione couldn't figure it out, she hoped someone could come and tell her the answer!

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