Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 513 Xinjiang Local Members

The members from Tianhai City saw that Tan Bin's situation seemed to be in trouble, and wanted to rescue him, but the companions of the man who looked like a gorilla also noticed the situation, and surrounded them one after another to stop them rescue.

"Think about it, we are local members from Xinjiang." A man with a white scarf on his head, who seemed to be the leader of the group, stepped forward and looked at the crowd coldly, "You come here It's also for this year's national mission, if you offend us, imagine what the consequences will be. Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance."

Hearing this sentence, the faces of the members of the Tianhai City branch suddenly became ugly. This guy was obviously threatening them.

Relying on the advantage that they are locals, the power of local management is deeply ingrained. Even the strong dragons from outside may not be able to deal with them.

Sun Jun has already reminded them of the danger of this national mission. They are all vicious gangsters, and some are even famous mercenaries in the world. In terms of the firepower of weapons and the quality of personnel, there is nothing like them prevailed.  Urban Devil Fruit 513

The only advantage is that they belong to the local forces, know all the local geographical locations, and can recruit a large number of men who can support them at any time.

But if the local Shueisha members want to drag them down, they don’t need to do too much, as long as they deliberately create some false information for them, they can fall into a situation where they will never be restored, and they will all be slaughtered by those terrorists!

Without the support of local forces, it can be said that they will lose their only advantage, and their team may all die in Xinjiang.

Although Shueisha's social rules do not allow this kind of thing to happen, but as the person in charge here, who would know if he did something arbitrarily?

Even if the matter was exposed, the person in charge would shirk it, saying that it was just an intelligence error and had nothing to do with him, and lightly pushed the responsibility away, and he had no loss at all.

As veteran members who have done several national missions, they understand the importance of good relations with local forces. This is a matter of life and death, and no one will take it lightly.

Therefore, they were silent, and they all stopped, letting themselves fall into a dangerous place for a member who had nothing to do with them, no one would be so stupid.

The members of Tianhai City are all ruthless characters. It is obviously a good deal to abandon an ordinary member in exchange for the kindness of dealing with them.

"Okay, very good, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, I admire you very much." The man with the white scarf on his head looked at the impact he had made with satisfaction, which also made it easier for him to plan for the next step.

However, he despises this kind of naughty person very much, and he doesn't have the courage to stand up for his companions. Although sometimes silence is a means to protect himself, but in this situation, choosing to retreat is nothing more than stupid. , This is simply a despicable behavior.

I remember a German pastor said something like this at a commemorative meeting after the end of World War II. At first, they hunted down the rioters. I am not a rioter, so I don’t speak;

Then they go after the Jews, I'm not a Jew, I don't speak;

Later, they hunted down trade union members, I am not a trade union member, I do not speak;

After that, they hunted Catholics, I am a Protestant, I do not speak;

In the end, they came after me, and no one stood up for me anymore.

The reason is simple, everyone is in the same boat now, and unity is the best way to fight against the enemy. If they don't help each other, then they will be swallowed by danger one by one, and no one will escape.

But he also saw through the distrust among the members of Tianhai City, so he used these methods to plant a nail for their split, and the next thing will be a matter of course.

A series of poisonous schemes kept flashing through his mind, and the man with the white scarf on his head had a faint smile on his face, watching the scene on the field.

Due to the inaction of the members of Tianhai City, Tan Bin's strength is getting weaker and weaker, and the speed of his steps has also slowed down a lot, but the man like a gorilla is still full of energy. It is obvious that this level of fighting It can't consume his physical strength at all.  Urban Devil Fruit 513

If Tan Bin was able to dodge the opponent's attack calmly before, but after consuming a lot of physical strength, the punch wind of every opponent's punch brought him a great threat. If his fist hits him, he will definitely lose the strength to continue to complete the national mission, and the final result is just death!


While anxious, Tan Bin, who was getting weaker and weaker, accidentally stepped on a piece of gravel on the ground, and his ankle was slightly twisted. If it was normal, it would not be too dangerous, but now he is in a life-and-death struggle. During this time, any tiny mistake will be magnified infinitely.


Tan Bin's heart skipped a beat, and his heart was very impatient, because he noticed that the gorilla opposite him suddenly showed a sinister smile. He obviously found his own flaws. This guy will never let go of such a good opportunity.

"Go to hell, you jumping monkey!"

The man yelled violently, and suddenly moved violently, leaving an afterimage in the air, and rushed towards Tan Bin, since the speed was several times faster than before!

Obviously, he saved a lot of strength just now, and waited until the end to unleash all his strength, so as to deal a fatal blow to his opponent!

Damn it, this guy still has strength, Tan Bin's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly cupped his fists in his chest, trying to block this fierce blow!

It's over, this guy Tan Bin is definitely over, whether he does the mental calculation or not, it is absolutely impossible for Tan Bin to resist such a fierce blow and such a short distance.

All the members present shook their heads, obviously feeling sorry for them. Originally, Tan Bin was an elite figure who had a good chance of surviving this mission. Many people also went to make friends with him, hoping to form a team with him. I didn't expect such an accident to happen. It's really not a coincidence.

To be hit by such a ferocious blow, it seems to be at least seriously injured, carrying the injured body to carry out the task, even if you can imagine it with your knees, what good will happen?


The dust was flying, and a group of local Xinjiang members were ready to gloat over the misfortune of this foreign member. They had seen the strength of a man like a gorilla before. If they received such a punch head-on, they would definitely die!

But after the smoke dissipated, they stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, because that fierce fist was firmly received by a big hand.

And Tan Bin stood there blankly, not knowing what happened.

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