A python and a bear slammed together.

The python's tail was ejected, but the body of the Earth Demon Bear did not move.

Seeing this, the Earth Demon Bear stepped forward and grabbed the huge snake tail of the poisonous python, and the strong body continuously rotated 360, and the poisonous python in his hand stretched straight due to the inertial body.

When he felt that his strength had reached its peak, the Earth Demon Bear let go of the poisonous python, and suddenly his body of more than ten meters flew out and crashed into the huge tree trunk in the distance.

There was a loud sound of "bang"

, and the ancient tree was knocked into shaking, and a large leaf slowly fell, scattered on the ground.

The huge body of the poisonous python gradually slipped to the ground, and a huge pit suddenly appeared in the originally huge trunk, and the wooden chips next to it showed what kind of impact it had experienced.

"Knock knock"

The body of the Earth Demon Bear rampaged, and the huge body made the ground shake for a while, and smashed punch after punch on the huge python head of the poisonous python.

After a while

, the python head was bombarded by the iron fist of the earth demon bear, and the python type was completely missing, the blood and flesh were splashed, and even the two teeth full of poison were missing.

The Earth Demon Bear defeated the poisonous python with its powerful flesh and copper-walled skin.

Seeing that the two seventh-order ferocious beasts ended the battle, Xiao Qi's figure watching the play quietly in the air flashed and disappeared in place.

In the next second, a black figure fell down rapidly, cutting through the long sky, and it looked like a beam of light with a black tail in the distance.

The "bang"

black figure slammed into the open space next to the Earth Demon Bear, forming a huge deep pit, sand and rocks splashed, setting off a thick smoke.

The smoke gradually dispersed, revealing the scene inside, and I saw Xiao Qi's legs slightly bent, half kneeling in the center of the giant pit, his right palm touching the ground, looking up at the front, a pair of dark eyes appeared bright.

The Earth Demon Bear, who was blowing the hammer poisonous python, was frightened by this scene, and when it became clear that the center of the giant pit was a human.

"Oh roar"

let out a huge roar, it was irritated by Xiao Qi's action, its hands kept pounding the ground, its sharp teeth grinned, and its eyes gradually became fierce.

The next moment, the huge body rushed towards Xiao Qi, and the air shock wave generated by the impact of the body continued to spread around, forming a white wave of qi.

Seeing this, Xiao Qi did not show weakness, and directly covered his armed colors with both hands and walked towards the Earth Demon Bear.


", "bang" and "bang" one person and one beast constantly collide, producing a huge collision sound in the air.

Xiao Qi fought back and forth with his high-level armed color domineering power with the seventh-order ferocious beast Earth Demon Bear, and even had a slight upper hand.

At the end of more than a dozen rounds, Xiao Qi grabbed the gap of the Earth Demon Bear and slammed a punch on its head, and the huge force made the Demon Bear fly out.

The huge body rolled on the ground for more than ten meters, and did not stop until it hit a giant tree, setting off a puff of dust and smoke.

A moment later

, a black shadow gradually appeared in the thick smoke, revealing the current situation of the Earth Demon Bear.

The demon bear's face had swollen, its sharp teeth had been broken in half, and the lower half of its pointed teeth were gone.

Obviously, Xiao Qi's powerful punch caused it a lot of damage.

The face of the earth demon bear that got up did not have the previous anger, and there was a trace of fear in its eyes, and it seemed to feel the strength of the human being in front of it.

Xiao Qi didn't have any intention of letting it go, and saw it stand up, and its armed-colored covered fists roared in unison.

The Earth Demon Bear could only passively resist, I don't know how many punches it had received, its limbs trembled violently, and its iron-clad body constantly had bright red blood flowing out.

With a "boom", the huge body fell to the ground, and blood continued to flow from the bear's mouth, sending out a weak breath.

It's just that there is only air outflow and no air intake, apparently it is already dying.

Xiao Qi did not hesitate and slammed a punch on its hanging head, ending its bear life.

He stepped forward and dug out the crystal nucleus of the Earth Demon Bear, and by the way, he also dug out the crystal nucleus of the seventh-order fierce beast poisonous python next to him and put it into the space bracelet.

The figure jumped and left the place with the help of a huge tree trunk.

Figures are constantly weaving through the forest, heading deeper.

The fierce beast in the early seventh order was no longer his opponent at all, but it was completely enough with the high-level armed color domineering.

On the way to the depths of the forest, he incidentally solved several mid-seventh-order fierce beasts that greeted him, and after a warm greeting, Xiao Qi finally dug out their crystal nuclei with tears in his eyes.

What a fragrance!

Then I walked all the way to a mountain peak, and looked up at the towering peak, shaped like a sword, piercing through the clouds, the cliffs were steep, and the clouds were shrouded in mist.

This was exactly the mountain that he saw when he first entered the No. 3 Secret Realm, which was shaped like a giant sword, occupying half of the entire No. 3 Secret Realm.

Standing at the foot of the giant peak, Xiao Qi couldn't help but feel his own insignificance, and the bottom of the mountain was a steep straight cliff.

Without hesitation, Xiao Qi's figure climbed up, using the six-style moon step to jump back and forth between the steep cliffs.

Constantly sweeping upwards, the cliffs gradually level after thousands of meters.

Xiao Qi landed steadily on the flat ground in front of him with a "shaving", and did not wait for him to continue to observe the situation around him.

Suddenly, a black shadow swooped down from above, its speed was extremely fast, and Ling Lie's claws slashed through his chest.

Xiao Qi could avoid this sneak attack with his sight.

The clothes on the chest had been torn open by claws, revealing shallow scratches on the body inside, and a trace of blood flowed out.

Only then did he see clearly that the black shadow just now was a golden eagle, brown overall, with a white bar on the head and neck, which was particularly conspicuous.

The long pointed beak protrudes abnormally, the sharp claws are tightly conceded together, and the wings full of black feathers appear particularly powerful.

This is a late-seventh order ferocious beast with a bursting beak golden eagle.

This golden eagle with a burst beak should have been waiting here for a long time, when a human climbed up below and landed on the flat ground to rest.

At the moment when its vigilance was at its lowest, it quickly struck and hit the humans who climbed the mountain with one blow.

Ferocious beasts generally do not come up, because the ferocious beasts under the mountain know that there are high-level ferocious beasts on the peaks.

There is a strong hierarchy among fierce beasts, and high-level ferocious beasts have a strong bloodline coercion on low-level ferocious beasts.

At this time, this beast was hovering above Xiao Qi, his sharp eyes were fixed on him below, and a sharp cry came from his beak, as if he was proud that his plan had succeeded.

Xiao Qi, who was attacked by the sneak attack, naturally did not lose his mind because of anger, on the contrary, he was quietly looking at the exploding beaked golden eagle in the sky.

With his current fifth-order peak spiritual power, it was still a bit troublesome to kill a late-seventh-order burst beak golden eagle.

What's more, this beast can fly in the air all the time.

Although Xiao Qi can also fly in the air with the six-style moon step, with the speed of shaving, he can also fight in the air for a short time.


Xiao Qi's gaze looked at the forest in the distance on the flat ground, and the next moment, his body burst out and headed towards the forest.


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