Devil Dao Tour Of Hogwarts

Chapter 96: Haggis is said to be delicious

"Hahaha~! Nothing...haha~!"

Bell was out of breath with a smile, and he didn't forget to perfunctorily.

‘Ghost believes nothing, nothing you can laugh like this! ? ’

Penello glared at Bell dissatisfied, and if Bell did not give a satisfactory answer, he would not let go of his posture.

Seeing Penello's appearance, Bell slowly stopped laughing. Only then did he realize that something was wrong.

Although what happened tonight is really funny in his opinion. But no matter how funny things are, he shouldn't be able to laugh out loud in the crowd.

Bell has never liked attracting the attention of others. And it's like such a simple emotional control, it shouldn't require him to bother specifically. Why did he lose control of his emotions just now?

Bell lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

If there is anything different between today and the past, then there is no doubt that it happened on the platform.

Of course, Bell is not saying what his mother did to him. But after Bell realized again what was the most important thing to him, after only 3 days, he had to leave his family again.

(This time, I had to be thrown out by my mother.)

So in fact, since noon, his mood has been abnormal? Only now has he encountered an inducement that brought out his anomaly?

In fact, Bell doesn't quite understand, all the above are just his speculations. After all, nothing is more complicated than the human heart, even if it is own'heart', Bell is often difficult to understand.

"Bell? What happened to you?"

Penello reached out and touched Bell's forehead. It's not hot.

Seeing Bell suddenly raised his head and laughed, and then suddenly lowered his head in thought, Penello was worried whether Bell was ill, or was he caught with some black magic?

"Oh, nothing, it's really nothing this time."

"So what was there just now? You are really perfunctory me!"





"Hey you are so big!!!"

(╬ ̄絲 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)

It's embarrassing to say that you missed your mouth accidentally... Although it doesn't leak, it doesn't seem to make a difference?

"Actually it's like'll know in a while, so wait a moment."

It is of course impossible for Bell to tell Penello what happened. You know, he has been sitting here with everyone. So how does he explain, how does he know what is happening outside? And as long as you keep your mouth shut, you can always fool around casually.

For Bell's appetite behavior, Penello wanted to hit someone, but he couldn't really hit him (although he had already hit it).

After all, although she can't be seen on the outside, and no one believes it, but she is the 4th big Bell's senior sister.

The reputation of bullying the junior is not so good.

Not to mention that she is still Ravenclaw's prefect, let alone take the lead in breaking discipline and making trouble during the meal.

But it's impossible for Penello to let Bale go just like that. If you can't get out of this tone, I probably won't even sleep well tonight.

I saw Penello snatched Bell's dinner plate, used a fork to fork a whole ‘Haggis’, and put it on Bell’s plate.

"No! You can't do this, Penello! You are murdering!"

Looking at the famous dish in front of him, Bell was already vomiting just by smelling it.

"You should apologize to the Scots, Bell. You insulted their traditional food. I heard that eating haggis is good for your health, especially for men, so eat it quickly and don't disappoint the sister. Mind."

With that said, Penello forced the fork into Bell's hand and stared at him with a smile.

"In addition, I'm the prefect Yo. Even if the relationship between the two of us is good, I won't allow you to waste food."

Penello straightened his chest, making the prefect badge hanging on his chest more conspicuous.

Bell didn't know how he finished dinner and how he returned to the bedroom. He only knows one thing, that is, he must never offend Senior Sister Penello in the future, otherwise God knows what else to experience.


The next morning, Bell took over from Professor Flitwick his school year's curriculum.

However, before he had time to take a closer look at the course schedule for this year, he stretched out a hand from the side and snatched the course schedule from his hand.

"Bell, this school year looks the same as the previous school year. Most of Gryffindor's courses are taken with Ravenclaw. This is great!"

Hermione quickly scanned Bell's timetable, and then compared it with the timetable in her mind.

"This morning's Polymorphism class and afternoon's Defence Against the Dark Arts class will be given together. My first class is Herbology, so it may take longer to get back to the castle. Bell, you have to go to Polymorphism earlier. The classroom, occupy the front seat. Remember, it must be the front, and no corners are allowed!"

Listening to the little witch chattering endlessly, Bell felt his head a little bigger.

"Relax, Hermione. The front row, the middle seat, no one will grab the seat except you. Even if you are the last one to enter the classroom, the best seat in your eyes must be vacant."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Bell, obviously dissatisfied with his ridiculous words.

"You should always want to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this school year? Unlike Professor Quirrell, Professor Lockhart is very good! You must not be absent, or you will regret it!"

"Who knows?"

Bell shrugged noncommittal.

Deep down in Bell's heart, he undoubtedly didn't want to listen to Lockhart's Defence Against the Dark Arts class at all. But he couldn't say it, otherwise Hermione would be crazy.

Explaining something is too much trouble. When the other party is not Shanna, Bell is not interested in talking so much nonsense to explain.

Fortunately, even though Lockhart was a bit useless, he at least didn't carry biochemical weapons like Quirrell, so Bell only had to impose a closed earplug listening spell on himself.

For this spell, after training in the magic history class last year, Bell now casts the spell without a wand without pressure. And he also promised to suppress the magical fluctuations during casting to the lowest level, so that more than 90% of wizards could not perceive it.

While the two were chatting, a loud roar suddenly came from the Gryffindor table.

"...I wouldn't be surprised if they fire you..."

The dust on the ceiling was shaken by the roar.

Unprepared, Bell's increasingly sensitive ears hum buzzed.

Sure enough, he was afraid of comparison in everything. For the first time, Bell felt that Hermione's nagging was so soft and sweet.

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