Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Text Chapter 253 National Integration

[Thanks to Mu Zhixing Children's Shoes for the monthly pass]

After the heavy snow fluttered for three days, the sky cleared up, and Wu Lingfeng also began to prepare for another battle.

Compared with humans on Earth, it is very difficult to withstand the severe cold and fight, but in other worlds, human bodies are very strong, and they are supported by energy such as grudges, so they can completely fight in the severe cold.

For the next battle, Wu Lingfeng decided to adopt a strategy of national integration. Since there will be invasions by demons in the future, they cannot slaughter wantonly now, and the orcs are also a force.

Moreover, Wu Lingfeng wants to imitate the national integration strategy of Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty. A truly talented and generous king is one who can tolerate the existence of the world. Tian Khan is an honor. To be able to tolerate all races is to have a broad mind, and human beings are not like this If he does not act, then he will be the Khan of the first day in history.

The most important thing is that Wu Lingfeng now has three aces in his hands, the fox princess Charlotte, the catman genius assassin "Lord of Night Shadow" Xiaoying, and the werewolf princess Catherine (actually a dream), all three of them have obtained ancient totems If it is recognized by the Temple of the Oath, then it will definitely be able to gain some support from all ethnic groups.

Although it is a great integration of nationalities, Wu Lingfeng is not so stupid to win over all the orcs, just those who are willing to take refuge in him.

First of all, use powerful force to conquer the orcs. Under the coercion and temptation, some orcs will definitely accept it.

However, in Wu Lingfeng's prediction, the fox clan and the cat clan should be able to win, after all, these two races have been bullied by the orc camp. And if Wu Lingfeng announces that Xia Lu and Xiaoying will become his princesses, then they should be tempted.

Just the pack of wolves. It's hard to say, the werewolves belong to the backbone of the orc empire, and they are a powerful race. The wolf cavalry is very powerful, so it is enough, the only thing that can be used is the golden holy garment of the wolf clan that Meng possesses.


Helena and the others watched Wu Lingfeng deep in thought, so they couldn't help not interrupting, but the time was too long. It's not good to keep everyone waiting, so Helena let out a soft cry.

"Ah, oh..."

Wu Lingfeng woke up suddenly, breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Next, we will continue to attack the Orc Empire. Before that, everyone knew that it was in the fortress city. The Orc Empire lost one of their most elite troops, which seriously hurt their vitality. , so we have to take action when the enemy is in the most pain, and we cannot give them a little breathing time.

But before the battle, I want to show you my prediction that the Thousand Year Calamity is coming. If the mainland races slaughter each other, it may not be beneficial to future battles, so I decided to adopt a national integration strategy to merge the orcs into the Dragon Kingdom, so that the orcs and humans can live together. Of course, the merged orcs are relatively friendly to humans, what do you think? "

Helena frowned and said: "There has never been such a thing in history. Orcs, humans, elves, and dwarves all live in their own countries. Although they communicate with each other, everyone doesn't like to live with other races. It's not me. Races, their hearts must be different, the king needs to carefully consider..."

"Yes, the living habits of orcs are completely different from those of humans. How to advocate is a problem..." Artoria also worried.

"Anyway, I don't like these orcs..." Napoleon said with a frown.

"My concern is whether they will submit to human rule..." Lawrence said.


Others also spoke one after another, not feeling that Wu Lingfeng's strategy of ethnic integration would be successful.

Wu Lingfeng frowned, waved his hands, and said, "Before anything comes to fruition, it doesn't mean it won't succeed, and I didn't just think about it randomly.

First of all, the first step of the strategy, we carry out the orcs, and severely attack their arrogance, let them understand that the human beings are already very powerful, and they cannot be oppressed at will.

This creates a lot of psychological pressure on the enemy, and if we win consecutive battles in the Orc Empire, then they will feel fear. This is called psychological warfare, and we have defeated the enemy in the heart and spirit.

