Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 391: The Privilege of Genius

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Time flies like water, and now it has been less than three weeks since Tang Tianyou was invited by Zhao Wen to watch the last black boxing match.

That night, it seemed that the first match was the most exciting match. Afterwards, the boxers were fighting each other. Although they were all very thrilling and bloody, and the punches and kicks were very good-looking, but in Tang Tianyou's opinion, compared to The first high-level battle was as boring as chewing wax.

I am afraid of comparison in everything. Although the fierce battle between Liu Hong and Dai Gang caused many people to feel uncomfortable, and the last bunch of human meat skewers made many people spit out on the spot, but the stimulation brought by the impact is unparalleled .

Relatively speaking. After that, the fight between boxers was as dull and boring as warm boiled water.  Urban Devil Fruit 391

Therefore, Tang Tianyou, who felt bored after watching a few games, left with Zhao Wen, ended the trip that night, and returned to school.


Tianhai University, teaching area.

The fifth teaching building is a classroom building next to the boys' dormitory area. Its exterior is a silver and white modern building. Around evening, all the classrooms inside are brightly lit. Some students who were still dressed like high school students looked like freshmen at first glance, and rushed here in groups of three or four.

The four people in Tang Tianyou's dormitory walked towards the teaching building with the mighty crowd. Chen Zebin walked beside Tang Tianyou, and the other two disappeared.

Then, around Tang Tianyou were students from other dormitories. Fat or thin, tall or short, because Tang Tianyou did not participate in military training, but only worked in the school's logistics. He usually went out to hang out, or went to the library to study, so he really didn't know many students in other dormitories. .

But Chen Zebin is a familiar person. In just a few weeks of military training, he has known most of the people in the other dormitories. It can be said that he is the representative figure in Tang Tianyou's dormitory.

However, although Tang Tianyou didn't know the students in his class very well, the other students were very familiar with Tang Tianyou, because Tang Tianyou was the number one student in the college entrance examination in Donghai Province this year, and he was the best student in his class.

It can be called human instinct to know excellent people and get close to those who are better than oneself.

In fact, everyone in the school knows that the person with the best grades is always surrounded by a few students with better grades, forming a core learning circle.

Even those with poor academic performance, or even those who come to school to dawdle, although they won't get close to this circle, they may feel uncomfortable with such people in their hearts, but no matter what, they will definitely know the best grades in the class. Well people, this is unavoidable.

Just like a diamond, although it stays there silently, no one can ignore it.

More importantly, Tang Tianyou did something that shocked the entire academy during the military training, making all the students in the class realize Tang Tianyou's abnormality.

You must know that almost all universities now implement the credit system, and Tianhai University is no exception. Every subject in the university has credits.

In other words, you can only graduate from school if you earn enough credits, or you can only keep studying until you are kicked out of school.

The only condition for obtaining credits is to pass the final exam. University teachers generally divide the final exam results into two parts. seventy.

The source of your usual grades is mainly your usual class attendance rate and the number of times you hand in your homework. If both of these are good, the teacher will generally give you a higher usual grade.

Therefore, usual grades are very important to students. Even if your final exam paper score is only 30 to 40 points, it may be classified as a pass by the teacher.

However, if you are quite confident in your studies and think that you can get a score of 70 or 80 in the final exam, you don't have to come to class. Anyway, this score is enough to ensure that you pass the subject, and the teacher will not be too strict. blame you.  Urban Devil Fruit 391

Therefore, for some outstanding students, the school teaches students in accordance with their aptitude and has introduced a policy that if students have mastered a certain course specified in the training plan through self-study and other means, they can apply for an exemption from listening to the exam.

First of all, students must apply to the college for exemption from taking courses. When applying, fill in the "Application Form for Exempted Courses", and submit self-study notes, homework and other relevant materials for inspection.

Then, these materials will be reviewed and approved by the school where the course is offered (interview if necessary), and then signed by the teacher and the person in charge of the school, and the student’s school will be notified. However, students who are exempt from listening must take the final exam with the class.

Even so, there are some courses or teaching links that students cannot apply for exemption, such as: Marxist theory courses, ideological and moral courses, experimental courses, internships, course design and graduation design (thesis) and other practical teaching links.

Although the school has issued a policy that students can apply for exemption from listening, there are few who can meet this standard. After all, they can learn by themselves and study with others for a semester before the school starts. Also rare.

Therefore, this kind of policy is almost useless, as if it didn't exist, and most of the students didn't take it seriously, they just listened to it as an anecdote.

However, Tang Tianyou did it.

While others were working hard in military training, he, who was extremely bored, used the spare time to study all the textbooks from school, and carefully studied the contents inside.

Such as Fibonacci sequence general term, sequence limit, Rolle's law, Cauchy's theorem, Wirthlas' theorem, Euler integral, Lagrange's theorem and other calculus limit theories.

There are also knowledge about transformations such as determinant matrices, calculation methods, and "property" changes, etc., which have been broken by Tang Tianyou one by one.

In order to make himself have more free time when he was in college, Tang Tianyou didn't care what kind of sensation his behavior would cause, so he directly submitted the exemption review to the college.

Thus, the shocked professors of the School of Mathematics took Tang Tianyou a high-standard exam and a rigorous interview, trying to evaluate whether Tang Tianyou could be exempted from listening.

As a result, Tang Tianyou, with a solid theoretical foundation and even deeper insights than graduate students, perfectly passed the test of the professors, and obtained the qualification to be exempted from taking other courses except the compulsory courses in the school.

That is to say, except for practical courses such as Marxist theory courses, ideological and moral courses, experimental courses, physical education courses, etc., Tang Tianyou does not need to go to other courses.

This is how schools treat geniuses!

The so-called traditional courses are just a kind of restraint for geniuses who are out of ordinary people. Since he has already understood these courses, there is no need to waste time learning these basic courses, or spend time on more meaningful subjects Better yet, the professors naturally give geniuses this privilege!

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