Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 94 Dumbledore's face turned green

"If you really want to practice magic in the future, you can come to my house as a guest. Because of the existence of house elves in my house, the fluctuation of magic power is frequent, and the Ministry of Magic cannot detect who casts the magic. of."

"Huh! You don't even have time to send you a message, how can I be a guest at your house!?"

Obviously, the words of Bell just now reminded the little witch of the unpleasant memories of summer vacation.


After finally diverting Hermione's attention, he accidentally stepped on Thunder again, and Bell was very speechless.

‘I’m too difficult! ’


Seeing Bell's funny expression, Hermione couldn't help laughing. The little witch also felt that it would be too much to keep holding on to this point.

After all, Strictly speaking, Bell did nothing wrong. Everyone has their own business to be busy, it seems that she has been messing around from the beginning?

Hermione quietly apologized to Bell in her heart. Of course, it is impossible to say it. It is impossible to say it in this life. At most, when there is something next time, she would just give Bell a little bit.

"Have you heard? Our Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor for the next semester turned out to be Professor Lockhart! It's the Guidro Lockhart! I have memorized all the books he wrote. His Those books are really great! If only I can become as good as Professor Lockhart in the future, then I can also travel around the world."

When it came to the topic of Lockhart, Hermione danced with excitement. It can be seen that the little witch really admired Lockhart from the heart.

‘Maybe you are better than Lockhart now. Bell whispered quietly.

Of course, if Hermione was referring to Lockhart's writing skills, this might not be so easy.

Bell had to write a big ‘service’ to Loha in his heart. Forget about her own mother, Hermione has only been in contact with the magical world for a little over a year!

It is estimated that the little witch has only been a few months since he heard Lockhart's name. As a result, in just a few months, a student who scored a perfect score in a subject has become Lockhart's little girl?

Could it be said that being handsome can really do whatever he wants?

This wicked, face-seeking world!

Time passed hurriedly in small talk. Most of the time, Hermione was talking excitedly about Lockhart, and Bell was going to fall asleep listening to it.

Bell couldn't imagine how Hermione could go from the ‘favorite color’ to the ‘secret ideal’ to understand a person in detail?

Bell's knowledge of his Little Sister is not so detailed!

‘Don’t you say that as the Big Brother, I’m actually negligent? ’

This is a serious problem! You know, his ideal is to become the best Big Brother in the world!

So this subject is worth exploring. When you wait for the video with Shanna in the evening, maybe you can try it sideways.


On the first day of school, Hogwarts will hold a routine sorting ceremony.

Bell has no interest in this, after all, his Little Sister will not enroll until next year. And under his guidance, Shanna has already mastered Occlumency, so everything is actually under control a long time ago.

While Bell was watching the excitement and waiting for the meal, he suddenly saw Snape coming in quickly from outside.

Snape ignored the curiosity cast by the people and walked straight to Dumbledore. He lowered his head and whispered a few words to Dumbledore, and then Dumbledore's face turned green at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, the so-called visible with the naked eye can only be distinguished by Bell's vision after a long period of magical enhancement.

But even so, for a scheming wizard who has lived for more than 100 years, it is possible to have such a change in his face, one can imagine how shocking Dumbledore heard the news.

Seeing Dumbledore and Snape in the professor's seat whispering and not knowing what they were talking about, Bell suddenly realized something.

Bell craned his neck and looked at the Gryffindor table for a while. Sure enough, he did not find Harry and Ron at the dining table.

If nothing else, Harry and Ron should have come from Hogwarts in a speeding car. And seeing Dumbledore's face becoming greener and greener, the two of them should have made a lot of noise.

Taking advantage of Dumbledore's turning around and talking to Professor McGonagall, Bell adjusted the magic in the collective, condensing the magic into a line, and launched it in the direction of the memory.

This operation is also very difficult for the current Bell. After all, the distance is too far, and Bell must ensure that the magic power is solid enough to be able to detect what he wants to know.

So, in order to satisfy the heart of own Eight Trigrams, Bell is also good enough.


"Dumbledore? What's wrong?"

Professor McGonagall glanced in the direction where Dumbledore turned his head. However, she found nothing except the students who were dining.

"It's nothing, Minerva. It's just a bit of feeling that she is really old, and the young people are really amazing now. Ha ha ha. Where did I just say? Oh, yes..."

Dumbledore withdrew his gaze and resumed the topic.

At the moment Bell fired magic power to perceive, the fluctuation caused by magic power attracted Dumbledore's attention.

In Bell's view, Dumbledore's attention was focused on the chat with Professor McGonagall. Moreover, the slight fluctuations in magical power he caused were only a brief moment, so Dumbledore shouldn't be aware of it.

What Bell didn't know was that Dumbledore had experienced too many battles in his life. So no matter what Dumbledore was doing, or how weak and short-lived the magical fluctuations were, he couldn't escape his perception.


Bell slightly adjusted the direction of perception, but he did not expect it.

In Bell's perception, the trunk of the beating willow was severely damaged by the impact, and he was waving his own branches frantically, falling into a frenzy. It seemed that Harry and Ron's speeding car had hit Hitman Willow's body.

So the quality of magic items like speed cars is really important!

After Bell’s speeding car was officially put into production, Bell planned to pick one out of the first batch of high-end speeding cars and give it to Mr. Arthur Weasley as a gift. But the other party said that he would not accept anything, saying that 5000 Jin Jialong bought his technology. He has already made a profit and can no longer accept anything from Bell.

It has to be said that although the Weasley family's financial management capabilities are weaker than the sea level, the dignified family of pure-blood wizards cannot find anyone poorer than theirs. But the character of the Weasley family, especially the character of Arthur and Molly, is really strong. No wonder Dumbledore relied on them so much.

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