In the second step, we made a big announcement that Xia Lu, Ying, and Meng would become my concubines. The status of the three of them is not low among the orcs. The three of them are Lu, Yingying, and Meng, so the enemy will not all reject our kindness, and some of them will start to want to join the human camp.

In this way, we have achieved strategic success. This is called a strategic war, and the orcs are overwhelmed by the strategy. At the same time, we announced that for those stubborn guys, hehe, heavy punishment, coercion and temptation, so that they have to surrender.

The third step is national integration, the two races live together, and intermarriage must be carried out. My king has accepted an orc princess as a concubine. You soldiers should follow suit. I will choose beautiful orc women to give to my subordinates. Excellent generals as wives will form an influence among the people, and those who can marry orc beauties are excellent human generals, so they will have no resistance to interracial marriages.

And if our intermarriage plan is successful, not only will it be recognized on the human side, but also on the orc side, they will feel that we humans are very sincere and want to live in harmony with them.

A king, if he just kills, is not a real king. The king I want to be the king of Wu Lingfeng is the king of conquest. I will conquer all races and become the king of the world. Hesitation, in the end, is just a small king. "

Artoria nodded and said: "If you follow the king's three plans, you will undoubtedly succeed gradually. This is a world-wide masterpiece. Blind killing is not enough to prove the king's strength. I agree with this..."

"Indeed, if inter-ethnic killings continue, they will be nothing more than senseless vendettas and trampling. Wang's strategy of ethnic integration is truly a unparalleled approach in the world." Lawrence nodded.

"The king has made a decision, so we will follow. And so far, the king has not made any mistakes. He has been advancing wisely, and the future needs to be brave to open up. I, Helena, am willing to follow the king's orders." Will!" Helena put her right hand on her chest.

"I believe..." Evert said.

"Me too..." Shania said.

"..." The others agreed one after another.

Wu Lingfeng nodded, and said, "Okay, now we will implement the first strategy and prepare the army immediately. Helena is in charge of logistics, supervising the supply of food and supplies, and the others will organize the soldiers and go out to start fighting."


Everyone fought and left the meeting room.


The next day, all the soldiers were ready to go, looking at the king in front of them, Wu Lingfeng, with high spirits.

Wu Lingfeng's mount now turned into Xiaohong. Huo Qilin's majesty and majesty made everyone feel awe, and Wu Lingfeng was also set off to be more majestic.

"Soldiers, after a few days of leisure, have you forgotten the pride and ambition of the battlefield?" Wu Lingfeng asked.


All the soldiers shouted out.

Wu Lingfeng shook his head, and said loudly, "Didn't you eat? This king didn't hear..."

"No! No! No!!"

All of a sudden, everyone roared out, and the roar pierced through the sky.

Wu Lingfeng nodded. Said: "Okay, it's my soldiers, cheer me up, and do the same on the battlefield, let the enemy see your high-spirited fighting spirit. Now we have regained the lost ground, but this is not enough to satisfy us. We have to Open up the territory, the territory of the orcs in the north is too wide, how can we let them monopolize it, what do you think?"

"Can't! Can't! Can't!"

All the soldiers roared out one after another.

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said, "Yes, we can't, we just can't, so we want to conquer, conquer the orcs. Now everyone draws out the big sword in their hands and swears to me..."


All the soldiers drew out the big swords at their waists.

"In my journey to conquer the orcs, I swear:

Never rage and murder.

Never betray.

Never cruel, give forgiveness to those who surrender.

Always give assistance to the lady.

Never bully a lady.

Never get drawn into a fight by quarreling. "

Everyone followed Wu Lingfeng and read word by word.

Arturia's steadfast emerald eyes were suddenly surprised. Wu Lingfeng's oath this time was the same as the oath she took to lead the Knights of the Round Table back then, which brought back some memories for her.

