Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 819 Oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry!

"Come on!" Although being beaten by the strong natives was very embarrassing, and even hurt his heart, Tang Tianyou learned a lot in this fierce battle.

Even though he knew that his current situation was more dangerous, and even that he would die in the next second, he didn't feel the slightest fear. Instead, he was more excited, and his blood was boiling.

If the native strongman wants to kill him, he will be oppressed to the extreme, maybe his body's potential can be exploded, and he might be promoted to the realm of a b-level strongman.


Tang Tianyou rushed forward and punched the strong native, but was easily blocked.

"Junior, your realm is too low, and you dare to confront me head-on like this. I admire your courage, but this kind of attack can't hurt me at all."

The native strongman's face was ferocious, and he shouted angrily: "In order to reward your courage, I decided to grant you death and let you go to hell to repent!"

Stab it!

The strong native pointed out. [

His finger looked flat, like an ordinary finger pointing, it didn't even produce a ripple in the air, without the slightest anger.

But Tang Tianyou felt a heavy heart, because he could see that the finger of the native strongman contained his own martial arts mysteries, with ever-changing attacks, and could even destroy the soul of a murderer!

"Don't force it!" Tang Tianyou wanted to dodge in a hurry. This move must not be a death blow to him. It can be imagined that this is a must-kill move for the strong natives, and it is more fierce.

Although it looked plain and nothing unusual, in Tang Tianyou's view, the figure of the native strongman disappeared, replaced by the giant's finger holding the sky.

It was thundering toward the sky, as if a giant in ancient times woke up in a distant place, and saw a reptile harassing him, so he pressed down with one finger, trying to press him to death like an ant!

Tang Tianyou's mind turned sharply, his heart was beating wildly, he could even hear the sound of blood flowing, and his soul was shocked.

"What a powerful finger, is this one of the most powerful martial arts of the natives of the other world?"

Just now Tang Tianyou wanted to dodge, to avoid this ferocious finger, but he found that it was impossible for him to dodge, because this finger attacked and killed, but it covered all directions, up, down, left, and right, without any dead angle.

Apart from fighting hard, there is no way to resist it!


Tang Tianyou stimulated all the energy and blood in his body, his muscles swelled instantly, and he turned into a three-meter-high giant.

The fists and fingers touched together, and several fierce winds collided. These powerful air currents seemed to tear everything apart. The whole ground was shaking, and several big trees were uprooted.

This fierce airflow exploded in the middle and spread out from the middle. It can be seen that these airflows first condensed into substance, and then shattered like a broken mirror. Several splashed wind blades smashed a nearby rock mountain, some Creatures that couldn't dodge it were split in half and couldn't escape.

"Pfft!" Tang Tianyou spit out a mouthful of blood again, all internal organs were injured in the collision just now, and even the bones of his body were almost broken, so he managed to escape the aftermath of the impact force and survived.

There was also a trace of blood on the corner of the strong native's mouth, and he took a few steps back, knocking three or four big trees into the air, but his breath was very stable, and he didn't suffer any major damage at all. [

"My boy, just now I used the most powerful technique in the tribe - the finger of horror, but you still don't die like this! Yes, really good! In my tribe, no, it should be among so many young strong men I have seen, You are the first young man with such ability."

Seeing that Tang Tianyou hadn't died yet, but was only seriously injured, the native strong man was shocked, and the murderous intent in his heart deepened, "You are so young, but you are still able to compete against me for a while at this level, this amazing Strength scares me and feels a deep threat.

If you were promoted to a b-level powerhouse, or even more powerful, what terrifying strength would you possess? I can't even imagine this kind of strength.

It's a pity, it's a pity, if you are a child of my tribe, you will definitely be cultivated, but you are a demon from another world, then you are doomed to be suspicious, and conflicts should be avoided.

Don't blame me, if you want to blame it, blame you for being too sharp and foolish and overreaching to come to our tribe to steal our tribe's sacred fruit. This is a capital offense! You will definitely doubt the next move, I swear in the name of God! "

His voice seemed to come from beyond the sky, but it contained a strong killing intent: "Yan Luoshou, die for me!"


Suddenly, a big hand appeared in the air, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, but under the sunlight, it looked dark and gloomy, as if it came from the devil's evil hand in hell, and countless innocent souls were roaring, trying to drag the enemy into hell.

This big hand slapped down suddenly, as if the sky was falling apart, the punishment that mortals can't escape no matter what, they can only stand where they are with their eyes closed and wait for death!

"Damn it!" Under this move, any evasive movements of Tang Tianyou were superfluous, his figure was simply crushed by this overwhelming attack, and he could only watch helplessly as the big hand slapped his body!


Tang Tianyou couldn't resist at all, he was slapped flat on the spot, and the whole ground suddenly broke, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground, sinking tens of meters deep into the ground, several ravines extended like lightning, and several big trees were smashed Fall, break, and fly far away. astonishing crack extended to the distant rocky mountain, but it forcibly split the huge rocky mountain in half. Countless rubble rolled down, and a large number of birds flew out, screaming in horror.

Is Tang Tianyou dead now? He is not dead yet, but all the bones of his body have been shattered, his meridians are broken, and he is almost a cripple. He is only hanging on his breath, and he is not far from death.

"Am I going to die? I really don't want to!" Tang Tianyou didn't want to, even if his body was in the worst condition, he would die as long as he slackened his last breath, but he didn't give up.

In the heart, there seems to be a bright light that illuminates my heart and guides myself to move forward, and never give up, even at the last moment.

Although his current body seemed to be exhausted, his whole body was dim, and he couldn't even use any strength, like a corpse that had been beaten to death, but Tang Tianyou felt that he was very good, and his spirit was unprecedentedly good.

This is not an illusion, nor is it a flashback, but a real feeling!


Suddenly, a majestic force suddenly appeared. When he was exhausted, the potential hidden in the deepest part of his body began to be released, a vast force like a vast ocean!

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