Back home

Kosuke looked at his room upstairs, and said to Zhu Nai and Jeno Weiya: "I still have research to do, so you can watch TV downstairs and rest!"

After saying this, he trotted upstairs in a little embarrassment, Zhu Nai couldn't help but be amused when he looked at Kosuke's somewhat embarrassed appearance, and a happy smile involuntarily leaked out of his face.

Go back upstairs to your room

Close the door and sit on the chair in front of the desk for a good rest for a while, calm your mood before continuing with the work you want to do.

"The concept of the lock has been proposed, but how should this lock be used, and how should it be realized?"

Leaning back in the chair and tapping his chin in thought, he couldn't help but mumble. After muttering, he wanted to ask Albion, but when he thought of such a thing, even asking him would be useless and would not work at all.

After thinking about it, Kosuke had a certain idea in his heart.

"The eight methods in the Eight Gates Dunjia Array can be borrowed and put to good use, and when the time comes, a little improvement may be successful. "

After reading it, Kosuke began to further sort out the better content according to the content he thought out, and then sorted out the content in this way Kosuke sorted out a good written content.

In this case, this is a theoretical paper, and it is not clear whether it can be put into practice in the end!

"Don't have a clue about 703 yet?"

Just as Kosuke was about to put the theoretical content in his hand into practice, a voice sounded in Kosuke's ears, and when he heard such a voice, Kosuke turned his head to look at the person next to him.

"I don't have a clue yet! "

"You don't have to be in a hurry, just do it gradually. "

Souna heard Kosuke reply, and his voice was calm and concerned towards Kosuke. After listening to Cangna's reply, Kosuke nodded at Cangna in response.

Souna saw Kosuke's reply, so he didn't say anything. Sit quietly beside Kosuke, ready to take a good look at these things.

And she also hopes that her good friend Lias's destructive power can be further controlled, which is a good thing for Lias.

"President, I'll probably have to be busy until late, so you can go to bed. "

Looking at the president who accompanied him, Kosuke felt warm in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn't bear to watch Cang Na stay up all night here with him.

Shaking his head, Cang Na is doing this by himself here.

Seeing Cangna's persistence, Kosuke couldn't say anything, so he could only bury his head and work hard to carry out the work at hand.


Time passed minute by minute, and the sky outside had gradually turned into late night, and Aona, who was with Kosuke, unknowingly fell asleep on the table.

After listening to the work in his hand for a while, he turned his head and saw Cang's cute appearance lying on the table and falling asleep.

Looking at her sleeping dignity like this, the corners of Kosuke's mouth couldn't help but sketch a smile, and then he felt uncomfortable sleeping here, so he came to the bed with Cangna.

At this moment, the three of them on the bed, Jano Weiya, Aixia, and Zhu Nai are sleeping here, and Jano Weiya is still sleeping with that kind of big grin, and there is no ladylike appearance at all.

"Have you done your research?"

Just now Liang Cangna put it on the bed, got up and was about to go back to continue his research, Kosuke heard Zhu Nai's voice coming, turned his head to look over, and saw that Zhu Nai woke up and was looking at himself with bright big eyes.

"Not yet!"

"It's not early, you better go to bed early!"

I looked sideways at the sky outside, and when I saw that it was already time for the dogs to sleep, I reminded Kosuke to rest early.

Kosuke thinks that his inspiration and thinking are smooth at the moment, and if he misses it like this, it may not be as smooth as (dbad) tomorrow.

"Today's thoughts and inspiration are very smooth, and when I do a good job of researching and researching the things about sleeping, you can sleep well. He replied to Zhu Nai with a smile.

Then he turned around and left the bed, came to the desk, and continued to do the research work in his hands, continuing to study how to create the corresponding magic.

Zhu Nai saw Kosuke working so seriously, and couldn't help but look at Kosuke a few more times, but finally fell asleep despite the sleepiness.


Day 2

Kosuke yawned and walked towards the school.

"I let you rest well last night, you don't have a good rest, so when the time comes, you might as well take a leave of absence and sleep and rest at the student union, right?"

Cang Na looked at Kosuke's sleepy-eyed and yawning appearance, and couldn't help but reprimand Kosuke, while reprimanding, he didn't forget to care about Kosuke's body.


In the face of such concern, Kosuke did not refuse. Now he really needs a good rest, as for his studies?

Don't worry at all, he can understand everything with a copy eye, everything is clear and simple in his eyes, and there is no need to worry about exams or anything.

Come to school

Kosuke rushed into the lounge on the side of the student council to rest, and he didn't go to the classroom.

When I woke up, I saw Tsubaki Ji appear in the student union lounge.

"Woke up?"

Tsubaki-hime asked Kosuke while looking for something, and Kosuke heard Tsubaki-hime asking, looked around, and then asked Tsubaki-hime:

"What time is it?"

"It's already afternoon school, so if you wake up, you can help with the work, and if you don't, you can go back to sleep. "

Tsubaki-hime listened to Kosuke's inquiries and told Kosuke the time it was. Hearing that it was already time for school in the afternoon, Kosuke instantly fell asleep.

Stood up and tidied up his clothes and walked out of the lounge, and as soon as he walked out, he saw Aisia walking into the student union.

Aisia looked at Kosuke and asked:

"Kosuke, are you alright?"

"Well, I've gotten a lot better, do you have a job for Aisya later?"

"Wait, I need to go to work with Jano Weiya, do you want to do it with you?"

Nodding, Aisia replied towards Kosuke.

Kosuke thought for a moment when he heard Esia's invitation, and then said to Kosuke:

"I still have things to do, and I won't be able to accompany Aisia to work with me this time. "

"Okay then!" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although she was a little disappointed, Aisia knew very well that Kosuke had something to do and couldn't accompany her, and she couldn't delay Kosuke's work because of her own affairs.

After communicating with Aisiah, Kosuke directly turned on the teleportation magic and left this side through the teleportation magic array.

The reappearance has come to the side of the Department of Occult Research.

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