After taking the oath, Wu Lingfeng said: "Soldiers, although we want to conquer the orcs, under the witness of God, we are brave and righteous knights. We will not learn the cruelty and tyranny of the orcs. Those are just barbarians, and we are not , we are knights of great justice, we must use our actions to tell all races of Alment how noble we human knights are.

In this attack, do not kill those who surrender, do not kill women, forgive those who ask for forgiveness, do not rape, rape or plunder, you are knights of justice and honor, do not discredit the noble face of knights, you can do it If you don't, follow me forward, and stay in the fortress city if you can't. "

All the soldiers did not back down, they wanted to be righteous and honorable knights, and they had just made an oath, so they will abide by the oath.

Wu Lingfeng's actions are actually a prerequisite for the integration of the nation. If humans wantonly kill on the territory of the orcs, then the orcs will not join the human camp no matter how afraid they are. If humans are knights of noble honor, then they will have a good impression .

"Then, put away your sword, hold on to the reins in your hands, and the whole army strikes!!"

Wu Lingfeng roared loudly, took the lead, and rushed out of the city gate.


After advancing for a long time, Wu Lingfeng finally came into contact with the first orc tribe they encountered, which was a tribe of jackals. Wu Lingfeng led the soldiers to kill all the orcs who resisted and let go of those who surrendered.

Afterwards, he encountered many orc tribes in succession. Wu Lingfeng implemented the same strategy, killing all the orcs who dared to resist, and those who surrendered were let go. He maintained considerable respect for the orc women.

Wu Lingfeng let these orcs go to spread the news of human invasion everywhere. On the one hand, they will exaggerate the strength of human beings, and on the other hand, they will exaggerate the honor and nobility of human knights. They will forgive those who surrender and respect women. The traitor | rape and plunder.

Presumably under the promotion of these two aspects, the orcs are afraid of human cavalry on the one hand, and have a good impression on the other hand. After all, human knights are knights of high honor. They forgive the weak and protect women. They are knights of justice.

After traveling a certain distance, Wu Lingfeng ordered the camp to be set up on the spot, and asked Xiaolan, a giant frost dragon, to build a temporary ice city. After all, it was winter and the ice city would not melt, so he could build a defensive wall for Wu Lingfeng.


Orc Palace.

Cliff has a headache and sits on the throne of the Beast Emperor, watching battle reports from all over the world. Almost all races have battle reports, asking Cliff’s army for support. A horde of orcs are rivals to humanity.

Although Cliff has now sat on the throne, he has lost a large number of strong soldiers in the fortress city. It is impossible for him to send out the remaining soldiers in the Beastman Kingdom. There are Timberlake's remnants, so beware of them, and if he sends troops now, he may not be able to defeat Wu Lingfeng, and if he fails consecutively, it will make everyone question his position as the Beast Emperor.

Reluctantly, Cliff could only choose to abandon part of his existence, and call those powerful races and tribes to the vicinity of the imperial capital to gather together, so that they can carry out efficient protection. As for those weak races, hehe, let them fend for themselves Bar.

"Haha, how are you doing recently, my good nephew..." Adolf walked in from outside the palace.

"Oh, uncle, I'm worried to death right now. Our army was completely lost in the fortress city. Although that fellow Timberlake died and I sat on the throne, but now that humans invaded, we have no soldiers. Is it available?" Cliff looked at his uncle and sighed helplessly.

Adolf stroked his beard and said: "Haha, I think my nephew should not be called Your Majesty anymore. Your Majesty probably has already made a decision. You can't have the kindness of a woman. Most of the periphery of the empire is powerless and powerless." Some humble existences of Li, just ignore them, just gather all the main tribal races into the empire.

And human beings dare not go too deep into the belly of the empire, let them consume it, our most important thing now is to clean up the old department of the First Prince, recently those guys are very restless..."

Cliff nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, the emperor has already sat on the throne, and they still dare to make trouble everywhere. They don't care about me, His Majesty the emperor. It's time to clean up..."

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