"There are some things that can't be returned, as long as people can come back. "

Listening to Kuroge say this, Kosuke replied to Kuroge with a playful smile on his face. After that, he controlled the rainbow flame of the Stygian to attack the black song, and the black song could only dodge under the swing of the rainbow lightsaber.

After Hei Ge dodged, the rainbow lightsaber landed in the woods where Hei Ge was just now, and a large number of trees were directly destroyed.

"You really won't pity Xiangxiang ~ Jade!"

"There is no gender to the enemy, and I can be a gentleman but friends, - are we friends?"

In the face of Kuroge's ridiculous words, Kosuke had no idea of teasing at all, nor did he have that kind of neurotic thought. Hitting it when it's time is the best idea.

Seeing this, Hei Ge didn't continue to tease like this, looking at the rainbow flame that was still attacking the Underworld, and tried to counterattack accordingly.

When I thought about it, the attacks had already followed again.

In the face of the ensuing attacks, Hei Ge could only temporarily give up thinking and dodge.


The Halving ability is activated at this time.

Hei Ge could feel that his strength had been reduced, and the degree of this reduction was still very large, and he frowned slightly to express his dislike.


The rainbow lightsaber landed on the ground, slashing the ground into a deep, deep crack, and Hei Ge felt palpitations when he looked at such a rift.

"You won't have that luck next time. "

Seeing that Hei Ge dodged his attack again, Kosuke's face turned cold and his voice said coldly. Immediately controlled the rainbow flame of the Stygian to continue to attack, and the speed was increased again.

The rainbow lightsaber swings faster.

Hei Ge had already noticed the attack of the rainbow lightsaber, and his body had already dodged accordingly, and at this moment, the soil under his feet suddenly became extremely soft.

She didn't even react and fell into it.

This guy can actually do two things?

Looking at the changes on the ground, Hei Ge was a little shocked. And when she was shocked, the rainbow lightsaber was already very close.

"How could I let you attack our partner!"

At this time

The figure of the beautiful monkey appeared in front of Hei Ge, waving the golden hoop stick in his hand, directly facing the rainbow lightsaber. The monkey who didn't have the halving buff on his body didn't have much difficulty to fight back, shattering the rainbow lightsaber and pulling the black song out of the soft dirt.

And at this time

The fire magic in Lias's hand has already attacked towards the Monkey and Black Song, and Black Song looks at Lias's fire magic and casts a demon counterattack.


The two cancel each other out in mid-air.

"Let's retreat! "

The beautiful monkey explained to Hei Ge like this, and after finishing speaking, he ignored Hei Ge's reply, and took Hei Ge to escape with his own somersault cloud.

Looking at the speed at which the somersault cloud escaped, Kosuke could only give up the idea of pursuit. Looking up at the Demon Dragon Saint, he couldn't help but complain to him:

"Senior, why didn't you be able to entangle that monkey guy?"

"That little guy is too flexible, and his cloud-breaking speed is too fast, no matter how hard I attack here, sometimes it's useless to hit this guy.

And you didn't be able to catch up with that guy either?"

The Demon Dragon Saint heard Kosuke complain and simply explained the reason why he couldn't entangle that guy, and by the way, he didn't forget to tease Kosuke fiercely in the end.

Kosuke listened to the ridicule of the Demon Dragon Holy Land, scratched his face and didn't speak. At this time, Lias looked at the Demon Dragon Saint and asked:

"How did you know there was a situation here? "

"I felt the breath of Bamlet around here, and I followed it. Instead of finding Bamlet, he encountered the corresponding battle here, and eventually joined the battle here. "

The Demon Dragon Saint listened to Lias's inquiry and briefly explained what he was thinking, and Kosuke heard the words of the Demon Dragon Sanctuary, looked around, and then asked Albion:

Albion, do you feel the breath of Bamlet?

I did feel the guy's breath, but I just felt it. The exact location is not very clear, and you did not explain it to you just now while you were still fighting.

Albion heard Kosuke's inquiry, nodded and explained briefly. After listening to Albion's explanation, Kosuke continued to look around a little, and after finding no sign of Wall-E, he didn't continue to look.

"Sister Lias, kitten, we've been out for a while, so let's go back quickly? "

After finishing speaking to the two of them, Kosuke looked at the Demon Dragon Saint and said:

"Senior, the battle just now is thanks to you. But we still have a rally to attend here, so I won't be chatting with you here. "

"I'll go first, and I'll have a chance to chat when the time comes. The Demon Dragon Saint nodded at Kosuke, and after saying that, he spread his wings and flew away.

After he left, the three of them also rushed towards the meeting place.

"Kosuke-senpai, thank you very much just now. Thank you very much for what you said to me at the time. "

On the way back, the kitten thanked Kosuke.

Kosuke listened to the kitten's expression of gratitude and replied softly with a slight smile: "It's nothing, it's all what I should do, after all, I don't want to watch the kitten do what I don't want to do, and watch the kitten be happy to do what I want to do."

I'm also very happy. "


The kitten listened to Kosuke's words, with a blush on his face, and couldn't help but call out his senior. And Kosuke listened to the kitten call himself senior, and reached out to rub the kitten's shaggy hair.

The kitten's face was even redder when her head was rubbed.

Lias on the side looked at the two of them quietly.

Looking at the ground, I didn't forget to think to myself:

I didn't expect this guy to be so coaxing!


Soon the three of them returned to the rally site, and what the three who came back saw was that the rally site was in shambles, and there was no such thing as when they left.

"Is this a party here? How did it come to this?"

"Just as we were about to sign the agreement, Loki of the Norse Protoss appeared and bought here, interrupting the signing of the agreement, and at the same time there was a battle here.

So here it becomes like this. "

Cang Na pushed his glasses and came to Kosuke's side and explained to Kosuke, and after such an explanation, he didn't forget to ask Kosuke:

"What were you doing just now?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the people who met the Disaster Group followed them and simply fought a fight. Listening to Cangna's inquiry, Kosuke explained with a slight smile.

And Cang Na frowned after hearing it again:

"The Scourge has joined them, too?"

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